Hello guys. i need help with finding some sort of audio device for a project. what i need is a buzzer which i can use with my arduino uno. i don't know alot about electronics so i hoped you could help me?
we have limited websites to choose components from in denmark, so i have two different buzzers. which one should i pick, or do you have a better idea for a buzzer / audio device. it just has to be able to make a beep sound.
the main thing is that i see they are AC right? will that work with arduino?
Let's start with this: An Arduino digital output-pin puts-out (about) 5VDC when on and (about) 0V when off. The I/O pins are rated for 40mA maximum, and the actual current depends on the impedance/resistance of the "load" that you connect ([u]Ohm's Law[/u]).
What you need is a piezo device that works at 5V and "draws" less than 40mA.
There are two types of "noise making' pizeo devices. A DC piezo buzzer has a sound generating circuit built-in. You simply apply a DC voltage and it makes noise.
A piezo transducer is like an audio speaker, and you need to apply an AC signal.
You can use either one with the Arduino. Of course, a buzzer is slightly easier to use. A transducer requires you to provide an "AC" signal. You can generate a 5V, 2kHz square wave by switching the Arduino's output pin on-and-off 2000 times per second (easy to do in software). The advantage is that with the Arduino generating the signal, you can control the frequency (pitch).