Hi all, trying to come up with a solution with an older pet and a new one.
We have a 10 yr old miniature Eskimo that is very spastic. We have tolerated his issues and avoided vet advice to have him put down because of his temperament because he is a puppy mill dog and has endering qualities at times. Recently our rescue cat that we had for 18 years just passed and we went and got another rescue. She extremely loving but small and our dog wants to attack her. I would like to put on a collar on both that would warn the the dog with vibration and sound to keep him away if he got within about a foot to a foot and a half of her. We watch as much as possible but it would be nice for a bit more lead time if he tried when our backs are turned. Btw we have another dog that has no problem with her.
I've done a cat door before and passive RFID was fine. I'm thinking a ping solution but not sure what would be best ir or ultrasound. The pet store has nothing suitable except the electronic fence Wich would need to be reversed. And distance is an issue since it still needs to be very close proximity but not to close that's why I believe about a foot and a half to two feet is appropriate.
A cat door is not a critical situation, two dogs attacking each other is. Your best option is to keep them separated. Adding punishment to them in an aggressive situation is likely to make them more aggressive.
This isn't punishment just vibration and sound for distraction of the situation. Unpredictable dog being aggressive to smaller new cat. If the dog understands the irritation if he gets to close then he will leave her alone. No pain not doing a shock collar thing those are inhumane. Just freedom for both if they keep their distance from one another.