I am in the designing phase of an Arduino based DIY CNC mill.
I have the mechanical design done in CAD, and now I am designing my electronics.
I have a basic idea how it should work, but I am a bit confused about how I should power the system.
My electronics is planned to consist of the following parts:
- an Arduino UNO R3 with the CNC Shield v3
- 4 DRV8825 Stepper Motor drivers
- 3 limit switches for homing
- 4 Nema 17 stepper motors with a phase current of 1.7A (17HS4401S) (link to stepper)
- a 300W, 12-48V, 3 000-12 000 RPM DC Spindle motor with an ER11 chuck attached (link to spindle)
My main concern is if I am supposed to have a separate power supply for the spindle motor.
I was reading a few articles and watching some youtube videos about DIY CNCs, but many of them were using a mains powered router as their spindle. And none of them gave me a definitive yes or no to my question.
I saw the 3018 DIY CNC kit as well, which seems to come with one power supply only (as I saw on youtube assembly videos.) But this one has significantly lower power spindle motor.
(link to 3018 CNC kit)
But I also saw people using a separate power supply for the spindle in some projects.
I know that the DC motors can cause a lots of electrical noise and draw a lot of current. But with proper noise filtering and a power supply capable of providing the necessary current, is it possible to power the steppers and the spindle with the same PSU without having any skipped steps or any other problems?
And if yes, what would be the proper way to get rid of the noise generated by the DC motor?
According to this article: Electronics 101. | OpenBuilds ,
I get the required current for the steppers by multiplying the phase current of the stepper by 2/3 and by the number of the motors used. In my case that would be 1.7 * (2/3) * 4 = 4,53 A.
I was thinking about using a 24V PSU. So in this case I assume that the spindle would be able to run at max 150 W and 6000 RPM. ( 3000 RPM / 12 V = 250 RPM/V => 250 * 24 = 6000 RPM)
I assume it would then draw a maximum current of 150W / 24 V = 6.25 A.
So in total i would need a PSU capable of outputing more than 10.78 A.
Thus I was thinking about using one of these 24V 15A PSU-s: link to PSU
They are advertised that they are mainly for dimming LEDs, but would it be sensible to use one of these to power the system up? (People seem to be using them for not only LEDs as I could see in comments,
and on youtube I saw a guy make a bench power supply using one of these. But i am not sure if its a good idea to use it for my project.)
Or would the sudden change of current because of the motors cause any harm in the PSUs or any protection circuit to activate?
If i am not supposed to power up the whole system from one of them, is it okay to use one of the 24V 6A for the steppers and another 24V 10A for the spindle?
(The Arduino would get powered by the PC via USB.)
If none of these ideas would work, what solutions would you recommend to power up the system?
I would like to use the machine to prototype simple PCBs, cut acrylic and later maybe some wood and thinner metal, depending on how the machine turns out.
Thans in advance for any help,
Best wishes: Agoston