I have a small project and a question about power supplies.
The project consists of:
One AdaFruit Trinket M0 (3V3 power) - Overview | Adafruit Trinket M0 | Adafruit Learning System
Two inductive prox switches (10-30V supply), NPN out - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08K8VF6G7?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
One piezo buzzer – came with Elegoo kit. Verified operation at 3.3 volts.
Two Trinket built-in LEDs I’ll be using for indicators. One is an RGB DotStar.
Mount/connect all via stripboard. Not wedded to it.
I’m planning a 12V wall wart to power the proximity switches. Adafruit shows 6V as Bat maximum so I can’t run +12V directly to the Trinket.
Present possibilities:
a. a separate wall wart at 5V for the Trinket. Meh.
b. Construct a regulator on (the planned) strip board – components would need to be ordered.
c. Add a modular regulator a la Sparkfun SparkFun Buck Regulator Breakout - 3.3V (AP63203) - COM-18356 - SparkFun Electronics
d. I have on hand a breadboard add-on regulator Breadboard Power Supply Module MB102 3.3V 5V Solderless Breadboard Voltage Regulator – SRS™
which, although I’ve been told to leave in the box it came in, I thought I might use by soldering it onto the stripboard.
Any recommendations?