Need help with project

Hi everyone,
I'm starting with Arduino and trying to achieve a domotic controlled system to switch on and off lights and controlling my house's blinds remotely using the Ethernet shield and a quite simple web server.

I did the programming stuff and it switches on and off some leds remotely, but I'm having problems trying to modify the remote controller to open and close the blinds. I mean, blinds are remote controlled, I opened the controller and found some push buttons which I want to get pushed remotely, so I tried using transistors to get a 500ms push... but something gets wrong when connecting the other push buttons and the system gets crazy.

The remote controller uses a 3V battery, so I used the transistor to switch 3V from collector to emitter applying 5V on transistor's base. I'm using the 2N3904 one.

Some ideas? I thought It'd be possible using relays, am I correct?

Thanks a lot!

I don't know what's causing that problem, but I guess that's an infrared remote control system. People have successfully sent and received IR control signals using Arduino. Have you considered eliminating the handset entirely and having the Arduino deal with the whole thing? That would also leave the original handset available for 'manual override' if you ever wanted that.

Thanks PeterH,

It's a 433,42 MHz radio transmitter. I don't want to open the receiver so i'm trying to "bridge" these pushbuttons on the correct time.

Would relays solve it? I also tried to switch the current from one button's lead to the other by using the transistor's collector-emitter but it doesn't work. I guess it's too less current to get through the transistor, so I thought It could be the same with a relay...

I'm stuck... any idea?

Solved! I was using resistors where I should not.

Thanks anyway.