Power Regulator dead (Arduino Pro Mini)

Hi all,

i did a simple build with a p-channel mosfet (Datasheet here).

I used 12V Input (not 3V as in the sketch shown). Also i didn't actualy used a motor, it was more like a 12V LED. I used the simple Blink-Example to turn on/off the mosfet. It kind of flashed one time and smoke from the arduino mini was coming.

I'm a electronic noob, thought it could work that way :roll_eyes:

Well, does anyone has an idea why the regulator on the mini isn't working anymore? The VCC Input works just fine. I could imaging there was a problem when the ouput of the 13th pin of the arduino was zero. I read something like a resistor is needed somewhere?!

I cannot explain what you did wrong, but for once, you cannot use a P-channel MOSFET like that.

To turn off the MOSFET you will need to have 12V on the gate - the Arduino can only alter the gate between 0 and 5V - it doesn't matter for the MOSFET, it will be always on.

You need a N-channel MOSFET for that exact job, and it needs to be placed between the negative lead on the motor and supply ground.

Also, you need a diode across the motor to protect the MOSFET from back-EMF. Maybe Back-EMF killed the MOSFET, which in turn died and put 12V back into your Arduino, killing it.

// Per.

1st, you can't high-side switch 12V like that, you need a level shifting circuit for the MOSFET. You need to bring the gate up ALL THE WAY to 12V to shut it off.

2nd, you probably miswired something and ended up shorting the 5V to GND somehow. Since you admit to being a noob, I have no way of knowing if the way you actually hooked things up matches the way you intended to hook them up.

Also, most people around here really hate looking at those Fritzing diagrams. They suck, and it would be a good idea to never use that particular "feature" again.

Also, most people around here really hate looking at those Fritzing diagrams. They suck, and it would be a good idea to never use that particular "feature" again.

What do you propose to use instead?

What do you propose to use instead?

Draw it on a piece of paper, snap a picture and post here.

If you want to do it in software, use Eagle or KiCAD.

// Per.