Not declared in this scope errors

Hi there!
I keep getting these "not declared in this scope" errors, even though I am declaring these in the setup function, (which I thought made them global). But I've included them in the setup function or brfore the setup fonction and I get the same errors regardless It's like the compiler can't see them What am I doing wrong?


C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino: In function 'void loop()':
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:34:7: error: 'Zbutton' was not declared in this scope
   if (Zbutton == 1)     // if z button is pressed 'Enter joystick CALIBRATION MODE'
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:36:5: error: 'calmode' was not declared in this scope
     calmode = 1;     // calibration mode on
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:36:5: note: suggested alternative: 'calloc'
     calmode = 1;     // calibration mode on
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:39:7: error: 'calmode' was not declared in this scope
       calmode = 0;     // calibration mode off
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:39:7: note: suggested alternative: 'calloc'
       calmode = 0;     // calibration mode off
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:41:6: error: 'Cbutton' was not declared in this scope
      Cbutton = 0;   // reset c button state to NOT PRESSED
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino: At global scope:
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:46:9: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
   While (calmode == 1)   // while inCALIBRATION MODE. read the nunchuk and move the servo with the Y joystick position
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:55:9: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
   While (calmode == 0)   // while CALIBRATION MODE is OFF
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:65:2: error: 'Zbutton' does not name a type
  Zbutton = 0;   // reset Z BUTTON state to "NOT PRESSED'
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:66:2: error: 'Cbutton' does not name a type
  Cbutton = 0;   // reset C BUTTON state to 'NOT PRESSED'
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:68:1: error: 'daPayload' does not name a type
 daPayload=nunchuck_get_data(); // get more nunchuk data
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:69:22: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
  nunchuk_print_data();  // go print the nunchuk data to the serial monitor for debugging ourposes
C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\RobotGlove\RobotGlove\RobotGlove.ino:70:5: error: expected declaration before '}' token
Multiple libraries were found for "Servo.h"
  Used: C:\Users\Japper\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Servo
  Not used: C:\Users\Japper\AppData\Local\Arduino15\libraries\Servo
exit status 1

Compilation error: 'Zbutton' was not declared in this scope



#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
// ----RobotGlove.ino ====   //

Servo servo;                     // Define servo

void setup() {
  int nunchuk_buf[6];  	    // array to storenunchuk data,
  int MaxServ = 0;        	// maximum servo pos
  int MinServ = 0;         	// minimum  servo pos
  int ServPos = 0;         	// actual servo pos
  int calmode = 0;         	// 1 =RUN mode, 0 = CALIBRATE mode
  int Zbutton = 0;		      // nunchuk Z BUTTON, 1 = pressed, 0= not pressed
  int Cbutton = 0;		      // nunchuk C BUTTON, 1 = pressed, 0= not pressed
  int  daPayload;		        // data received from nunchuk, 0= failed , 2= succedded
  servo.attach(11); 		    // Set servo to digital pin 11

 //------------------------------- END OF SETUP --------------------------------

void loop() 
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x52);  	// transmit to nunchuk device 0x52
  Wire.write(0x40);              		// send the nunchuk memory address
  Wire.write(0x00);              		// send  the nunchuk  a zero to request data.
  Wire.endTransmission();        		// stop transmitting
  Serial.begin(19200);		// Set up serial port fot thr serial monitor for debugging purposes

  if (Zbutton == 1)  			// if z button is pressed 'Enter joystick CALIBRATION MODE'
    calmode = 1;  			// calibration mode on
    else {
      calmode = 0;  			// calibration mode off
     Zbutton = 0;			// reset z button state to NOT PRESSED
     Cbutton = 0;			// reset c button state to NOT PRESSED


  While (calmode == 1) 		// while inCALIBRATION MODE. read the nunchuk and move the servo with the Y joystick position
     daPayload=nunchuck_get_data();	// go get the nunchuk data
     nunchuk_print_data();		// go print the nunchuk data to the serial monitor for debugging ourposes 
      delay(500);			// allow for settling time
    if (Cbutton == 1) 			 // if c button is pressed 'Exit joystick CALIBRATION MODE', and enter RUN MODE  where the servo is continually  		 {				// cycled between the  maximum to minimum automatically based on CALIBEATION MODE measured limits  
      calmode = 0;  			    
  While (calmode == 0) 		// while CALIBRATION MODE is OFF
   daPayload=nunchuck_get_data();	// get more data from the nunchuk
   nunchuk_print_data();		// set to print the newnunchuk  data to the serial monitor for debugging purposes
    delay(500);			// wait for settling time
    if (Zbutton == 1)  			// if z button is pressed 'Enter joystick CALIBRATION MODE again'
      calmode = 1; 			// CALIBRATION MODE is ON
 Zbutton = 0;			// reset Z BUTTON state to "NOT PRESSED'
 Cbutton = 0;			// reset C BUTTON state to 'NOT PRESSED'
daPayload=nunchuck_get_data();	// get more nunchuk data 
 nunchuk_print_data();		// go print the nunchuk data to the serial monitor for debugging ourposes
  delay(500);			// allow for settling time

}  // ======================= END OF LOOP=============

Help us help you.

That's exactly the problem.
Move them out of setup, like every example you've seen

Declaring a variable in any function makes it local to that function. Global variables need to be declared outside of any function, usually near the start of a sketch before they are used

Please read the forum posting guidelines.

Post your code.

It's in the original post

Post#1does not contain the code that caused the error.


It is now.

As others have mentioned... variables should be declared BEFORE the setup() routine.

Ah I see. I scrolled down. Typically people don't combine code and error message. Sorry.

One thing wrong

#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
// ----RobotGlove.ino ====   //

Servo servo;                     // Define servo
  int nunchuk_buf[6];  	    // array to storenunchuk data,
  int MaxServ = 0;        	// maximum servo pos
  int MinServ = 0;         	// minimum  servo pos
  int ServPos = 0;         	// actual servo pos
  int calmode = 0;         	// 1 =RUN mode, 0 = CALIBRATE mode
  int Zbutton = 0;		      // nunchuk Z BUTTON, 1 = pressed, 0= not pressed
  int Cbutton = 0;		      // nunchuk C BUTTON, 1 = pressed, 0= not pressed
  int  daPayload;		        // data received from nunchuk, 0= failed , 2= succedded

void setup() {
  servo.attach(11); 		    // Set servo to digital pin 11

 //------------------------------- END OF SETUP --------------------------------

void loop() 
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x52);  	// transmit to nunchuk device 0x52
  Wire.write(0x40);              		// send the nunchuk memory address
  Wire.write(0x00);              		// send  the nunchuk  a zero to request data.
  Wire.endTransmission();        		// stop transmitting
  Serial.begin(19200);		// Set up serial port fot thr serial monitor for debugging purposes

  if (Zbutton == 1)  			// if z button is pressed 'Enter joystick CALIBRATION MODE'
    calmode = 1;  			// calibration mode on
    else {
      calmode = 0;  			// calibration mode off
     Zbutton = 0;			// reset z button state to NOT PRESSED
     Cbutton = 0;			// reset c button state to NOT PRESSED


  While (calmode == 1) 		// while inCALIBRATION MODE. read the nunchuk and move the servo with the Y joystick position
     daPayload=nunchuck_get_data();	// go get the nunchuk data
     nunchuk_print_data();		// go print the nunchuk data to the serial monitor for debugging ourposes 
      delay(500);			// allow for settling time
    if (Cbutton == 1) 			 // if c button is pressed 'Exit joystick CALIBRATION MODE', and enter RUN MODE  where the servo is continually  		 {				// cycled between the  maximum to minimum automatically based on CALIBEATION MODE measured limits  
      calmode = 0;  			    
  While (calmode == 0) 		// while CALIBRATION MODE is OFF
   daPayload=nunchuck_get_data();	// get more data from the nunchuk
   nunchuk_print_data();		// set to print the newnunchuk  data to the serial monitor for debugging purposes
    delay(500);			// wait for settling time
    if (Zbutton == 1)  			// if z button is pressed 'Enter joystick CALIBRATION MODE again'
      calmode = 1; 			// CALIBRATION MODE is ON
 Zbutton = 0;			// reset Z BUTTON state to "NOT PRESSED'
 Cbutton = 0;			// reset C BUTTON state to 'NOT PRESSED'
daPayload=nunchuck_get_data();	// get more nunchuk data 
 nunchuk_print_data();		// go print the nunchuk data to the serial monitor for debugging ourposes
  delay(500);			// allow for settling time

}  // ======================= END OF LOOP=============

that I fixed.

It always was.
The post is unedited
Complete with misspelled "while"

Why the heck is serial begin in loop() when it should be in setup()?

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