Hi, i'm new to Arduino. I have an idea but not sure about if its possible.
I have a RC drift car, but it sounds really weird. I want to use real car sounds instead of it, like RB26 or 2JZ. I have all sounds of those engines (like 0-1000 rpm, 1000-2500 rpm, 2500-4000 rpm, 4000-6000 rpm, 6000-8000 rpm, idle, backfire etc.) and i want to use them.
My question is that, is this possible to play sounds with Arduino in each case? Like racing game sound system, or Car Sound Mixer (for lfs) if you know. (for example to CSR; LFS 200SX Sound (CarSound Remixer) - YouTube)
Yea, with an mp3 module or shield. I have this one. Sound module WTV020-SD-16P
The question is how will you trigger the sounds? A timer or a PWM value perhaps?
If you want, you can completely remake the car with arduino components and make your own controller too.
I really don't know much thing about Arduino, i thought i could put a rpm sensor on my RC's spur gear and play sounds for the rpm info. But i need much help to do it
You may be able to use an optic encoder and read the teeth on the gear or you can go with the regular rotatory encoder and either attach it to the wheel or gear itself.
Im assuming the car allows you to adjust the speed, am I right? If so, you may just be able to read that voltage or PWM signal and play the sounds from it.
Yes i can adjust speed by trigger on transmitter. It's a 2.4ghz 2-channel rx-tx system if it makes a sense, but i dont think i can read voltage because there aren't only + and -, there are 3 cables. (A B C)
Is PWM signal the signal that goes to servo and ESC from receiver? If yes, i can read PWM signal
Yes but, there is PWM that is used for regular digital pins(~) and there is one for servos. You will need to read the one for the servo possibly with the servo library if it has a way to actually read the input pin. If not then you need to use the pulseIn() function to get the PWM value.