Hey everyone!
I have been having a problem with my code
I want to be able to set and hour and run a clock in my code so that it activates a LED
I have no idea how to program a clock.
I have been reading on how to make alarm clocks but the code does not work when I test it
Thank you to everyone in advance!
Plz help
It is hard to help you fix your code if we can't see it!
...and we have no idea what board(s) and display you have, or how you connected them.
This is my code
int IN1 = 8;
int IN2 = 7;
int h=0;
int m=0;
int s=0;
void setup()
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
You can use my code as an example.
// Clock Project Version 1.5
// Use 4 digit 7 segment commun anode with a double dot
// with 2 button for time setting
// setting the digits pins
byte dig_pin[4] = {5,4,3,2};
// Pin 2 - Hours ( tens ) Pin 2 - Hours - Pin 4 - Minutes ( tens ) Pin 5 - minutes
// Zero will turn on the digit
// setting the segments pins A B C D E F G
byte segs[7] = {12,11,10,9,8,7,6};
// Segments that make each number in this format ABCDEFG
// A one will turn on the segment
// The array is : 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - all off
const byte numbers[11] = { B1111110, B0110000, B1101101, B1111001,
B0110011, B1011011, B1011111, B1110010, B1111111, B11111011, B0000000 };
// A double led that flash every second
byte second_pin = 14;
// the two push button switches
// Button to set the time
byte select_pin = 15;
byte set_pin = 16;
// the button states
boolean select_state;
boolean set_state;
// State of the second pin
boolean second_state;
byte digit[4];
// time to display the digit
// set 5 millisecond - 5
const unsigned long display_time = 3;
byte hours;
byte minutes;
byte second_delay_count;
unsigned int minute_delay_count;
// The variable to set for a second delay
const byte second_delay =84;
// The variable to set for the minute counter
const unsigned int minute_delay = 4996;
unsigned long check_time;
unsigned long check_time_difference;
unsigned long time_check;
const unsigned long minute_count = 60000;
const unsigned long max_value = 4294967295;
void setup()
// debug
// Serial.begin(9600);
// Setup the output pins
for (byte i=0;i<7;i++)
pinMode(segs[i], OUTPUT);
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
pinMode(dig_pin[i], OUTPUT);
pinMode(second_pin, OUTPUT);
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
digitalWrite(dig_pin[i], HIGH);
// Setting the clock buttons.
// setup the input pins
pinMode(select_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(set_pin, INPUT);
// Init the second to zero and the state of the second pin
second_delay_count = 0;
second_state = true;
minute_delay_count = 0;
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
// Set the time to 00:00
hours = 0;
minutes = 0;
// Set the state of the select and set button
select_state = true;
set_state = true;
check_time = millis();
void loop()
// Check if the setup button is press
select_state = digitalRead(select_pin);
if (select_state == false)
// Convert the hours and minutes for display
// Display the hours and minutes
// Display the second double LEDs
if (second_delay_count >= second_delay)
if (second_state == true)
digitalWrite(second_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
// Reset the second count counter and change second state
second_delay_count = 0;
second_state = !second_state;
time_check = millis();
if (time_check < check_time)
check_time_difference = (max_value - check_time) + time_check;
if (time_check > check_time)
check_time_difference = time_check - check_time;
if (check_time_difference >= minute_count)
// minute_delay_count = 0;
check_time = millis();
if (minutes == 60)
minutes = 0;
if (hours == 24)
hours = 0;
// minute_delay_count++;
// Debug
// Serial.print(millis());
// Serial.print(' ');
void time_digit_converter()
digit[0] = hours / 10;
digit[1] = hours % 10;
digit[2] = minutes / 10;
digit[3] = minutes % 10;
void seg_display()
boolean bits;
for (byte j=0;j<4;j++)
digitalWrite(dig_pin[j], LOW);
for (byte i=0;i<7;i++)
bits = bitRead(numbers[digit[j]], i);
digitalWrite(segs[i], bits);
digitalWrite(dig_pin[j], HIGH);
void time_setup()
// re-state the button to it original state
select_state = true;
// Blank the display
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
digit[i] = 10;
// Flash the second double leds
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(second_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
// Display the numbers and stay until the select button is press
while (select_state == true)
// Check if the set button is press
set_state = digitalRead(set_pin);
// if set button is press, minutes and hours will increament until the right time is setup
if (set_state == false)
if (minutes == 60)
minutes = 0;
if (hours == 24)
hours = 0;
// Reset the set state button
set_state = true;
// Press the select button to escape the loop
select_state = digitalRead(select_pin);
// Return the select state to it original state
select_state = true;
// minute_delay_count = 0;
check_time = millis();
Just bear in mind, the input switches are "a bit quick"
Try adding a one second delay:
int IN1 = 8;
int IN2 = 7;
int h = 0;
int m = 0;
int s = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
void loop()
delay(1000); // wait one second (approx)
s = s + 1;
if (s >= 60) {
s = 0;
m = m + 1;
if (m >= 60)
m = 0;
h = h + 1;
if (h >= 24)
h = 0;
if (h == 1)
digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
else {
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
The way you test it, you have to wait an hour for the indicator IN1 to come on.
Add the delay(1000); like @anon57585045 shows.
And to test, you could temporarily change the blinking part to
if ((m % 5) == 0)
digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
else {
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
to blink for a minute every five minutes. Life too short to wait hours for tests.
When it works, change the blinking to whatever you want.
And then move on to a better clock code. Yours is fun, but will be inaccurate, especially when you take 10 seconds to blink, that hour will last, well, a very long time.
The above blinking idea would make the minute that it blinks take more like 1 minute 12 seconds because of the extra time you waste.
Yes, that can be fixed. Yes, probably with code that looks entirely different, and certainly makes no use of delay().
Look forward to it. Save this project to look back on and marvel at your progress!
Thanks for your help!
It works know!
It works!
I'm going to try it out!
Here my version 1 of my clock project using 4 7 segments display.
I was using "counting the main loop" method. It count for every minute. So in one minute, how many time the main loop is execute. But with that method, it is not accurate. The clock will be late ( about 30 min ) per 24 Hr. Version 1.5 use milli method. I set up to check for 1 minute, but I have to solve when millis value reach max value of a unsigned long, and the next millis check reset to 0, when it take the difference, that will not work out, so I have to check that out in the eventuality. The main issue with ver 1 is the delay when it display the numbers. and still the same issue with ver 1.5 but a bit more accurate and less late. Version 2, a more accurate, I use the RTC DS1307. It got an 1 Hz pulse output - use for the seconds leds, time can be kept when the power runout and when setting the clock for Day Time Saving or the other, I easily setup the time by increment / decrement. But it is using 3 button instead of two - increment only.
Here the Version 1
// Clock Project Version 1.0
// Use 4 digit 7 segment commun anode with a double dot
// with 2 button for time setting
// setting the digits pins
byte dig_pin[4] = {5,4,3,2};
// Pin 2 - Hours ( tens ) Pin 2 - Hours - Pin 4 - Minutes ( tens ) Pin 5 - minutes
// Zero will turn on the digit
// setting the segments pins A B C D E F G
byte segs[7] = {12,11,10,9,8,7,6};
// Segments that make each number in this format ABCDEFG
// A one will turn on the segment
// The array is : 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - all off
const byte numbers[11] = { B1111110, B0110000, B1101101, B1111001,
B0110011, B1011011, B1011111, B1110010, B1111111, B11111011, B0000000 };
// A double led that flash every second
byte second_pin = 14;
// the two push button switches
// Button to set the time
byte select_pin = 15;
byte set_pin = 16;
// the button states
boolean select_state;
boolean set_state;
// State of the second pin
boolean second_state;
byte digit[4];
// time to display the digit
// set 5 millisecond - 5
const unsigned long display_time = 3;
byte hours;
byte minutes;
byte second_delay_count;
unsigned int minute_delay_count;
// The variable to set for a second delay
const byte second_delay =84;
// The variable to set for the minute counter
const unsigned int minute_delay = 4996;
void setup()
// debug
// Serial.begin(9600);
// Setup the output pins
for (byte i=0;i<7;i++)
pinMode(segs[i], OUTPUT);
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
pinMode(dig_pin[i], OUTPUT);
pinMode(second_pin, OUTPUT);
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
digitalWrite(dig_pin[i], HIGH);
// Setting the clock buttons.
// setup the input pins
pinMode(select_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(set_pin, INPUT);
// Init the second to zero and the state of the second pin
second_delay_count = 0;
second_state = true;
minute_delay_count = 0;
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
// Set the time to 00:00
hours = 0;
minutes = 0;
// Set the state of the select and set button
select_state = true;
set_state = true;
void loop()
// Check if the setup button is press
select_state = digitalRead(select_pin);
if (select_state == false)
// Convert the hours and minutes for display
// Display the hours and minutes
// Display the second double LEDs
if (second_delay_count >= second_delay)
if (second_state == true)
digitalWrite(second_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
// Reset the second count counter and change second state
second_delay_count = 0;
second_state = !second_state;
if (minute_delay_count >= minute_delay)
minute_delay_count = 0;
if (minutes == 60)
minutes = 0;
if (hours == 24)
hours = 0;
// Debug
// Serial.print(millis());
// Serial.print(' ');
void time_digit_converter()
digit[0] = hours / 10;
digit[1] = hours % 10;
digit[2] = minutes / 10;
digit[3] = minutes % 10;
void seg_display()
boolean bits;
for (byte j=0;j<4;j++)
digitalWrite(dig_pin[j], LOW);
for (byte i=0;i<7;i++)
bits = bitRead(numbers[digit[j]], i);
digitalWrite(segs[i], bits);
digitalWrite(dig_pin[j], HIGH);
void time_setup()
// re-state the button to it original state
select_state = true;
// Blank the display
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
digit[i] = 10;
// Flash the second double leds
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(second_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(second_pin, HIGH);
// Display the numbers and stay until the select button is press
while (select_state == true)
// Check if the set button is press
set_state = digitalRead(set_pin);
// if set button is press, minutes and hours will increament until the right time is setup
if (set_state == false)
if (minutes == 60)
minutes = 0;
if (hours == 24)
hours = 0;
// Reset the set state button
set_state = true;
// Press the select button to escape the loop
select_state = digitalRead(select_pin);
// Return the select state to it original state
select_state = true;
minute_delay_count = 0;
And I have Version 2
// get the Wire.h library
#include <Wire.h>
// Set the output pins
byte dig_pin[4] = {2,3,4,5}; // Digit 1, Digit 2, Digit 3, Digit 4 - Minutes , 10's minutes, Hours, 10's hours
byte segs[7] = {12,11,10,9,8,7,6}; // Segment a,b,c,d,e,f,g
// byte second_pin = 17; // The Double dot on the display - The dot of Digit 3
// Set the input pins
const byte set_button_pin = 16; // Press this button to set the clock
const byte go_up_pin = 15; // Press this button to increment the time
const byte go_down_pin = 14; // Press this button to decrement the time
boolean set_button; // setup button state
// RTC DS1307 Data setup
// Format : BCD format - Example : 23 --> B00100011
// Turn the chip on / off and Seconds - Minutes - Hours - Day of the week - Date - Month - Year - Output pulse setup of the RTC chip
/* Location 0x00 - 0xxxxxxx - Enable oscillator - Seconds - from 0 to 59 - BCD format xxx xxxx
* Default - 1xxxxxxx - Disable oscillator - Seconds - from 0 to 59 - BCD format xxx xxxx
* Location 0x01 - 0xxxxxxx - Minutes - from 0 to 59 - BCD format - xxx xxxx
* Location 0x02 - 00xxxxxx - 24 hr setting - Hours - from 0 to 23 - BCD format xx xxxx - Default
* 010xxxxx - 12 hr setting - AM - Hours - from 1 to 12 - BCD format x xxxx
* 011xxxxx - 12 hr setting - PM - Hours - from 1 to 12 - BCD format x xxxx
* Location 0x03 - 00000xxx - Day of the week - Sunday - 1 to Saturday - 7 - BCD format xxx
* Location 0x04 - 00xxxxxx - Date - from 1 to 31 - BCD format xx xxxx
* Location 0x05 - 000xxxxx - Month - from 1 to 12 - BCD format x xxxx
* Location 0x06 - xxxxxxxx - Year - from 0 to 99 - BCD format xxxx xxxx
* Location 0x07 - 00000011 - Default - No pulse at the SQW/OUT pin 7 of the DS1307 - Logic level Zero
* 10000011 - No pulse at the SQW/OUT pin 7 of the DS1307 - Logic level One
* x0010011 - A pulse of 32.768 kHz at the SQW/OUT pin 7 of the DS1307
* x0010010 - A pulse of 8.192 kHz at the SQW/OUT pin 7 of the DS1307
* x0010001 - A pulse of 4.096 kHz at the SQW/OUT pin 7 of the DS1307
* x0010000 - A pulse of 1 Hz - second pulse - at the SQW/OUT pinn 7 of the DS1307
// { Enable / Disable Oscillator - Seconds , Minutes , 24/12 AM/PM Hours, Day of the week, Date, Month, Year, Oscilator setup }
// Enter all data in Hexadicimal format 0xXX
// Minutes - from 0x00 to 0x59
const byte data_minutes = 0x22;
// Hours - 24 hr format from 0x00 to 0x23
const byte data_hours = 0x09;
// Day of the week from 0x01 to 0x07
const byte data_week = 0x06;
/* Sunday = 1
* Monday = 2
* Tuesday = 3
* Wednesday = 4
* Thursday = 5
* Friday = 6
* Saturday = 7
// Today's date from 0x01 to 0x31
const byte data_date = 0x05;
// Month from 0x01 to 0x12
const byte data_month = 0x08;
// Years from 0x00 to 0x99
const byte data_year = 0x22; //20XX format
byte rtc_data[8] = {B00000000, data_minutes, data_hours, data_week, data_date, data_month, data_year, B00010000};
// The RTC DS1307 address of the device
byte rtc_address = B01101000;
// This information is in the datasheet of the DS1307 - Search : DS1307 datasheet
// Look-up Table of the numbers on the 8 segments display - format - abcdefg
// Depend on the configuration of the circuit and the type of segnment display - Common cathode or Commun Anode
// A one or zero will turn on the segment led.
// The data array is setup for a zero will turn the segment on. A one will turn off the segment.
// The format is : g-f-e-d-c-b-a
const byte numbers[11] = {B1000000, B1111001, B0100100, B0110000, B0011001, B0010010, B0000010, B1011000, B0000000, B0010000, B1111111};
// Digit - 0 - Minutes , Digit - 1 - 10's Minutes, Digit - 2 - Hours, Digit - 3 - 10's hours
byte digit[4];
byte time_data;
void setup()
// Init the I2C mode of the Ardiuno and place into the I2C bus.
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x06); // set the register pointer to check the year data
Wire.requestFrom(rtc_address, 1); // setup to read one byte of the RTC DS1307
time_data = Wire.read(); // Read the Year data of the RTC chip
if (time_data == 0x00)//Check for the value zero - Year 2000. Default year of the RTC chip
// Setup the RTC DS1307 chip and place the proper data.
Wire.write(0x00); // Set the data location register pointer to 0x00
// The device - DS1307 will increament the register pointer from 0x00
for (byte x = 0; x<8; x++)
// Setup the segments, digits and seconds pins as OUTPUT
for (byte i=0;i<7;i++)
pinMode(segs[i], OUTPUT);
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
pinMode(dig_pin[i], OUTPUT);
// Setup the buttons pins as INPUT
pinMode(set_button_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(go_up_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(go_down_pin, INPUT);
set_button = true; // set the setup button state
void loop()
set_button = digitalRead(set_button_pin); // check if the setup button is press
if (set_button == false)
get_time_info(); // sub-routine function to get the time data from the rtc chip
display_time(); // display the time data
void get_time_info()// Sub-routine function to extract the time data from the RTC1307 chip
byte minutes_register = 0x01; // Minutes rtc data location
byte hours_register = 0x02; // Hours rtc data location
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(minutes_register); // set the register pointer for the minutes
Wire.requestFrom(rtc_address, 1); // setup to read one byte of the RTC DS1307
time_data = Wire.read(); // Place the reading of the minutes data
digit[0] = time_data & B00001111; // Mask the data to extract unit of minutes
time_data = time_data >> 4; // Shift the 10's of minutes to 4 bits to the right
digit[1] = time_data & B00001111; // Mask the data to extract 10's of minutes
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(hours_register); // set the register pointer for the hours
Wire.requestFrom(rtc_address, 1); // setup to read one byte of the RTC DS1307
time_data = Wire.read(); // Place the reading of the hours data
digit[2] = time_data & B00001111; // Mask the data to extract unit of hours
time_data = time_data >> 4; // Shift the 10's of hoursto 4 bits to the right
digit[3] = time_data & B00001111; // Mask the data to extract 10's of hours
// Display the time numbers on the 7 segments display
void display_time()
boolean bits; // the numbers bits in the data array
const unsigned long digit_turn_on_time = 3; // time to display in milliseconds
for (byte j=0;j<4;j++) // four digit to be display
digitalWrite(dig_pin[j], LOW); // Turn the digit to display on
for (byte i=0;i<7;i++) // turn on 7 segments according to the look-up table
bits = bitRead(numbers[digit[j]], i); // read the data bit of the numbers array
digitalWrite(segs[i], bits); // turn on the segment
delay(digit_turn_on_time); // Display for only a few milliseconds
digitalWrite(dig_pin[j], HIGH); // Turn off the digit that been display
void time_setup()
boolean go_up_state; // Up button state
boolean go_down_state; // Down button state
int time_minutes; // Minutes in decimal for calculation - need negative for the decrement routine
int time_hours; // Hours in decimal for calculation - need negative for the decrement routine
delay(50); // delay after pressing the setup button
go_up_state = true; // Init the state of the up button
go_down_state = true; // Init the state of the down button
// re-state the button to it original state
set_button = true;
// Blank the display
for (byte i=0;i<4;i++)
digit[i] = byte(10);// the blank number to be display
display_time();//display the blank numbers
delay(1000);// a one second delay to show the blank display
// halt the RTC chip
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x00); // set the register poiter at the oscillator / seconds
Wire.write(B10000000); // Halt the oscillator
// Stop the seconds leds
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x07); // set the register poiter at the oscillator control bits
Wire.write(B00000000); // Turn off the second leds
get_time_info(); // get the rtc time data for BCD to Decimal convertion calculation
// Conver BCD to decimal
time_minutes = int((digit[1] * byte(10)) + digit[0]);
time_hours = int((digit[3] * byte(10)) + digit[2]);
while (set_button == true) // stay in this loop until the setup button is pressed
display_time(); // display the time being setup
go_up_state = digitalRead(go_up_pin); // check for up button that is pressed
go_down_state = digitalRead(go_down_pin); // check for down button that is pressed
if (go_up_state == false) // the up button is press - increment the minutes and hours.
time_minutes++;// increment minutes
if (time_minutes == 60) // check for if over 59
time_minutes = 0;// reset the minutes
time_hours++;// increment the hours if over 59
if (time_hours == 24)// check if over 23
time_hours = 0;// reset the hours
// Place into the digit array
// convert the decimal data into BCD format for display
digit[3] = byte(time_hours / 10);
digit[2] = byte(time_hours % 10);
digit[1] = byte(time_minutes / 10);
digit[0] = byte(time_minutes % 10);
while (digitalRead(go_up_pin) == false)// stay in this loop if the up button is still pressed
display_time();// display the time setting while waiting for the up button is being release
if (go_down_state == false)//the down button is pressed. decremant the minutes and hours
time_minutes--;// decrement minutes
if (time_minutes == -1)// check if under 0
time_minutes = 59;// reset the minutes to start at 59
time_hours--;// decrement the hours if it is under 0
if (time_hours == -1)// check if under 0
time_hours = 23;// reset the hours to start at 23
// Place into the digit array
// convert the decimal data into BCD format for display
digit[3] = byte(time_hours / 10);
digit[2] = byte(time_hours % 10);
digit[1] = byte(time_minutes / 10);
digit[0] = byte(time_minutes % 10);
while (digitalRead(go_down_pin) == false)// stay in this loop if the down button is still pressed
display_time();// display the time setting while waiting for the down button is being release
go_up_state = true; // Re-state the up button
go_down_state = true; // Re-state the down button
set_button = digitalRead(set_button_pin); // Check if the setup button is press
set_button = true;// re-state the setup button
delay(500);// delay to make sure the setup button is release
// Convert Decimal into BCD data
time_minutes = (digit[1] * byte(0x10)) + digit[0];
time_hours = (digit[3] * byte(0x10)) + digit[2];
// Setup the minutes
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x01); // set the register poiter at the minutes data
Wire.write(byte(time_minutes)); // Write the minutes data in BCD format
// Setup the hours
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x02); // set the register poiter at the hours data
Wire.write(byte(time_hours)); // Write the hours data in BCD format
// Setup to start the oscillator
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x00); // set the register poiter at the oscillator / seconds
Wire.write(B00000000); // Start the oscillator
// Start the seconds leds
Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address);// Address of the RTC DS1307
Wire.write(0x07); // set the register poiter at the oscillator control bits
Wire.write(B00010000); // Turn on the second leds
Yes it will. If you do it right.
Yes, if you use an RTC, you don't need to worry about cumulative timing delays. As mentioned, millis() timing is not broken when it rolls over to 0, if you do the math right.
My only criticism, you don't need to poll the RTC constantly, at the display update rate. In my clock code, I do that at human readable speed, 10Hz.
If you use a board with wifi, you can get the clocktime from internet.
... the bit banged LED display might be problematic with some processors that do wifi...
Then do not use bit banged display but ordinary
In a museum clock I use ic2 lcd to adjust several different settings and for time NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP); // By default 'pool.ntp.org' is used with 60 seconds update interval and no offset
Sorry, my english is not my native so please do not pin me on language fault
Yes, all my clocks are ESP32 and I2C display based now.
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