Need 24 timer run all time

i need a timer.
i have arduino but can get a rele too.

i need timer go on/off with less 4 sec delay

example- need timer to
-go off clock 10:10.30 and on 10:10.33
go off clock 14:10.30 and on 14:10.33
go off clock 00:10.30 and on 00:10.33

is to switch mode on my aquarium led

i seen manual but some only do minutes not seconds.
same as for "smart" only down min.
some DIN timers go down to sec

You don't need an external timer if you have a microcontroller. You can use a Real time clock with any arduino. And I would use a mosfet as the switch and not a relay.

i look at Relémodul for D1 Mini and a d1 with wifi

need trun off/on ac power 240v

You can use a solid state relay rated for your application. I don't know if the control voltage can be driven by arduino or you might have to still use a mosfet for that.

How many outputs are you looking to control? 1? 8? 24?

  • Use a RTC to keep time better than an Arduino's +/-432sec/day,
  • convert the times in your table to seconds since midnight,
  • Use something like an RTC library's unixtime() and edge-detect the midnight change-overs, and also your event edges.

Here's a thread about keeping track of 1000 timer run all time:

And a simulation doing so:

Luxorparts Wemos D1 Mini Utviklingskort

Luxorparts Relémodul for utviklingskortet D1 Mini

Luxorparts DC-modul til utviklingskortet D1 Mini

i think buy this

What bottom one?

all 3 or just them 2 on topp and use good usb charger

One of perhaps a gazillion out there for cheap-as.........

is have only 1 min intrval

Well if you want 1 second interval you'll need to make your own.
Commercial and hence "cheap-as" timers are made to suit the masses, not an individual requirement.
uC, real time clock, relays or mosfets output, power supply, plus programming and enclosure with display readout etc. etc. all add up to make an expensive item in comparison.

to pick up your comm-style

pattern of 24 timers?

think this is effective + sufficient?
your motherlanguage?