Problem With code erroor

I am building mouse spaces from the guide and when I try to upload the code, it outputs an error Compilation error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
here is the code

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
    // This code is the combination of multiple works by others:
// 1. Original code for the Space Mushroom by Shiura on Thingiverse:
//    The next two from the comments on the instructables page:
//    and the comments of Thingiverse:
// 2. Code to emulate a 3DConnexion Space Mouse by jfedor:
// 3. This code was then remixed by BennyBWalker to include the above two sketches:
// 4. Four joystick remix code by fdmakara:
// The work by Teaching Tech involves mixing all of these. The basis is fdmakara's four joystick movement logic, with jfedor/BennyBWalker's HID SpaceMouse emulation.
// The four joystick logic sketch was setup for the joystick library instead of HID, so elements of this were omitted where not needed.
// The outputs were jumbled no matter how He plugged them in, so I spent a lot of time adding debugging code to track exactly what was happening.
// On top of this, He has added more control of speed/direction and comments/links to informative resources to try and explain what is happening in each phase.

// Spacemouse emulation
// Teaching Tech followed the instructions here from nebhead:
// with two key differences:
// 1. He changed the word 'DaemonBite' to 'Spacemouse' in all references. 2. He changed the VID and PID values as per jfedor's instructions: vid=0x256f, pid=0xc631 (SpaceMouse Pro Wireless (cabled))
// When compiling and uploading, He select Arduino AVR boards (in Sketchbook) > Spacemouse and then the serial port.
// You will also need to download and install the 3DConnexion software:
// If all goes well, the 3DConnexion software will show a SpaceMouse Pro wireless when the Arduino is connected.
// *JC - John Crombie - I'd like to add a big thank you to Teaching Tech for this code. If it wasn't for this I wouldn't
// have been tempted to try to implement a Hall Effect sensor version. All my changes will be marked with a *JC comment
// All debug Serial.print statements have had the joystick output text has been renamed as HESx e.g. AX is now HSE0
 * change log
 * C001 - 18-Jul-24 - Reversed default direction of Z rotation
 * C002 - 22-Jul-24 - Added state machine code to handle pressing two buttons at once to cause a third action and supress
 *                    suppress the default action of the two buttons pressed. Before I didn't supress the actions
 * C003 - 25-Jul-24 - Added define for movement3DC to switch between default 3DConnexion axis movement and Teaching Techs default movement
 * C004 - 04-Aug-24 - bug fix - Changed key reporting so that a zero report is sent when the final key is released.
 *                    Changed the place where duplicate keys reports are supressed. Used to be in the key rutine now in the report routine
 * C006 - 08-Aug-24 - bug fix - After logical button was pressed, all buttons were being sent in state 4. Now corrected.                   
// Include inbuilt Arduino HID library by NicoHood: 
#include "HID.h"

// Debugging
// 0: Debugging off. Set to this once everything is working.
// 1: *JC Output raw Hall Effect Sensor values. 176 - 862 raw ADC 10-bit values. 5V ADC reference
// 2: *JC Output centered Hall Effect Sensor values. Values should be approx -424 to +424, jitter around 0 at idle. ADC reference 2.56v
// 3: *JC Output centered Hall Effect Sensor values. Filtered for deadzone. Approx -424+DEADZONE to +424-DEADZONE, locked to zero at idle. Also button values. ADC reference 2.56v
// 4: Output translation and rotation values. Approx -500 to +500 depending on the parameter. *JC ADC reference 2.56v
// 5: Output debug 3 and 4 side by side for direct cause and effect reference. *JC ADC reference 2.56v
// 6: *JC Output debug info for pseudo key state machine. ( two keys pressed at once to simulate another key press)
int debug = 0;

// Choose between 3DConnexion default movement or Teaching Tech's
// With 3DConnexion you push the joystick away from you to zoom out and towards you to zoom in.
// lifting up the joystick moves up and pushing down moves down.
// With the Teaching Tech default, these two axis are swapped so that pulling up or pushing down the knob controls zoom
// and pushing away or pulling it towards you controls up and down. I prefer this.
// set to true for 3DConnection movement.
bool movement3DC  = false;

// Direction
// Modify the direction of translation/rotation depending on preference. This can also be done per application in the 3DConnexion software.
// Switch between true/false as desired.
bool invX = false; // pan left/right
bool invY = false; // Zoom in/out or pan up/down // C003 *JC - 3DC default movement or TT default
bool invZ = true; // pan up/down or zoom in/out // C003 *JC - 3DC default movement or TT default
bool invRX = false; // Rotate around X axis (tilt front/back)
bool invRY = false; // Rotate around Y axis (tilt left/right)
bool invRZ = false; // Rotate around Z axis (twist left/right)

// Speed
// Modify to change sensitibity/speed. Default and maximum 100. Works like a percentage ie. 50 is half as fast as default. This can also be done per application in the 3DConnexion software.
int16_t speed = 80;

// Default Assembly when looking from above: *JC modified for Hall Effect Sensors (HES)
//      7 6          Y+
//       |           .
// 8 9 --+--2 3 X-...Z+...X+
//       |           .
//      0 1          Y-
// Wiring. Matches the first eight analogue pins of the Arduino Pro Micro (atmega32u4)
int PINLIST[8] = { // The positions of the reads *JC comments indicate which Hall Effect sensor is connected
  A0, // HES 6 o'clock left
  A1, // HES 6 o'clock right
  A2, // HES 3 o'clock near
  A3, // HES 3 o'clock far
  A6, // HES 12 o'clock right
  A7, // HES 12 o'clock left
  A8, // HES 9 o'clock far
  A9  // HES 9 o'clock near

// *JC added button list for digital inputs
int BTNLIST[3] = { // Button pin list

// Deadzone to filter out unintended movements. 
// Increase if the mouse has small movements when it should be idle or the mouse is too senstive to subtle movements.
// Note that the 3d Connections also has its own deadzone processes
int DEADZONE = 40;

// This portion sets up the communication with the 3DConnexion software. The communication protocol is created here.
// hidReportDescriptor webpage can be found here: 
static const uint8_t _hidReportDescriptor[] PROGMEM = {
  0x05, 0x01,           //  Usage Page (Generic Desktop)
  0x09, 0x08,           //  0x08: Usage (Multi-Axis)
  0xa1, 0x01,           //  Collection (Application)
  0xa1, 0x00,           // Collection (Physical)
  0x85, 0x01,           //  Report ID
  0x16, 0x00, 0x80,     //logical minimum (-500)
  0x26, 0xff, 0x7f,     //logical maximum (500)
  0x36, 0x00, 0x80,     //Physical Minimum (-32768)
  0x46, 0xff, 0x7f,     //Physical Maximum (32767)
  0x09, 0x30,           //    Usage (X)
  0x09, 0x31,           //    Usage (Y)
  0x09, 0x32,           //    Usage (Z)
  0x75, 0x10,           //    Report Size (16)
  0x95, 0x03,           //    Report Count (3)
  0x81, 0x02,           //    Input (variable,absolute)
  0xC0,                 //  End Collection
  0xa1, 0x00,           // Collection (Physical)
  0x85, 0x02,           //  Report ID
  0x16, 0x00, 0x80,     //logical minimum (-500)
  0x26, 0xff, 0x7f,     //logical maximum (500)
  0x36, 0x00, 0x80,     //Physical Minimum (-32768)
  0x46, 0xff, 0x7f,     //Physical Maximum (32767)
  0x09, 0x33,           //    Usage (RX)
  0x09, 0x34,           //    Usage (RY)
  0x09, 0x35,           //    Usage (RZ)
  0x75, 0x10,           //    Report Size (16)
  0x95, 0x03,           //    Report Count (3)
  0x81, 0x02,           //    Input (variable,absolute)
  0xC0,                 //  End Collection
  0xa1, 0x00,           // Collection (Physical)
  0x85, 0x03,           //  Report ID
  0x15, 0x00,           //   Logical Minimum (0)
  0x25, 0x01,           //    Logical Maximum (1)
  0x75, 0x01,           //    Report Size (1)
  0x95, 32,             //    Report Count (24) // *JC - I dont undwerstand what the comment says 24 but gives a value of 32
  0x05, 0x09,           //    Usage Page (Button)
  0x19, 1,              //    Usage Minimum (Button #1)
  0x29, 32,             //    Usage Maximum (Button #24) // *JC - same comment as above
  0x81, 0x02,           //    Input (variable,absolute)

// Sensors are matched to pin order.
// *JC - Note HES0 and BTN0 are not the same pin. HSE0 is Analog input 0 and BTN0 is digital input 0
#define HES0 0
#define HES1 1
#define HES2 2
#define HES3 3
#define HES6 4
#define HES7 5
#define HES8 6
#define HES9 7
#define BTN0 0
#define BTN1 1
#define BTN2 2

// Centerpoint variable to be populated during setup routine.
int centerPoints[8];

// Function to read and store analogue voltages for each joystick axis.
void readAllFromSensors(int *rawReads){
  for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
    rawReads[i] = analogRead(PINLIST[i]);

// *JC Function to read and store button values
// When pressing two buttons at once for a different function, one button is usually pressed slightly before the other.
// To prevent the first buttons function being triggered, we wait 15ms to see if another button is pressed in the meantime.
// if so we send the pseudo button value. if not we send the first button value.
// keyState 0 - no button pressed
// keyState 1 - 1 or 3 pressed
// keystate 2 - 1&3 pressed within time limit
// keystate 3 = 1&3 not pressed within time limit
// keyState 4 = Wait until physical buttons released to reset state.
unsigned long keyTimeNew, keyTimeOld = 0;
uint8_t keyState = 0, keyPressed = 0, oldButtonValues[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // C004 - *JC - keyPresed added to keep track of last key pressed (in state machine).

void readAllFromButtons(uint8_t *buttonValues){
  for(int i=1; i<4; i++){ // read real button values
    buttonValues[i] = !digitalRead(BTNLIST[i-1]);

  // C002 - *JC changed logic for handling pseudo/logical switch (two buttons pressed at once gives different function)
  buttonValues[0] = false;
  keyTimeNew = millis();
  switch(keyState) {
    case 0: // no button pressed so far
     if (buttonValues[1] || buttonValues[3]) {
       if (debug == 6) Serial.println("keyState 0 - button pressed move to keyState 1");
       keyState = 1;
       keyTimeOld = keyTimeNew;
       buttonValues[1] = buttonValues[3] = false; // don't send button values yet.

     case 1: // button 1 or 3 pressed - what has happened with the elapsed time
     if (debug == 6) Serial.println("keyState 1 - one button pressed");
     if (keyTimeNew - keyTimeOld > 15) {
       keyState = 3; // second button not pressed
     } else if (buttonValues[1] && buttonValues[3]) {
       keyState = 2; // second button pressed
     buttonValues[1] = buttonValues[3] = false; // don't send button values yet

     case 2: // second button pressed - set logical button
     if (debug == 6) Serial.println("keyState 2 - second button pressed - set logical button");
     buttonValues[0] = true;
     keyState = 4;
     keyPressed = 0; // C004 - *JC - record button 0 pressed
     buttonValues[1] = buttonValues[3] = false;

     case 3: // second button not pressed, send the original button
     if (debug == 6) Serial.println("keyState 3 - second button not pressed in time");
     keyState = 4;
     if (buttonValues[1]) { // C004 - *JC - record which button was pressed and will be reported
      keyPressed = 1;
     } else {
      keyPressed = 3;

     case 4: //wait until buttons released to reset state
     if (debug == 6) Serial.println("keyState 4 - wait for buttons to be released before resetting state");

     if (!buttonValues[1] && !buttonValues[3]) {
       keyState = 0;   
     buttonValues[0] = buttonValues[1] = buttonValues[3] = false; //C005 - *JC - bug fix. Was here before but was removed for the last release
     buttonValues[keyPressed] = true; // C004 - *JC - keep the keys pressed.


/* C004 - *JC - move supression of sending multiple key reports to report sending routine. 
// *JC - only send button value once 
  for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
    if (buttonValues[i] == oldButtonValues[i]) {
      buttonValues[i]=0; // send only once
    } else {
      if (debug == 6) {
        Serial.print("Button "); Serial.print(i); Serial.print(" changed - Old Value ");Serial.print(oldButtonValues[i]); Serial.print(" New Value ");Serial.println(buttonValues[i]);
      oldButtonValues[i] = buttonValues[i];   
  //  based on real values set logical switch
  /*  Old code to handle logical button - doesn't supress first button pressed action
  if( buttonValues[1] && buttonValues[3]) {
    buttonValues[0] = true;
    buttonValues[1] = buttonValues[3] = false;
    buttonValues[0] = false;

void setup() {
  // HID protocol is set.
  static HIDSubDescriptor node(_hidReportDescriptor, sizeof(_hidReportDescriptor));
  // Begin Seral for debugging
  // *JC - setup button pins for digitalRead
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
  //*JC - reduce ADC reference voltage from 5V to 2.56 if not using debug = 1
  if (debug == 1) {
  } else {

  // Read idle/centre positions for Sensors.
  // *JC - First read gives unpredictable values so do it twice

uint8_t keyChange = 0; // C004 - *JC - variable to determine if new key report needs to be sent.
// Function to send translation and rotation data to the 3DConnexion software using the HID protocol outlined earlier. Two sets of data are sent: translation and then rotation.
// For each, a 16bit integer is split into two using bit shifting. The first is mangitude and the second is direction.
// *JC - Added button report
void send_command(int16_t rx, int16_t ry, int16_t rz, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, uint8_t *buttonValues) {
  uint8_t trans[6] = { x & 0xFF, x >> 8, y & 0xFF, y >> 8, z & 0xFF, z >> 8 };
  HID().SendReport(1, trans, 6);
  uint8_t rot[6] = { rx & 0xFF, rx >> 8, ry & 0xFF, ry >> 8, rz & 0xFF, rz >> 8 };
  HID().SendReport(2, rot, 6);
  // *JC - Button Report
  // these are the button functions for first byte in Fusion 360. For other functions see the GitHub repositry
  //  bit 0 - bring up configuration dialog - logical button (press BTN0 and BTN2 at the same time) rotaee 45 degrees
  //  bit 1 - fit to screen
  //  bit 2 - plan view
  //  bit 3 - no function?
  //  bit 4 - right view hide
  //  bit 5 - front view File
  //  bit 6 - no function?
  //  bit 7 - no function?
  uint8_t btn[4] ={32*buttonValues[3]+16*buttonValues[2]+4*buttonValues[1]+buttonValues[0],0,0,0};
  if (buttonValues[0]+2*buttonValues[1]+4*buttonValues[2]+8*buttonValues[3]!=keyChange) { // C004 - *JC - changed operation *JC - only send report if a button is pressed
    keyChange = buttonValues[0]+2*buttonValues[1]+4*buttonValues[2]+8*buttonValues[3]; // C004 - *JC - record keys pressed for next time through the loop
    if (debug == 6) {Serial.print("keyChange = "); Serial.println(keyChange);} // C005 - *JC - to help debug key press issues


void loop() {
  int rawReads[8], centered[8];
  uint8_t buttonReads[4];
  // sensor values are read. range should be 176 - 1024 for debug levels other than 1 and 88-860 for debug 1
  // button values true or false
  // Report back 0-1023 raw ADC 10-bit values if enabled
  if(debug == 1){ 
    Serial.print("HES0:"); Serial.print(rawReads[0]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES1:"); Serial.print(rawReads[1]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES2:"); Serial.print(rawReads[2]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES3:"); Serial.print(rawReads[3]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES6:"); Serial.print(rawReads[4]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES7:"); Serial.print(rawReads[5]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES8:"); Serial.print(rawReads[6]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES9:"); Serial.println(rawReads[7]);

  // Subtract centre position from measured position to determine movement.
  // *JC - As we are going negative with the readings, we make them positive
  // by subtraction them from the recorded centerPoints rather than the other was around.
  // C0004 - changed back to the original TT version to match the code from AndunHH 
  for(int i=0; i<8; i++) centered[i] = centerPoints[i]-rawReads[i]; // 
  // Report centered Sensor values if enabled. Values should be approx -256 to +256, jitter around 0 at idle.
  if(debug == 2){
    Serial.print("HES0:"); Serial.print(centered[0]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES1:"); Serial.print(centered[1]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES2:"); Serial.print(centered[2]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES3:"); Serial.print(centered[3]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES6:"); Serial.print(centered[4]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES7:"); Serial.print(centered[5]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES8:"); Serial.print(centered[6]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES9:"); Serial.println(centered[7]);
  // Filter movement values. Set to zero if movement is below deadzone threshold.
  // *JC - Changed operation so there isn't a sudden jump when the value first falls outside deadzone
  for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
    if(centered[i]<DEADZONE && centered[i]>-DEADZONE) {
      centered[i] = 0;
    } else {
      int sgn = centered[i] / abs(centered[i]);
      centered[i] = sgn*(abs(centered[i])-DEADZONE);
  // Report centered Sensor values. Filtered for deadzone. Approx -500 to +500, locked to zero at idle
  if(debug == 3){
    Serial.print("HES0:"); Serial.print(centered[0]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES1:"); Serial.print(centered[1]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES2:"); Serial.print(centered[2]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES3:"); Serial.print(centered[3]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES6:"); Serial.print(centered[4]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES7:"); Serial.print(centered[5]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES8:"); Serial.print(centered[6]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES9:"); Serial.print(centered[7]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("But0:"); Serial.print(buttonReads[0]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("But1:"); Serial.print(buttonReads[1]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("But2:"); Serial.print(buttonReads[2]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("But3:"); Serial.println(buttonReads[3]);  

  // Doing all through arithmetic contribution by fdmakara
  // Integer has been changed to 16 bit int16_t to match what the HID protocol expects.
  int16_t transX, transY, transZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ; // Declare movement variables at 16 bit integers
  // Original fdmakara calculations
  //transX = (-centered[AX] +centered[CX])/1;
  //transY = (-centered[BX] +centered[DX])/1;
  //transZ = (-centered[AY] -centered[BY] -centered[CY] -centered[DY])/2;
  //rotX = (-centered[AY] +centered[CY])/2;
  //rotY = (+centered[BY] -centered[DY])/2;
  //rotZ = (+centered[AX] +centered[BX] +centered[CX] +centered[DX])/4;
  // *JC - Replaced Joystick calculations with ones for the Hall Effect Sensors
  transX = (centered[HES1]-centered[HES0]+centered[HES6]-centered[HES7])/2;  
  transY = (centered[HES2]-centered[HES3]+centered[HES9]-centered[HES8])/2;  
  transZ = (centered[HES0]+centered[HES1]+centered[HES2]+centered[HES3]+centered[HES6]+centered[HES7]+centered[HES8]+centered[HES9])/4;
  rotX = (centered[HES0]+centered[HES1]-centered[HES6]-centered[HES7])/2;
  rotY = (centered[HES8]+centered[HES9]-centered[HES2]-centered[HES3])/2;
  rotZ = (centered[HES0]+centered[HES2]+centered[HES6]+centered[HES8]-centered[HES1]-centered[HES3]-centered[HES7]-centered[HES9])/4; // C0001 *JC - changed default direction of rotation
// *JC - modified speed calculation to allow for the fact that this is integer calculations
// so do multiplications prior to divisions to maintain maximum accuracy.
  transX = (transX*speed)/100;
  transY = (transY*speed)/100;
  transZ = (transZ*speed)/100;
  rotX = (rotX*speed)/100;
  rotY = (rotY*speed)/100;
  rotZ = (rotZ*speed)/100;
// Invert directions if needed
  if(invX == true){ transX = transX*-1;};
  if(invY == true){ transY = transY*-1;};
  if(invZ == true){ transZ = transZ*-1;};
  if(invRX == true){ rotX = rotX*-1;};
  if(invRY == true){ rotY = rotY*-1;};
  if(invRZ == true){ rotZ = rotZ*-1;};

// Report translation and rotation values if enabled. Approx -800 to 800 depending on the parameter.
  if(debug == 4){
    Serial.print("TX:"); Serial.print(transX); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("TY:"); Serial.print(transY); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("TZ:"); Serial.print(transZ); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("RX:"); Serial.print(rotX); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("RY:"); Serial.print(rotY); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("RZ:"); Serial.println(rotZ);
// Report debug 4 and 5 info side by side for direct reference if enabled. Very useful if you need to alter which inputs are used in th arithmatic above.
  if(debug == 5){
    Serial.print("HES0:"); Serial.print(centered[0]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES1:"); Serial.print(centered[1]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES2:"); Serial.print(centered[2]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES3:"); Serial.print(centered[3]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES6:"); Serial.print(centered[4]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES7:"); Serial.print(centered[5]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES8:"); Serial.print(centered[6]); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("HES9:"); Serial.print(centered[7]); Serial.print("||");
    Serial.print("TX:"); Serial.print(transX); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("TY:"); Serial.print(transY); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("TZ:"); Serial.print(transZ); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("RX:"); Serial.print(rotX); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("RY:"); Serial.print(rotY); Serial.print(",");
    Serial.print("RZ:"); Serial.println(rotZ);

// Send data to the 3DConnexion software.
// The correct order for me was determined after trial and error - Teaching Tech
// *JC - Added buttons for button report
// *JC C003 Allowing swap between TT movement and 3DC movement defaults.
  if (movement3DC) {
    send_command(rotX, rotY, rotZ, transX, transY, transZ,buttonReads); // 3DC default
  else {
    send_command(rotX, rotY, rotZ, transX, transZ, transY,buttonReads); // TT default


It looks like you tried to copy-pasta some code and had no clue what to copy. You've got two setup and loop functions and braces are all mismatched.

I'd say try again or try to give some indication what you're trying to do.

What is that?

What guide?

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Post the error log in code tags