Hi , i quiet a newbie ....... i have a problem which was the esp-01
i use arduino uno with chip atmega 328 p at controller upload the code
i have try thousands of way but still doesnt work , can anyone guide me or notice me some important things
The proverbial crystal ball is still in the dishwasher...
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Easiest way to do it is.
Upload an empty sketch onto the DUE (or blink or something else as long as pin 0 & 1 are not used and Serial is not used)
install the esp8266 core.
Vcc 3.3v
GPIO 0 GND (at boot to set it to upload mode)
CH_PD 3.3v
For a DUE which is a 3.3v device there is no voltage divider required to reduce the logic levels, but for an UNO there is. and then use this: UNO-RX -> 1K -> ESP-01 RX -> 1k -> 1K -> GND
This will protect the ESP from the UNO 5v logic level that will damage the ESP-01 and reduce it to 3.3v
Do not use higher value resistors as they may influence the maximum transmission speed.
Make sure nothing is connected to GPIO 2 as well.
Try uploading something simple like 'blink' and define the ledpin as '1' which is the TX pin and has a blue led on it (active LOW)
This is using the USB to TTL converter of the DUE. With a board with multiple UARTs you can even upload using Serial Passthrough example but then you should cross-over (swap) the TX & RX lines between the boards and make sure that the baud rates (of both UARTs) match whatever you set as the upload speed in the IDE.
I don't own a DUE so i can not verify what i am sharing.
Uploading your own firmware will overwrite the AT firmware that was on the ESP-01, keep that in mind.