Hello guys! I’m trying to achieve power feed onto my lathe that I’m currently building.. but I’m to much of a newbie in programming to be able to achieve my goals..
I’ve already got a ELS (Electric leadscrew) controller that is responsible for most of the work the lathe will do,
And it also have a separate MPG (Encoder) circuit for manual machining up and working, thanks to nice people who helped me here on this forum,
The current arduino was only intended for one axis.
My plan was to use a 4pole relay to switch between which stepper driver I want to control, but I think that’s a bad idea,
The problem I have now is that I want to add functions to the existing code to run parallel with the other functions
The existing code is responsible for jogging with precision and speed on one axis, works very good,
Would love if the code could be 2 axis compatible, dual Enable, Step, Direction, 5V outputs to 2 drivers.
And then the extra stuff I want to add is:
Power feed with a joystick (switch) and a potentiometer to run parallel with the existing code and convert the code to 2 axis with 2 MPGs to control each axis,
4 position “joystick” acts like buttons in every state, (4 separate buttons)
The idea is to use the joystick to choose axis and direction, Y+ Y- Z+ Z- to engage power feed when triggered,
So when the joystick is engaged to the left the carriage will start to move left when standing in front of the lathe, and adjust the speed with the pot,
The Arduino due in this case will have to have output for 2 different stepper drivers
And maintain the function of the MPG code while feeding to move another axis if needed (done by 2 MPGs)
don’t know if it’s possible to use 2 separate arduinos wired to the stepper drivers at the same time
Sorry for my bad programming skills