Power supply DcDc 60v-7v 2A

I am trying to find a good solution to power a Arduino board with power ( and also a Servo)
the source power is a 60V battery.
I need to get down to 5V for the arduino and around 6-7V for the servo.( it is a high power high torque RC servo)
sofar I can't find any DcDc converter that can do this, at least not with the 2-3A I need for the servo.
5V is no problem since the arduino only needs some mah. the 7V 2A is the problem.

Same question for 8,2V (2S Lipo)


You need to spend some time with google. I entered "10A buck converter 80V" and got a lot of hits. Some are fixed at 5 or 12 volts but many are adjustable. Good Luck

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