Hi, Iam new to arduino.
(LED Display Board using P10 LED Matrix Display and Arduino).
Problem 1 :
I did same wiring but then remaining of led lights also tend to glow somewhat dimmer which were not given as inputs (characters,strings,numeric). Should I code something to set frequency or setpixel to turn off. I bought this display from my region which is of model P10 -(1R)-V806F.
Problem 2 :
I'm using DMD2 library. I want to use write function which takes input from Serial.
But this function has some limitation of scrolling not as that of DMD library. Slight change is required, but i want to know whether i want to edit in library or do something else.
Thanks in advance. It would be great if people would lend a hand for me.
From my point view, this board manufacturer P10 -(1R)-V806F is defective.
This product is failure unless he provides code for Polarization(Data and OE).
At setBrightness(255), background led lights should not glow.
I had followed correct circuit diagram but in the end,unsatisfied results.
As a request Arduino people can convey to the concerned manufacturer of about the product.
If the issue prevails, please don't buy this P10model P10 -(1R)-V806F.
For e.g. Look signs of DataPolar and OE Polar.These two pic, i had configured successfully and integrated in my product with the help of Powerled. But the current board P10 -(1R)-V806F, I am unable to configure. Its ok, but I think we can control through arduino uno setup. That's why I stated either manufacturer has to provide additional details or arduino person has to land a help.
It would be great help for me. Code isn't extraordinary, simply took Scrolling program from LED Display Board using P10 LED Matrix Display and Arduino (circuitdigest.com)
Test sketch for split screen scrolling
NOTE that this sketch uses the Freetronics version of the DMD library available here:
but with the additional dmd.stepSplitMarquee() function.
I also suggest that you make sure this has been changed DMD.cpp
change the line:
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); // system clock / 2 = 8MHz SPI CLK to shift registers
This provides a marked improvement in the DMD update time within the interrupt routine.
#include "SPI.h"
#include "DMD.h"
#include "TimerOne.h"
#include "SystemFont5x7.h"
void ScanDMD()
void setup()
Timer1.initialize( 5000 ); // I find the default 5000 gives a visible flicker
Timer1.attachInterrupt( ScanDMD );
dmd.clearScreen( true ); // start with a blank screen
void loop()
unsigned long time;
int n;
boolean ret = false;
// Show some stationary text on the bottom half, and scrolling text on the top half
// scrolls 3 times
dmd.drawString(0,8,"Stays still",11,GRAPHICS_NORMAL); // the stationary string
dmd.drawMarquee("Scrolling text",14,0,0); // set up the marquee
time = millis();
while(n<3) {
while (!ret) {
if ((time+30) < millis()) {
ret = dmd.stepSplitMarquee(0,7); // parameters are the top & bottom rows to be scrolled
time = millis();
ret = false;
dmd.clearScreen( true );
// Now some stationary text on the top half, and scrolling text on the bottom half
// scrolls for 10 seconds
dmd.drawString(0,0,"Stays still",11,GRAPHICS_NORMAL); // stationary text
dmd.drawMarquee("Scrolling text",14,0,8); // set up the marquee
time = millis();
while ((millis() - time)<10000){ // loop for 10 seconds
dmd.stepSplitMarquee(8,15); // only scroll rows 8 to 15
} // a slightly different way to loop for stepping the marquee
// note that this does not test for completion of the scroll, but continues until
// the 10 second time has expired
dmd.clearScreen( true );
// Now a bit of fun
dmd.drawString(0,-4,"vvvvvvvvvvv",11,GRAPHICS_NORMAL); // note the position is above a single DMD so
// only part of the text will be visible
dmd.drawString(0,13,"^^^^^^^^^^^",11,GRAPHICS_NORMAL); // and this is too far down a single DMD so
// only part will be visible
// these 2 lines above use partial characters displayed on the screen by placing the text at non-standard positions
// to give a graphical highlight effect.
dmd.drawMarquee("Scrolling text",14,0,5);
time = millis();
while ((millis() - time)<10000){ // again we will scroll for 10 seconds
dmd.clearScreen( true );
Please give suggestion on the DMD library. Also I found that LedP10 libray gives the result what I want but has flickering issue. May be this LedP10 library is a headstart to study and solve this issue. I am having hard time to understand this library, like manual debugging.