PLZ help in arduino code

good day everyone

I am working in one project (smart battery charger ) . my issue I need to display in LCD 2 status of

battery (when it's connected or not connect ) . I try to read the input pin A1 witch one connected

with ACS712 current sensor , it's not working for me , but when i read pinA0 voltage measure , no issue

with that working fine . for me no need to read when voltage available , i

need to check if battery connected or not (current is there or not ) . my code :

#define BAT_V A0 

int read_adc(int PIN)
  int sum = 0;
  int temp;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < AVG_NUM; i++) 
    temp = analogRead(PIN); 
    sum += temp; 
  return (sum / AVG_NUM);

void battery_situation(){
   conn_battery = (read_adc(BAT_V) * 4.88) / 10000;
   not_conn_battery = conn_battery ;

void acs712_RE_V(){
   ValeurLue = analogRead(A1);
   tension = ValeurLue * (5.0 / Integer_values);
   courant = (tension - AcsOffset) / Sensibl;

void loop() {

    if (conn_battery > 0.0) {
      while (conn_battery > 0.0) {
       acs712_RE_V();       //to measure current  
        if (not_conn_battery == 0.0) {
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print("connect Battery");
    goto up;

I try to read the input pin A1 witch one connected with ACS712 current sensor , it's not working for me ,

What do you mean by "it's not working for me"? What value do you get from analogRead(A1)? When you measure the voltage on A1 with a meter, what value do you get?

Your code is incomplete.
Your code has a pointless goto.

Thank u very much . Issue clear now .