NRF24L01+ and ATtiny85 not working for me

I have been working with NRF24L01+ with Arduino Uno. Works fine.

Now, I want to migrate the transmitter to ATtiny85, while the receiver remains at Arduino Uno.

I find these website: nRF24L01+ with ATtiny85 3 Pins - and Nrf24l01+ Using 3 ATtiny85 Pins | Hackaday and followed, but no luck.

What I have tried but not working:

  1. 3.3V and GND with and without capacitor, 5 ATtiny85 pins and 3 pins
  2. 5V --> Red LED --> GND with and without capacitor, 5 ATtiny85 pins and 3 pins
  3. Arduino Uno for both transmitter and receiver using the code (5 pins, not 3 pins) in the website.

For now, I wish to use 5 pins for the ATtiny85 before moving on to 3 pins. but even using 5 ATiny85 pins, the receiver simply does not receive any data from transmitter.

Please help.

I don't know what library you are using for the moment, but this are my favorite code for nrf24l01.
It uses simple software spi so you can change the pins to whatever you need.
I added my implementation of Nerd Ralph's 3 pin trick,
i left CE in the code but you can just tie that high and comment it out in the code. if you plan to use sleep mode in the code you will need to control the CE pin anyway.

Try the code on uno/mega first and then just comment out the serial and the code should run just fine on attiny85

This code is very basic but with a bit of reading in the nrf data sheet you can implement almost any nrf functions you need.

Best of luck!!! (15.5 KB)

Hi, thank you for your reply and the codes.

For 3 pins, do I need to add diode etc components as Nerd Ralph's 3 pin trick? or just direct connect to Uno ?

I would like to thank swe-dude very much.

I have been able to make the Attiny85 transmits data using 4 pins (CE to high, enough for me) using the code swe-dude provided.

not managed to use 3 pins, but it is good enough for me!