Possible bug with device driver for usb port

Hello together,

I'm sorry for my message.

System specs :

Edition : Windows 11 Pro
Version : 22H2
OS-Build : 22621.2070
Capacity : Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22659.1000.0

I noticed that after a windows update, the Arduino IDE had problems to upload the code to the hardware.

The update was "wch. cn - Ports - 3.8.2023.2" device driver.

I could solve it, by downgrading the device driver to "WCH. CN USB-SERIAL CH340 - 3.7.2022.01".
Probably depending on your Windows build, you have to download it separatly from the internet, and install it through the setup tool of it's own.

Maybe a bug report.

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The big question is how you prevent Windows from upgrading the driver again.

You don't mention the error that you got; something to do with can't set com-state? Or another error.

How old is the board that you're uploading to? Did you buy it recently or is it older than approximately 8 months? That is when the first reports for can't set com-state on the forum seem to have surfaced.

Where did you find this 3.7.2022.01 driver? I can only find 3.5.2019.1 on Microsoft driver site
I do have same issue, D1 R32 board work fine on W10 with driver 3.5.2019.1, but not on W11 with driver 3.8.2023.2. - Serial port 'open' failed on W11

I'm sorry.

Here is the error message :

Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Serial port busy. Could not connect to COM3 serial port.

Also serial monitor could not connect.

Could not find more specific arduino logs.

The IDE is 2.1.1.

Board Info :
BN unknown Board
VID 0x1A86
PID 0x7523
SN (null)

Board name is "Arduino Nano with CH340"

Same Problem with other Nano boards from the same manufacturer.

The main page of wh.cn seems to have only the latest version.

I didn't try it, but check out the link.

To stop Windows Update to download certain updates, you could try this guide :

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SAme board here.
Found driver 3.7.2022.1, uninstall driver 2023 and install this one 2022 and with this driver issue resolved.
From site: USB to Serial (RS-232/DB9): CH340/CH341 Driver [Download] | Device Drivers

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