I already did a capacitance meter for arduino and test it on some capacitors and it outputs almost the correct value, however when I try to connect the arduino based capacitance meter in the parallel plates capacitor it outputs a very small value compared to the original capacitance meter.
Measures the capacitance between D7 and A2.
Prints the result to the Serial Monitor.
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <Capacitor.h>
// Capacitor under test.
// Note that for electrolytics the first pin (in this case D7)
// should be positive, the second (in this case A2) negative.
Capacitor cap1(7,A2);
void setup() {
void loop() {
Serial.println(cap1.Measure()); // Measure the capacitance (in pF), print to Serial Monitor
delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second, then repeat
Low capacitance values are difficult to measure. I wouldn't really trust either measurement.
If you have a known-value capacitor of approximately the same value as your homemade one, you can measure it with both setups to see what you get.
But if you have a "good" multimeter the specs should give you the range and accuracy. Note that specified accuracy is often "full scale" so if there is a 1000pF range and it's rated for 1% accuracy, the readings could be off by 10pF on any reading with the meter set to that range.
I would trust a laboratory grade, calibrated, capacitor meter or LCR meter to be within it's published specs,
Depending on the size of the plates and the separation, the capacitance WILL be a very small value. Google will even point you to a formula to actually determine the capacitance of your capacitor much more accurate than your meter.