Im having a problem setting up a timer with a pir sensor.
what im aiming to do is to set it up so if the sensor detects motion it comes on and sets a timer to turn off, moving forward if the timer is not up yet and it detects motion again the timer will reset so the light can stay on.
motion detected - light turns on
45 second timer is started
at 15 seconds left motion is detected again
timer will reset to 45 - light stays on
is this something that needs to be done with threading or is there another way?
Here is simple_oneShot example: Change HOLD_MS to 45000.0 and you are good to go.
#include <mechButton.h>
#define TRIGGER_PIN 2 // What pin the trigger will be on.
#define OUT_PIN 13 // What pin we'll toggle high when the trigger goes low.
#define HOLD_MS 500 // How long we'll hold the output high after being triggered.
mechButton trigger(TRIGGER_PIN); // Button debouncer.
timeObj timer; // Our output hold timer.
// Your standard Arduino setup() function.
void setup() {
pinMode(OUT_PIN,OUTPUT); // Setup output pin.
digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Lets make sure its off.
trigger.setCallback(triggerAction); // Set up the function to call when the trigger is clicked.
timer.setTime(HOLD_MS,false); // Set the timer, but don't start it yet.
// When you click the button, this function will be called.
void triggerAction(void) {
if (!trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
timer.start(); // And start the timer.
// Your standard Arduino loop() function.
void loop() {
idle(); // Give the stuff running behind the scenes time to run.
if (timer.ding()) { // If the timer has expired..
digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Shut down the output.
timer.reset(); // Reset the timer for next time.
Gran LC_basetools form the IDE library manger and see if it works. To change this from a button to a sensor. pUll out the button code, then write a function that reads the sensor and calls timer.start(); when it sees motion. Call this function every time through loop();
the timer works amazing i tested it with the sensor and an led however when i tired using the timer and connecting to the wifi to control some lights it would turn on the light but the timer would to progress and turn them off after it was done
bool state = false;
#define TRIGGER_PIN 2 // What pin the trigger will be on.
#define OUT_PIN LED_BUILTIN // What pin we'll toggle high when the trigger goes low.
#define HOLD_MS 15000 // How long we'll hold the output high after being triggered.
mechButton trigger(TRIGGER_PIN); // Button debouncer.
timeObj timer; // Our output hold timer.
// Your standard Arduino setup() function.
void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("Connecting to WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Connected to the WiFi network");
pinMode(OUT_PIN,OUTPUT); // Setup output pin.
digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Lets make sure its off.
trigger.setCallback(triggerAction); // Set up the function to call when the trigger is clicked.
timer.setTime(HOLD_MS,false); // Set the timer, but don't start it yet.
// When you click the button, this function will be called.
void triggerAction(void) {
if (!trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
switchLight(1, true);
digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
timer.start(); // And start the timer.
// Your standard Arduino loop() function.
void loop() {
idle(); // Give the stuff running behind the scenes time to run.
if (timer.ding()) { // If the timer has expired..
switchLight(1, false);
digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Shut down the output.
timer.reset(); // Reset the timer for next time.
void switchLight(byte room, bool current_state){
state = current_state;
HTTPClient http;
String req_string;
req_string = "http://";
req_string += ip;
req_string += "/api/";
req_string += user_name;
req_string += "/lights/";
req_string += light_id;
req_string += "/state";
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
String put_string;
put_string = "{\"on\":";
put_string += (current_state)? "true" : "false";
put_string += "}";
int httpResponseCode = http.PUT(put_string);
if(httpResponseCode > 0){
String response = http.getString();
} else {
Serial.print("Error on sending PUT Request: ");
@jimlee i have it at 15 seconds just to test it so i dont have to wait the full 45. So after you sent this to me i tired it on the nano and set the input and output pin code to the setup and it worked perfectly so i figured i could add the code i needed to set it up for sending what i needed for the wifi. could it be not working because i have the code now uploaded to the esp8266 the small one with the 8 pins i have the sensor coming in at gpio2
@blackfin also thank you for replying to help me try and figure things out the only thing i didnt put in the code was my wifi and client info but i tired your code as well and same thing light will turn on but will not turn off could this be because the code is now uploaded to the esp and it cant handle and timer and wifi signal at the same time?
bool state = false;
#define TRIGGER_PIN 2 // What pin the trigger will be on.
//#define OUT_PIN LED_BUILTIN // What pin we'll toggle high when the trigger goes low.
#define HOLD_MS 15000 // How long we'll hold the output high after being triggered.
mechButton trigger(TRIGGER_PIN); // Button debouncer.
timeObj timer; // Our output hold timer.
// Your standard Arduino setup() function.
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("Connecting to WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("Connected to the WiFi network");
// pinMode(OUT_PIN,OUTPUT); // Setup output pin.
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Lets make sure its off.
trigger.setCallback(triggerAction); // Set up the function to call when the trigger is clicked.
timer.setTime(HOLD_MS,false); // Set the timer, but don't start it yet.
void triggerAction(void) {
if (!trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
switchLight(1, true);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
timer.start(); // And start the timer.
// Your standard Arduino loop() function.
void loop() {
idle(); // Give the stuff running behind the scenes time to run.
if (timer.ding()) { // If the timer has expired..
switchLight(1, false);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Shut down the output.
timer.reset(); // Reset the timer for next time.
void switchLight(byte room, bool current_state)
state = current_state;
HTTPClient http;
String req_string;
req_string = "http://";
req_string += ip;
req_string += "/api/";
req_string += user_name;
req_string += "/lights/";
req_string += light_id;
req_string += "/state";
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
String put_string;
put_string = "{\"on\":";
put_string += (current_state)? "true" : "false";
put_string += "}";
int httpResponseCode = http.PUT(put_string);
if(httpResponseCode > 0)
String response = http.getString();
Serial.print("Error on sending PUT Request: ");
here is code everything besides personal info and yes i checked sensor and even tried a different one
i also tried with the output pin commented out maybe thinking it was getting stuck on dealing with the built in led still will not turn off the hue light
Where is #define of the libraries? Where is this sensor stuff? Are you not using the sensor and still using the button? Are you connecting the sensor up as if it were a button?
And maybe try this..
void triggerAction(void) {
if (!trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
switchLight(1, true);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
timer.start(); // And start the timer.
Lest see if there's something odd in trigger that we are not seeing going on.
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <mechButton.h>
// IP of Hue gateway
String ip = "xxxxxxxx";
// Hue gateway user name
String user_name = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
// Light identificator
int light_id = 13;
// Wifi network SSID
const char* ssid = "xxxxx";
// Wifi network password
const char* password = "xxxxx";
bool state = false;
#define TRIGGER_PIN 2 // What pin the trigger will be on.
//#define OUT_PIN LED_BUILTIN // What pin we'll toggle high when the trigger goes low.
#define HOLD_MS 15000 // How long we'll hold the output high after being triggered.
mechButton trigger(TRIGGER_PIN); // Button debouncer.
timeObj timer; // Our output hold timer.
// Your standard Arduino setup() function.
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.print("Connecting to WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("Connected to the WiFi network");
// pinMode(OUT_PIN,OUTPUT); // Setup output pin.
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Lets make sure its off.
trigger.setCallback(triggerAction); // Set up the function to call when the trigger is clicked.
timer.setTime(HOLD_MS,false); // Set the timer, but don't start it yet.
void triggerAction(void) {
if (!trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
switchLight(1, true);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
timer.start(); // And start the timer.
// Your standard Arduino loop() function.
void loop() {
idle(); // Give the stuff running behind the scenes time to run.
if (timer.ding()) { // If the timer has expired..
switchLight(1, false);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,LOW); // Shut down the output.
timer.reset(); // Reset the timer for next time.
void switchLight(byte room, bool current_state)
state = current_state;
HTTPClient http;
String req_string;
req_string = "http://";
req_string += ip;
req_string += "/api/";
req_string += user_name;
req_string += "/lights/";
req_string += light_id;
req_string += "/state";
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
String put_string;
put_string = "{\"on\":";
put_string += (current_state)? "true" : "false";
put_string += "}";
int httpResponseCode = http.PUT(put_string);
if(httpResponseCode > 0)
String response = http.getString();
Serial.print("Error on sending PUT Request: ");
this is what it keeps looping through the light still turns on but i dont see it print the trigger
nick_d12: @blackfin also thank you for replying to help me try and figure things out the only thing i didnt put in the code was my wifi and client info but i tired your code as well and same thing light will turn on but will not turn off could this be because the code is now uploaded to the esp and it cant handle and timer and wifi signal at the same time?
Are you certain the output of the PIR sensor is not showing "active" all the time?
jimLee and I used completely different approaches and you're seeing the same behavior which is suggestive of a hardware cause (not necessarily fault...)
Put a meter or scope on that PIR signal and see what it's doing. Are you sure the pin goes "low" when the PIR detects something?
ill double check with a meter to test it but i dont think so because it worked with the led. On the led test i turned the timer on the sensor itself down to like 3 seconds so it would only grab the input voltage as active to know an output needed to be sent. The original code I was using was with timer thats on the sensor and it was shutting off the hue light. Still, let me double check to we can rule it out if so
You want the trigger to happen when the pin goes high?
void triggerAction(void) {
if (!trigger.trueFalse()) { // <<-- [REMOVE THE ! from this line] Causes it to trigger high instead of low.
switchLight(1, true);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
timer.start(); // And start the timer.
So i was messing around with print statements to keep better track of whats going on
if its like this it will print trigger
void triggerAction(void) {
if (trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
switchLight(1, true);
if its like this it will not print trigger
void triggerAction(void) {
if (trigger.trueFalse()) { // If the trigger returns false, button has been clicked.
switchLight(1, true);
// digitalWrite(OUT_PIN,HIGH); // So we fire the output pin.
is it possible that the switchLight function is some how messing up the main loop or interrupting it some how?