Plant Watering Project-Issues with Moisture Level & System Not Powering On


I'm currently working on the plant watering project provided by the link towards the bottom, and I've been running into a couple different issues:

  1. The moisture reading is always -55 no matter where it is (in water, in the soil, hanging out in the air, etc.)
  2. The system isn't powering on when connected to the 5V power supply

I noticed in some other posts, the problem was the way the circuit was created for the system, so I'm wondering if that is the case for my circuit as well? I tried to copy the diagrams in the link as much as I possibly could, but feel free to tell me if something is off with the way I've connected everything together. I'm also using the exact same code that they've posted in the link.

Here is the link to the project:

Remove the sensor. Is the reading still -55?

Is it 5V?

Show your code, and a wiring diagram... oh, I see the MKR... if there is wireless connection, the "-55" might be due to the wireless connection.

Your soldering needs work. Add more flux and reflow all your pins. Also, replace every jumper wire with melted casing.


So it looks like when I remove the sensor from the A0 pin, the reading appears to be a bit more reasonable (something greater than 0), but the value still doesn't quite change when I put it into different environments. It's when I put it back into the A0 pin that the value goes back to 5.

I checked the power supply, and it did say that it outputs 5V.

Here is the code as well

 Arduino Watering Plant Kit

 A setup that allows for remote/local control of a pump, as well as reading sensors.

 Built using the Arduino IoT Cloud service

 Components used:
- Arduino Nano 33 IoT
- Arduino Nano Screw terminal Adapter
- 5V submersible pump.
- 1 meter watering pipe.
- USB wall adapter
- Water container.
- Micro-USB cable.
- Open ended USB Cable.
- Soil moisture sensor.
- Grove LED button
- 3D-printed enclosure (optional)
- Short Grove cable (20cm)
- Long Grove cable (50cm)
- Long 3-pronged Grove cable (50cm)

/* ------------- START CONFIG ------------- */
constexpr int BUTTON_PIN = 4;
constexpr int LED_PIN    = 5;
constexpr int RELAY_PIN  = 6;
constexpr int MOIST_PIN  = A0;

int raw_moisture = 0;
/* ------------- END CONFIG ------------- */

#include "thingProperties.h"
#include <Bounce2.h>

Bounce b;
unsigned long startedWatering;

void setup() {

  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

  // Make sure the pump is not running

  // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud

  // Blink LED to confirm we're up and running
  for (int i = 0; i<=4; i++) {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);


void loop() {
  // Read the sensor and convert its value to a percentage 
  // (0% = dry; 100% = wet)
  raw_moisture = analogRead(MOIST_PIN);
  moisture = map(raw_moisture, 793, 382, 0, 100); 

  // Set the LED behavior according to the moisture percentage or watering status
  if (watering) {
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
  } else if (moisture > 40) {
    // good, LED is turned off
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
  } else if (moisture > 10) {
    // warning, slow blink
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, (millis()%1000)<500);
  } else {
    // need water, fast blink
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, (millis()%500)<250);
  // Stop watering after the configured duration
  if (watering && (millis() - startedWatering) >= waterTime*1000) {

  // Read button status
  if (b.changed() && == false) { // button pressed
    if (watering) {
    } else {

// This function is triggered whenever the server sends a change event,
// which means that someone changed a value remotely and we need to do
// something. 
void onWateringChange() {
  if (watering) {
  } else {

void startWatering () {
  watering = true;
  startedWatering = millis();
  digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);

void stopWatering () {
  watering = false;
  digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);

void onWaterTimeChange()  {
  // Add your code here to act upon WaterTime change
type or paste code here

You need to reflow the solder on the carrier/shield.