Powering order of Stepper motor and Esp32 board

Hi all.
I'm working on a simple project with a NEMA17 stepper motor driven by a TMC2208 driver connected to an ESP32. All is powered though a 12V 16A external power supply, directly to the stepper and through a LM-2596 (12 -> 5V buck converter to the board).

Here the schematic:

Stepper motor: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0B38H2ZMR?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Stepper driver: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07GJ7L48H?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

If I power the esp32 and after connect the stepper to the 3v output and ground everything works perfectly . If the order is inverted or they are powered together (as in the wiring) the ESP32 enter a infinite reboot loop and the motor vibrates heavily. I tested using different powering options but it seems to boiler down to the order, like if some kind of current is flowing from the stepper back to the board and this interferes with the booting process. I'm not an expert on electronics, so I couldn't come up with more testing/debugging options. Would appreciate some help.

Sorry your frizzy shows a bunch of wires connected to the PDN pin, that is not correct. Schematics are much better then the frizzy you posted and have the needed information. Post an annotated schematic and note any leads over 25cm/10" in length.

Hi @gilshultz thanks for your reply. I uploaded a cleaner

frizzy ... do you have any suggestion for a better software for schematics (linux)? The PDN in UART configuration connects to 2 PINs on ESP32 (TX direct and RX through a 1k Ω resistor). Leads are all less than 5cm.

There are many out there and you will find just like color different people like different colors, some blue, red, ..etc. CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs are like that. You will need to learn a schematic capture program that will work for you.

I work from schematic capture through a set of Gerber files that the PCB will be made from. I have a limited budget and I use KiCad but there are many others available. It is not a program you will learn in an evening or so, nor or the others. There are a lot of resources available, on line, all free same as KiCad. If you download KiCad they will ask for a non required donation. It works great on Linux, I have had it run on the last 5 versions of mint. As I understand it it also works on a Mac and Win-doze machines as well.

The hardest part is finding the parts, there are a thousands of different ones available with the more popular included in the install. It has a 3D viewer which is handy. If I am making a schematic and I cannot find the part configuration, I take something close to it and edit it to what I want. Starting with a box and adding pins is not that hard. Before jumping into it look at the following links: What is a schematic What Is a Schematic Diagram?
How to Read a Schematic - SparkFun Learn
HOW to READ a Schematic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cps7Q_IrX0&t=15s

Download your choice, KiCad maybe and play with it. Do a few simple designs and get a feel to how it works. It is a full hierarchical CAD program but you do not need to use those features, all my schematics are generally one page. Here is what they say:

KiCad's Schematic Editor supports everything from the most basic schematic to a complex hierarchical design with hundreds of sheets. Create your own custom symbols or use some of the thousands found in the official KiCad library. Verify your design with integrated SPICE simulator and electrical rules https://www.kicad.org/

Giving a try to Kicad, looks promising, even if has a higher learning curve.
Meantime the issue has been solved: I was using the PIN 12 which is a bootstrapping PIN for ESP32. Changing to another PIN solved the issue.

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