i want to monitor lead acid battery using 2 current sensor to display on lcd

what i want to display is battery condition if it in charging or discharging condition.
can anyone tell me if my circuit is correct or not..

It's a very pretty picture.

What is it supposed to do?


when the solar panel capture the light. i want to monitor the battery condition either the lead acid battery is in charging or discharging.the acs712 is used to differentiate the current capture before and after battery.
is my circuit correct?

when the solar panel capture the light. i want to monitor the battery condition either the lead acid battery is in charging or discharging.the acs712 is used to differentiate the current capture before and after battery.
is my circuit correct?

What is an acs712?
Have you a link to its specifications?
Is it one of the items in the diagram?

How about a much more detailed description of the project?


ACS 712 is current sensor..the 2 small boars you can see at my circuit near the solar panel.
is my charging and discharging circuit is correct?

Fritzing diagrams are for beginners and can be very confusing or even misleading. I can't make sense out of yours, especially considering that there are two wires going nowhere.

A hand drawn schematic diagram would be much more informative and easier to understand than the diagram. Use pencil and paper and post a scanned image or a clear photo of it.

Note: you need only one current sensor to know if the battery is charging or discharging.

is my charging and discharging circuit is correct?

I had been hoping that a couple of prompts might lead you to realize we need a whole lot of extra information to answer your question.

The diagram @jremington mentions is just the start. We need a description of what you think the circuit is supposed to do. And a description of what the Arduino is supposed to do.


i need to monitor the battery condition using arduino mega.the lcd i used will display the battery status which is charging or discharging condition.u has idea how to make this circuit?

u has idea how to make this circuit?

Put one current sensor in series with a battery lead, measure the current and determine whether the current flow is positive or negative. One of the two will indicate that the battery is charging.

i need to monitor the battery condition using arduino mega.the lcd i used will display the battery status which is charging or discharging condition.u has idea how to make this circuit?

I can't help without your assistance. You don't seem to have made any serious attempt to respond to my questions. If you don't understand my questions, please say so.


This is my guess as to what you are trying to do. (If I guess right, do I get a prize?)

You are trying to create a solar tracking device and check the charging results.

As mentioned earlier, I believe you only need a single ACS712 in series with the battery. The output is Vcc/2 if no current is flowing. It is above Vcc/2 if the current is flowing one way and below if flowing the other. If you power the Arduino and the ACS712 then you should read 511 or 512 about half scale of 1023 values. Therefore, you do not need your voltage divider to find the midpoint.

I assume that your tracking algorithm is independent of the solar cell output. Therefore, unless that information is important to you, you can simply monitor the net results. "Solar Cell Output" - "Load Consupution" = "Current Into or Out of the Battery"

thanks for reply..but i dont understand how to make the circuit.
can you explain more

thanks for reply..but i dont understand how to make the circuit.
can you explain more

If you don't know how to make the circuit how did you know how to create the diagram in your first post?

Or is that a diagram you got somewhere else and you want someone to explain it?

If it is a diagram you got somewhere else it would be a BIG help if you post a link to where it came from.


Can see the picture ... but if you only want to see if a battery is in discharge or charge, on ASC712 is enought!
These current sensor supose to give about 512 on the analog inputs if no current.
If its over 512 is charging, if lower its discharging - EASY :slight_smile:

I have a AH-meter/logger for the last 84 days - and I simplyfied it buy using one current sensor.
The drawback: if you have charge but take out power too, you don't get seperat readings for out/inn.

See you want to take an MEGA - surely it takes even more current than my Arduino ..... my Arduino takes about 60-80 mA! So you will always have discharge (except if you have sun).

Hi everybody, may I ask? Do you have som programme for this circuit? I need some for this circuit programme for my project to school.

Thanks guys