When I run my NB 1500 on Lipo battery, it is very unstable. It frequently locks up. It performs much better on USB power. It performs better when I use same Lipo Battery and convert it to 5V using Sparkfun Lipo charger into USB port. Not sure why.
NB 1500
comes up as a running shoe and a few other things. I will take a SWAG and say the voltage is to low when running on the Lipo.
As much as I like the "New Balance" brand shoes, I think I would give preference to the Arduino MKR NB 1500:
The charging control behaves weirdly on it. When I run the board with a fully charged lipo and USB, it takes power from both USB and lipo. The evidence is that I draw fewer amperage from USB with lipo attached then without.
That is probably caused by the impedance of the sources, this would cause the current to shift between as the battery discharged. Can you post the schematic showing all the connections. I have no idea what the Lipo is actually supplying as to voltage etc.
MKR NB1500 has a Lipo port on the board. I connect my Lipo battery direct to that Lipo board and also USB port to an power source.
What else is connected? How do you determine it is very unstable? What is the condition of the Lipo Battery, and have you tried another one? How about links to each of the hardware devices showing technical information? How did you determine it was not charging the battery when it was connected to the 5V?
The LiPo is to prevent undervoltage in case of power spikes caused by the modem and i think also to improve the antenna performance. It's not to power the whole MKR.
They work also without the LiPo if powered sufficient.
Try a better USB cable with a 2A source or power the MKR directly. A long/low quality USB cable let the voltage go below the minimum limit if the modem drains power spikes while maximize the antenna power.
Ok. So even with external power, I may still need to keep Lipo connected just to buffer high power usage? I find the Lipo connector on MKRNB1500 not very useful as it won't boost to 5V to power external GPS module.
Yes. In general, a proper power supply for the mkr (and shields) is highly recommended.
When the voltage goes low, the processor acts flaky before it stops.
Very strange behaviour can occur and may missled you to a bug hunt in your code while just the voltage was a little too low (maybe only very short).
With proper power supply you don't need the Lipo IMHO
Yeah, you are probably right. Currently I am powering the device from Adafruit PowerBoost 1000 Charger - Rechargeable 5V Lipo USB Boost @ 1A 1000C. So, it's 1A max. The board does has some weird behavior that I can't fully understand. But on the other hand, when I measure the power draw using a tester, the power drawn never went above 300mA. I thought my power supply is enough. And Adafruit make it to output 5.2V from my 3.7v Lipo.
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