Powering a Trinket M0

I have a small project and a question about power supplies.
The project consists of:
One AdaFruit Trinket M0 (3V3 power) - Overview | Adafruit Trinket M0 | Adafruit Learning System

Two inductive prox switches (10-30V supply), NPN out - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08K8VF6G7?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

One piezo buzzer – came with Elegoo kit. Verified operation at 3.3 volts.

Two Trinket built-in LEDs I’ll be using for indicators. One is an RGB DotStar.

Mount/connect all via stripboard. Not wedded to it.

I’m planning a 12V wall wart to power the proximity switches. Adafruit shows 6V as Bat maximum so I can’t run +12V directly to the Trinket.

Present possibilities:

a. a separate wall wart at 5V for the Trinket. Meh.

b. Construct a regulator on (the planned) strip board – components would need to be ordered.

c. Add a modular regulator a la Sparkfun SparkFun Buck Regulator Breakout - 3.3V (AP63203) - COM-18356 - SparkFun Electronics

d. I have on hand a breadboard add-on regulator Breadboard Power Supply Module MB102 3.3V 5V Solderless Breadboard Voltage Regulator – SRS™
which, although I’ve been told to leave in the box it came in, I thought I might use by soldering it onto the stripboard.

Any recommendations?

Sounds good.

A linear regulator would do, too.
Personally, I'd just get a generic 5V phone charger and regulate it's output down to 3.3v and call it good. If the Trinket's onboard regulator suffices for the task, so much the better.


I'm starting to lean that way. I have a free pin so I'll test adding a voltage divider output from the 12V supply so the 12V can be monitored.

Yeah, you can easily do that. Shouldn't be a problem as long as the input pin is hooked up internally to the ADC.

Trinket does not have a 3.3V input

Yes. I'm still getting my feet wet with this board.