
Will there be an option to program NodeMCU v1, v2 and v3 in the future?

I would like to start my experience with those modules, and Arduino Create is perfect IDE for me.

Cheers :wink:


ESP8266 support is in our roadmap but we do not have an ETA yet.

Thank you for trying Arduino Create!

Great to hear that :slight_smile:

You did an awesome work with arduino create!!

Earlier i was using codebender but after it wend down i found arduino create, and it is GREAT !!!

Many thanks for Your hard work.

I'd love to move to the editor, but mainly use NodeMCU boards... Has the board been put on the roadmap?

Also, when in the editor, having some ads won't bother me and I hope you get some compensation for all the great work!


The answer was two posts above yours. YES it is on the road map.
Please bear in mind that Arduino does not control the boards cores for such as ESP etc. only the products the manufacture so time frames for adding other peoples boards can be very time consuming due to the logistics of getting permission and all the other aspects.

Are you seeing adverts ?
The only thing I see is the Amazon logo at the lower left and that's not really an advert.
If you do see unwanted ads you may want to check your computer for an errant browser hijack or unwanted add on.

@ballscrewbob, @paulhoekstra is saying he won't be bothered seeing ads, in case we would add them :))

I am using Arduino Create Editor for some months.

It's perfect for me too. Maybe the compiling process is a slower than compiling on Arduino IDE.

Is there a list with Arduino Create Editor supported boards? I mean if only Arduino boards works with it. I have a Arduino Uno clone and it works perfect with it.


You can speed the compile times by adding the create folders to exclusions in any security software you have.
Usually the ones in the users sections.

C:\Users\insert user name here.arduino-create

C:\Users\insert user name here\AppData\Roaming\ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1

@robysottini you can find the complete list from the Board Dropdown, and then pressing Select Other Board and Port (see attachment). We are going to add the list to the help panel as well.

Thanks for your report!