New sketch window dimensions

I'm trying to find a way to change the new sketch dimensions. I have 3 monitors set up to display as one. When I open a new sketch the IDE window spans all 3 monitors. I've searched this forum but the results weren't related to my query. Since preferences.txt is no longer used, which file can I edit to set the new sketch window size?


IDE Ver. 2.1.1

ALT-spacebar-R to restore windowing (from fullscreen) then grab the corners and resize the window.

It's not full screen. I can grab the corners to resize it. I'd much rather it open to a smaller size than have to raise it every time I start a sketch.

The request is tracked here: As a user I want to keep my current window size when opening a new sketch or example · Issue #1329 · arduino/arduino-ide · GitHub.

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Is there any estimate of when this will be implemented as it has been open for nearly a year. Every time I open the IDE I grit my teeth and resize the window. It is very, very annoying

Personally I do not regard this as an enhancement, rather it is basic functionality

What is the process for deciding what changes are made to the IDE ?

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Not half as annoying as a Serial Monitor that still does not work properly with copying.

Don't hold your breath. I'm aware of a builder issue that was reported 2.5 years ago and it's still a valid issue. And in the replies it's said "We'll investigate soon and report back".

I had forgotten about the problem of copying from the Serial monitor but at least the problem does not occur every time that I open the IDE

I am 100% with @UKHeliBob. I very seldom use the serial monitor so that one does not bother me. The opening screen size, however, is a real pain.

Neither Serial Monitor nor the size of the IDE at startup bothers me :smiley: By the time I really need Serial Monitor, I will use a terminal program.

My point is that bug fixes are more important than feature requests.

@Willem43, how is the weather treating you?

@sterretje. Bloody cold. We are not used to this - snow flakes this morning? Not seen since '81

You can not really call the fluff that came down snow flakes :wink: Like shaking out the blankets, that was the kind of snow.

As you might know, I'm from the Netherlands. I drive a motor bike and had never driven in the snow till one day a couple of years ago in South Africa when I had to drive back from work from Randburg to Helderkruin.

I must have missed that one, Randburg to Helderkruin. The last time I played in the snow was with my kids, 2 and 4 then, in Milpark in '81 :laughing:.

You must admit snow is a rather rare occurrence here on the reef.

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