Alright, if you want the complete code:
Sketch generated by the Arduino IoT Cloud Thing "Giga"
Arduino IoT Cloud Variables description
The following variables are automatically generated and updated when changes are made to the Thing
float airTempAverage;
float humidityAverage;
float pressureAverage;
Variables which are marked as READ/WRITE in the Cloud Thing will also have functions
which are called when their values are changed from the Dashboard.
These functions are generated with the Thing and added at the end of this sketch.
#include "arduino_secrets.h"
#include "thingProperties.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7789.h> // Hardware-specific library for ST7789
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SHT31.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <Bme280.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <mbed_mktime.h>
#include <Timezone.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
#include <I2C_eeprom.h>
#include <EMailSender.h>
#define DEBUG 1
#if DEBUG == 1
#define outputDebug(x); Serial.print(x);
#define outputDebugln(x); Serial.println(x);
#define outputDebug(x);
#define outputDebugln(x);
#define eepromLength 32768
I2C_eeprom EEPROM(0x50, eepromLength);
#define desiredTemp 70 //EEPROM address for settings configurable by user
#define desiredHumi 71
#define dayTemperature 64
#define nightTemperature 65
//TFT screen
#define TFT_CS 10
#define TFT_RST 9 // Or set to -1 and connect to Arduino RESET pin
#define TFT_DC 8
#define TFT_MOSI 7 // Data out --- SDA pin on TFT
#define TFT_SCLK 6 // Clock out --- SCL pin on TFT
Adafruit_ST7789 myScreen = Adafruit_ST7789(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_SCLK, TFT_RST);
#define DHT22_PIN 11
#define DHT22_PIN_2 12
#define DHTTYPE DHT22
#define ThermistorPin A11
#define Thermistor2Pin A10
SHT31 sht1(0x44);
SHT31 sht2(0x45);
Bme280TwoWire bme1;
Bme280TwoWire bme2;
int Vo, Vo2;
float R1 = 10000;
float logR2, logR3, R2, R3;
float c1 = 1.009249522e-03, c2 = 2.378405444e-04, c3 = 2.019202697e-07;
float temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, hum1, hum2, hum3, hum4, hum5, hum6, pres1, pres2, waterTemp1, waterTemp2, waterTemp_1, waterTemp_2;
//averages for main menu/dashboard
float waterTempAverage;
bool updateDisplay;
//Variables for auto scroll
unsigned long previousMillis;
unsigned long previousMillis2;
unsigned long readTime;
//menu variables
#define ROOT_MENU_CNT 4
#define SUB_MENU1_CNT 1
#define SUB_MENU2_CNT 8
#define SUB_MENU3_CNT 5
#define SUB_MENU4_CNT 5
//setup the emum with all the menu pages options
enum pageType currPage = ROOT_MENU;
enum pageType prevPage = SUB_MENU4_ITEM1;
//screen names for sub pages
char *subPage3Items[] = {"LIGHTS", "RAIN", "BACKWALL DRIP", "FOGGER", "AIR PUMP"};
//selected item pointer for the root menu
uint8_t root_Pos = 1;
uint8_t rel_Pos = 1; // selected item pointers for the relay menu
//selected item pointers for the sub menu's
uint8_t sub_Pos_3 = 1; //for menu 3
uint8_t sub_Pos_3_1 = 1; //for menu 3 sub item light timer
uint8_t sub_Pos_3_2 = 1; //for menu 3 sub item rain timers
uint8_t sub_Pos_3_3 = 1; //for menu 3 sub item drip timer
uint8_t sub_Pos_3_4 = 1; //for menu 3 sub item fogger
uint8_t sub_Pos_3_5 = 1; //for menu 3 sub item air ump
uint8_t numberOfTimers = 5; //for menu 3
uint8_t sub_Pos_4 = 1; //for menu 4
uint8_t sub_Pos_4_1 = 1; //set temperature
uint8_t sub_Pos_4_2 = 1; //set humidity
uint8_t sub_Pos_4_3 = 1; //set land temperature
uint8_t sub_Pos_4_4 = 1; //set rainstorm .... fuck it, seperate pointers for EVERYTHING!
uint8_t sub_Pos_4_5 = 1;
//joystick pins
#define xPin A0
#define yPin A1
#define kPin A2
#define Neutral 0
#define Press 1
#define Up 2
#define Down 3
#define Right 4
#define Left 5
#define highSwitchPoint 860 // mid position is around 700. top is 1023 and bottom is 0; //if its 1432 instead of 1023, like with the temperature calculation this changes.
#define lowSwitchPoint 350 // 860 about halfway between 700 and 1023 and 350 mid between 0 and 700
//relay block(s)
#define numberOfModules 1
//relay state array
#if numberOfModules == 2
#define numberOfRelays 16
int relay[numberOfRelays] = {23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53};
#define numberOfRelays 8
int relay[numberOfRelays] = {23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37};
//NTP and RTC
WiFiUDP Udp; // A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP
NTPClient ntpClient(Udp, "", 0, 1000);
unsigned long lastUpdate = 86400000; //24h
unsigned long printNow;
bool setRTC = false;
TimeChangeRule mySTD = {"EST", Last, Sun, Nov, 2, 60}; // Standard time = UTC +1 hours
TimeChangeRule myDST = {"EDT", Last, Sun, Mar, 2, 120}; // Daylight saving time = UTC +2 hours
Timezone myTZ(myDST, mySTD);
TimeChangeRule *tcr;
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
//climate control variables
#define pwmPin_1 2
#define pwmPin_2 3
#define pwmPin_3 4
#define pwmPin_4 5
const uint16_t sequenceInterval[] {2000, 10000, 30000, 30000}; //credit noiasca
bool hold = false;
unsigned long startMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis_2;
unsigned long lightOn;
const unsigned int pollInterval = 10000; // 10 seconds check time for climateControl
int pwmVal1, pwmVal2;
int pwm1Speed, pwm2Speed;
bool climateControlPause = false;
unsigned long pauseStart = 0;
int fanPauseTime = 120000; // 2 minutes pause after sprinklers have been used
int resetDelay = 90000;
bool noRain = false;
bool humidityMonitoring = true;
enum ccState {CASE0, CASE1, CASE2, CASE3, CASE4, CASE5, CASE6, CASE7, CASE8, CASE9, CASE10, CASE11, CASE12};
enum ccState climateState = CASE0;
enum ccState previousClimateState = CASE5;
//set time function
//time switching variables
unsigned int currentHour = 0;
unsigned int currentMinute = 0;
unsigned int currentTime = 0;
unsigned long wifiTime = 0;
unsigned long checkTime = 200;
unsigned long adjustmentTime = 400;
unsigned long screenTime = 600;
unsigned int multipliedTime = 0;
bool dayTime = false;
bool hasNotRunYet = true;
#define numberOfTimers 5
unsigned long countdown[numberOfTimers];
bool timerActive[numberOfTimers] = {false};
//prototype for default values of optional half
void switchTimer(int relayNumber, int timeOne, int timeTwo, int seconds = 0, bool secondsOrNot = false, int timerNumber = 0);
//updateStatistic variables
#define totalReadings 14
const int maxCount = 120;
float airDeviation = 5.0; //degress C
float humidityDeviation = 20.0; //% RH
float reading[totalReadings];
float sensorValue[totalReadings];
unsigned int sensor[totalReadings];
bool sensorFault[totalReadings];
char msg[10];
//for alarm e-mails
bool emailSent = false;
//Bluetooth = HC-05 ID and pass = APC / 3511
#define btState 13
bool BTconnected = false;
bool relayState[8];
const byte numChars = 10;
char receivedChars[numChars];
char tempChars[numChars]; // temporary array for use when parsing
unsigned int eepromAddress = 0;
unsigned int newSetting = 0;
bool newData = false;
bool dataToParse = false;
bool TimeToSet = false;
unsigned int relayNumber = 0;
void setup() {
myScreen.init(240, 320);
Serial.println("TFT Initialized");
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.println("Connecting . . .");
while (status != WL_CONNECTED) { // attempt to connect to WiFi network:
Serial.print("Attempting to connect to: ");
status = WiFi.begin(SSID, PASS);
initProperties(); // Defined in thingProperties.h
ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection); // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud
pinMode(xPin, INPUT);
pinMode(yPin, INPUT);
pinMode(kPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
//Bluetooth state
pinMode(btState, INPUT);
//assign relay pins as output
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRelays; i++) {
pinMode(relay[i], OUTPUT); }
// Initialize countdown array
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTimers; i++) {
countdown[i] = 0;
//variable fans
pinMode(pwmPin_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmPin_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmPin_3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmPin_4, OUTPUT);
//LED indicators
pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEDB, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LEDR, LOW);
digitalWrite(LEDB, HIGH);
//crash counter
int crashCounter = EEPROM.readByte(100);
EEPROM.writeByte(100, crashCounter + 1);
void loop() {
if (millis() - wifiTime >= 1000) { //wifi and cloud status led and RTC
if (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
digitalWrite(LEDB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDR, LOW);
if (status = WL_CONNECTED) {
if (!ArduinoCloud.connected()) {
digitalWrite(LEDR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDB, HIGH);
if (ArduinoCloud.connected()) {
digitalWrite(LEDR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDB, LOW);
if (setRTC == false) { // Set RTC once on startup
if (millis() - lastUpdate >= (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)) { // Update RTC every 24hrs
setRTC = false;
lastUpdate = millis();
emailSent = false; //piggyback reset for e-mail notifications
wifiTime = millis();
if (millis() - adjustmentTime >= 1000) { //adjust fan speeds every second
adjustmentTime = millis();
if (millis() - screenTime >= 100) { //don't run continuously. Fuzz in checkJoystick() readings will never be coninuous 0
screenTime = millis();
if (millis() - checkTime >= 900) { //run automatedswitching every x seconds
checkTime = millis();
if (millis() - readTime >= 2000) { //poll all sensors every 2 seconds
if (currPage == ROOT_MENU) {
if (currPage == SUB_MENU1) {
readTime = millis();
if (millis() - printNow >= 60000 && currPage != SCREEN_SAVER) { //print time on screen every minute
printNow = millis();
if (millis() - startMillis >= pollInterval) { //if a pre programmed event runs, pause climateControl
if (climateControlPause == false) {
startMillis = millis();
if (digitalRead(relay[0])) { //adjust climateControl for day and night
dayTime = true;
} else if (!digitalRead(relay[0])) {
dayTime = false;
if (newData == true) { //receiving bluetooth data
strcpy(tempChars, receivedChars); // this temporary copy is necessary to protect the original data because strtok() used in parseData() replaces the commas with \0
if (dataToParse) {
} else {
newData = false;
void changePage() {
if (currPage != prevPage){
switch (currPage){
case ROOT_MENU: page_RootMenu(); break;
case SUB_MENU1: page_SubMenu1(); break;
case SUB_MENU2: page_SubMenu2(); break;
case SUB_MENU3: page_SubMenu3(); break;
case SUB_MENU4: page_SubMenu4(); break;
//sub menu 3
case SUB_MENU3_ITEM1: page_SubMenu3_Item(0); break;
case SUB_MENU3_ITEM2: page_SubMenu3_Item(1); break;
case SUB_MENU3_ITEM3: page_SubMenu3_Item(2); break;
case SUB_MENU3_ITEM4: page_SubMenu3_Item(3); break;
case SUB_MENU3_ITEM5: page_SubMenu3_Item(4); break;
//sub menu 4
case SUB_MENU4_ITEM1: page_SubMenu4_Item(0); break;
case SUB_MENU4_ITEM2: page_SubMenu4_Item(1); break;
case SUB_MENU4_ITEM3: page_SubMenu4_Item(2); break;
case SUB_MENU4_ITEM4: page_SubMenu4_Item(3); break;
case SUB_MENU4_ITEM5: page_SubMenu4_Item(4); break;
case SCREEN_SAVER: page_ScreenSaver(); break;
//update first time
updateDisplay = true;
prevPage = currPage;
int checkJoystick() {
int joystickXPin = analogRead(xPin);
int joystickYPin = analogRead(yPin);
int joystickSW = analogRead(kPin);
/* inverted:
if (joystickXPin < lowSwitchPoint) return Right;
if (joystickXPin > highSwitchPoint) return Left;
if (joystickYPin < lowSwitchPoint) return Down;
if (joystickYPin > highSwitchPoint) return Up;
if (joystickXPin > highSwitchPoint) return Right;
if (joystickXPin < lowSwitchPoint) return Left;
if (joystickYPin > highSwitchPoint) return Down;
if (joystickYPin < lowSwitchPoint) return Up;
if (!joystickSW) return Press;
return Neutral;
void updateStatistics() {;;
reading[0] = dht1.readTemperature();
reading[1] = dht2.readTemperature();
reading[2] = sht1.getTemperature();
reading[3] = sht2.getTemperature();
reading[4] = bme1.getTemperature();
reading[5] = bme2.getTemperature();
reading[6] = dht1.readHumidity();
reading[7] = dht2.readHumidity();
reading[8] = sht1.getHumidity();
reading[9] = sht2.getHumidity();
reading[10] = bme1.getHumidity();
reading[11] = bme2.getHumidity();
reading[12] = bme1.getPressure() / 100;
reading[13] = bme2.getPressure() / 100;
// Check sensor readings and update sensor status
for (int i = 0; i < totalReadings; i++) {
if (!isnan(reading[i])) {
sensorValue[i] = reading[i];
sensor[i] = 0; //reset NAN counter
} else {
if (sensor [i] < maxCount) { //if NAN counter +
if (sensor[i] == maxCount) { //if x consecutive readings fail, trigger the alarm
emailSent = false;
alarm(i, " DEFECT.");
temp1 = sensorValue[0];
temp2 = sensorValue[1];
temp3 = sensorValue[2];
temp4 = sensorValue[3];
temp5 = sensorValue[4];
temp6 = sensorValue[5];
hum1 = sensorValue[6];
hum2 = sensorValue[7];
hum3 = sensorValue[8];
hum4 = sensorValue[9];
hum5 = sensorValue[10];
hum6 = sensorValue[11];
pres1 = sensorValue[12];
pres2 = sensorValue[13];
airTempAverage = (temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + temp4 + temp5 + temp6) / 6;
humidityAverage = (hum1 + hum2 + hum3 + hum4 + hum5 + hum6) / 6;
pressureAverage = (pres1 + pres2) / 2;
// Check for significant deviations in sensor readings
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //1-6 is temperature
sensorFault[i] = false;
if ((sensorValue[i] > airTempAverage + airDeviation) || (sensorValue[i] < airTempAverage - airDeviation)) {
alarm(i, " Deviation.");
sensorFault[i] = true;
for (int i = 6; i < 12; i++) { //7-12 is humidity
sensorFault[i] = false;
if ((sensorValue[i] > humidityAverage + humidityDeviation) || (sensorValue[i] < humidityAverage - humidityDeviation)) {
alarm(i, " Deviation.");
sensorFault[i] = true;
//read water temperature1
Vo = analogRead(ThermistorPin);
R2 = R1 * (1432.0 / (float)Vo - 1.0); //1432 used to be 1023, representing maximum binary value of 10 bit. For some reason the Giga R1 is different. I don't understand why.
logR2 = log(R2);
waterTemp_1 = (1.0 / (c1 + c2 * logR2 + c3 * logR2 * logR2 * logR2));
waterTemp1 = waterTemp_1 - 273.15; // to Celsius
//read water temperature2
Vo2 = analogRead(Thermistor2Pin);
R3 = R1 * (1432.0 / (float)Vo2 - 1.0);
logR3 = log(R3);
waterTemp_2 = (1.0 / (c1 + c2 * logR3 + c3 * logR3 * logR3 * logR3));
waterTemp2 = waterTemp_2 - 273.15;
//WaterTemp Average
waterTempAverage = (waterTemp1 + waterTemp2) / 2;
void alarm(int x, char *msg) {
outputDebug("Sensor reading ");
String sensorName;
if (x = 0 || 6) { sensorName = "DHT22-1. "; }
if (x = 1 || 7) { sensorName = "DHT22-2. "; }
if (x = 2 || 8) { sensorName = "SHT31-1. "; }
if (x = 3 || 9) { sensorName = "SHT31-2. "; }
if (x = 4 || 10 || 12) { sensorName = "BME280-1. "; }
if (x = 5 || 11 || 13) { sensorName = "BME280-2. "; }
String emailMessage = "Malfunction in sensor ";
emailMessage += sensorName;
emailMessage += String(msg);
if (!emailSent) {
EMailSender::EMailMessage message;
message.subject = "APC alarm";
message.message = emailMessage;
EMailSender::Response resp = emailSend.send("", message);
outputDebugln("Sending status: ");
emailSent = true;
void bluetooth() {
static boolean recvInProgress = false;
static byte ndx = 0;
char startMarker = '<';
char endMarker = '>';
char rc;
if (Serial1.available() > 0 && newData == false) {
rc =;
if (recvInProgress == true) {
if (rc != endMarker) {
receivedChars[ndx] = rc;
if (ndx >= 4 && ndx < 9) {
dataToParse = true;
if (ndx >= 9) {
TimeToSet = true;
if (ndx >= numChars) {
ndx = numChars - 1;
} else {
receivedChars[ndx] = '\0'; // terminate the string
recvInProgress = false;
ndx = 0;
newData = true;
else if (rc == startMarker) {
recvInProgress = true;
void parseData() { // split the data into its parts
char* strtokIndx; // this is used by strtok() as an index
strtokIndx = strtok(tempChars, ","); // get the first part
eepromAddress = atoi(strtokIndx); // convert this part to an integer
strtokIndx = strtok(NULL, ","); // this continues where the previous call left off
newSetting = atoi(strtokIndx);
EEPROM.writeByte(eepromAddress, newSetting);
dataToParse = false;
outputDebug("EEPROM address ");
outputDebug("New value ");
void switchRelay() {
relayNumber = atoi(receivedChars);
digitalWrite(relay[relayNumber], !digitalRead(relay[relayNumber]));
outputDebug("Switching relay ");
void updateBluetooth() {
if (digitalRead(btState) == HIGH) {
BTconnected = true;
} else {
BTconnected = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRelays; i++) {
relayState[i] = digitalRead(relay[i]); }
if (BTconnected) {
outputDebugln("Bluetooth Connected");
Serial1.print("t1:"); Serial1.println(temp1, 1);
Serial1.print("t2:"); Serial1.println(temp2, 1);
Serial1.print("t3:"); Serial1.println(temp3, 1);
Serial1.print("t4:"); Serial1.println(temp4, 1);
Serial1.print("t5:"); Serial1.println(temp5, 1);
Serial1.print("t6:"); Serial1.println(temp6, 1);
Serial1.print("h1:"); Serial1.println(hum1, 1);
Serial1.print("h2:"); Serial1.println(hum2, 1);
Serial1.print("h3:"); Serial1.println(hum3, 1);
Serial1.print("h4:"); Serial1.println(hum4, 1);
Serial1.print("h5:"); Serial1.println(hum5, 1);
Serial1.print("h6:"); Serial1.println(hum6, 1);
Serial1.print("ata:"); Serial1.println(airTempAverage, 1);
Serial1.print("ha:"); Serial1.println(humidityAverage, 1);
Serial1.print("pa:"); Serial1.println(pressureAverage, 1);
Serial1.print("wta:"); Serial1.println(waterTempAverage, 1);
Serial1.print("r0:"); Serial1.println(relayState[0]);
Serial1.print("r1:"); Serial1.println(relayState[1]);
Serial1.print("r2:"); Serial1.println(relayState[2]);
Serial1.print("r3:"); Serial1.println(relayState[3]);
Serial1.print("r4:"); Serial1.println(relayState[4]);
Serial1.print("r5:"); Serial1.println(relayState[5]);
Serial1.print("r6:"); Serial1.println(relayState[6]);
Serial1.print("r7:"); Serial1.println(relayState[7]);
Serial1.print("desT:"); Serial1.println(EEPROM.readByte(desiredTemp)); //value stored in EEPROM address
Serial1.print("desH:"); Serial1.println(EEPROM.readByte(desiredHumi));
Serial1.print("dT:"); Serial1.println(EEPROM.readByte(dayTemperature));
Serial1.print("nT:"); Serial1.println(EEPROM.readByte(nightTemperature));
Serial1.print("EEdesT:"); Serial1.println(desiredTemp); // EEPROM address to read or write
Serial1.print("EEdesH:"); Serial1.println(desiredHumi);
Serial1.print("EEdT:"); Serial1.println(dayTemperature);
Serial1.print("EEnT:"); Serial1.println(nightTemperature);
Serial1.print("clock:"); Serial1.println(99);
Serial1.print("LTON:"); Serial1.println(0);
Serial1.print("LTOF:"); Serial1.println(2);
void page_RootMenu() {
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.println(F("MAIN MENU"));
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
//print framework
myScreen.setCursor(10, 30);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 40);
myScreen.setCursor(100, 30);
myScreen.setCursor(100, 40);
myScreen.setCursor(180, 30);
myScreen.setCursor(180, 40);
myScreen.setCursor(200, 80);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 200); myScreen.print(F("lights"));
myScreen.setCursor(50, 220); myScreen.print(F("ventilation"));
myScreen.setCursor(90, 200); myScreen.print(F("sprinklers"));
myScreen.setCursor(130, 220); myScreen.print(F("irrigation"));
myScreen.setCursor(170, 200); myScreen.print(F("fogger"));
myScreen.setCursor(210, 220); myScreen.print(F("land heat"));
myScreen.setCursor(250, 200); myScreen.print(F("window heat"));
myScreen.setCursor(290, 220); myScreen.print(F("airpump"));
//rest in handled in navigationFunctioner();
void page_ScreenSaver() {
//clear screen
updateDisplay = false;
void printAverages() {
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
//framework is created in ROOT_MENU
//update readings on timer from updateStatistics()
myScreen.setCursor(10, 50);
myScreen.print(airTempAverage, 1);
myScreen.setCursor(100, 50);
myScreen.print(humidityAverage, 1);
myScreen.setCursor(180, 50);
myScreen.print(pressureAverage, 1);
myScreen.print(F(" hPa"));
//print PWM speed
myScreen.setCursor(255, 80);
void printRelays() {
if (digitalRead(relay[0]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(10, 180); myScreen.print(F("R0"));
if (digitalRead(relay[1]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(50, 180); myScreen.print(F("R1"));
if (digitalRead(relay[2]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(90, 180); myScreen.print(F("R2"));
if (digitalRead(relay[3]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(130, 180); myScreen.print(F("R3"));
if (digitalRead(relay[4]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(170, 180); myScreen.print(F("R4"));
if (digitalRead(relay[5]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(210, 180); myScreen.print(F("R5"));
if (digitalRead(relay[6]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(250, 180); myScreen.print(F("R6"));
if (digitalRead(relay[7]) == LOW)
{ myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK); }
else { myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_GREEN, ST77XX_BLACK); }
myScreen.setCursor(290, 180); myScreen.print(F("R7"));
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
void printTime() {
myScreen.setCursor(210, 0);;
void printDigits(int digits) {
//this void function is really useful; it adds a "0" to the beginning of the number, so that 5 minutes is displayed as "00:05:00", rather than "00:5 :00"
if (digits < 10) {
} else {
void updateTime() {
if (ntpClient.update()) {
const unsigned long epoch = ntpClient.getEpochTime();
time_t localTime = myTZ.toLocal(epoch, &tcr);
Serial.println("RTC is set");
setRTC = true;
String getLocalTime() {
char buffer[16];
tm t;
_rtc_localtime(time(NULL), &t, RTC_4_YEAR_LEAP_YEAR_SUPPORT);
strftime(buffer, 16, "%a %H:%M", &t);
return String(buffer);
int getCurrentTime() {
int multipliedTime;
tm t;
_rtc_localtime(time(NULL), &t, RTC_4_YEAR_LEAP_YEAR_SUPPORT);
multipliedTime = (t.tm_hour * 100) + t.tm_min;
return multipliedTime;
int getLocalHour() {
int hour;
tm t;
_rtc_localtime(time(NULL), &t, RTC_FULL_LEAP_YEAR_SUPPORT);
hour = t.tm_hour;
return hour;
int getLocalMinutes() {
int minutes;
tm t;
_rtc_localtime(time(NULL), &t, RTC_FULL_LEAP_YEAR_SUPPORT);
minutes = t.tm_min;
return minutes;
void page_SubMenu1() {
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
//draw framework once
//horizontal framework
myScreen.setCursor(70, 40);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 40);
myScreen.setCursor(220, 40);
//vertical framework
myScreen.setCursor(10, 60);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 80);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 100);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 120);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 140);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 160);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 180);
myScreen.setCursor(10, 200);
void printStatistics() {
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
//framework is created in SUB_MENU1
//update readings on timer, called from main loop in updateStatistics
//sensor set 1
myScreen.setCursor(80, 60); //NTC 1
myScreen.print(waterTemp1, 1);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 80); //DHT22 1
printRedOrWhite(temp1, sensorFault[0], 1);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 80);
printRedOrWhite(hum1, sensorFault[6], 0);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 100); //SHT31 1
printRedOrWhite(temp3, sensorFault[2], 1);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 100);
printRedOrWhite(hum3, sensorFault[8], 0);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 120); //BME280 1
printRedOrWhite(temp5, sensorFault[4], 1);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 120);
printRedOrWhite(hum5, sensorFault[10], 0);
myScreen.setCursor(220, 120);
myScreen.print(pres1, 1);
myScreen.print(F(" hPa"));
//sensor set 2
myScreen.setCursor(80, 140); //NTC 2
myScreen.print(waterTemp2, 1);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 160); // DHT22 2
printRedOrWhite(temp2, sensorFault[1], 1);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 160);
printRedOrWhite(hum2, sensorFault[7], 0);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 180); //SHT31 2
printRedOrWhite(temp4, sensorFault[3], 1);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 180);
printRedOrWhite(hum4, sensorFault[9], 0);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 200); //BME280 2
printRedOrWhite(temp6, sensorFault[5], 1);
myScreen.setCursor(150, 200);
printRedOrWhite(hum6, sensorFault[11], 0);
myScreen.setCursor(220, 200);
myScreen.print(pres2, 1);
myScreen.print(F(" hPa"));
void printRedOrWhite(float sensorData, bool fault, bool temperatureOrHumidity) {
//if the sensor returns NAN the variable will not be updated and will be displayed in red
if (fault) {
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_RED, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.print(sensorData, 1);
if (temperatureOrHumidity == true) {
} else {
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
} else {
myScreen.print(sensorData, 1);
if (temperatureOrHumidity == true) {
} else {
void page_SubMenu2(void) {
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
//print R-button positions
myScreen.setCursor(0, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R0"));
myScreen.setCursor(40, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R1"));
myScreen.setCursor(80, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R2"));
myScreen.setCursor(120, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R3"));
myScreen.setCursor(160, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R4"));
myScreen.setCursor(200, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R5"));
myScreen.setCursor(240, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R6"));
myScreen.setCursor(280, 100); myScreen.print(F(" R7"));
void drawRelaysState(int number, bool state, int xPos, int yPos) {
xPos = number*xPos;
if (state == HIGH) {
myScreen.setCursor(xPos+10, yPos -20); //print relay state behind the selector icon(xPos+10), above or under the numbered relay
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_BLACK, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos +20);
myScreen.print(F(" "));
else if (state == LOW) {
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos +20); // not shifting xPos to prevent the row from wrapping around to the front -> -1 even
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_BLACK, ST77XX_RED);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(xPos+10, yPos -20);
myScreen.print(F(" "));
// ===========================================================================================================================
// ===========================================================================================================================
void page_SubMenu3() {
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
// =======================================================================================
// =======================================================================================
void page_SubMenu3_Item(uint8_t item_number) {
uint8_t item_Pos = 1; //for menu 3
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
// ===========================================================================================================================
// ===========================================================================================================================
void page_SubMenu4() {
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
// =======================================================================================
// =======================================================================================
void page_SubMenu4_Item(uint8_t item_number) {
//clear screen
//print title
myScreen.setCursor(0, 0);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 15, 320, 15, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 16, 320, 16, ST77XX_GREEN);
myScreen.drawLine(0, 17, 320, 17, ST77XX_GREEN);
void navigationFunctioner() {
bool down_was_down = false;
bool up_was_down = false;
bool right_was_down = false;
bool left_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down) { down_was_down = true; delay(100); }
if (checkJoystick() == Up) { up_was_down = true; delay(100); }
if (checkJoystick() == Right) { right_was_down = true; delay(100); }
if (checkJoystick() == Left) { left_was_down = true; delay(100); }
if (currPage == ROOT_MENU) { //=====================================================================ROOT=================================================
if (updateDisplay) {
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, 80);
printSelected(1, root_Pos); myScreen.println(F("STATISTICS"));
printSelected(2, root_Pos); myScreen.println(F("RELAYS"));
printSelected(3, root_Pos); myScreen.println(F("TIMERS"));
printSelected(4, root_Pos); myScreen.println(F("SETTINGS"));
updateDisplay = false;
//move the pointer down
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (root_Pos == ROOT_MENU_CNT) { root_Pos = 1; }
else { root_Pos++; }
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
//move the pointer Up
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (root_Pos == 1) { root_Pos = ROOT_MENU_CNT; }
else { root_Pos--; }
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
//move to the selected page
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
switch (root_Pos) {
case 1: currPage = SUB_MENU1; return;
case 2: currPage = SUB_MENU2; return;
case 3: currPage = SUB_MENU3; return;
case 4: currPage = SUB_MENU4; return;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU1) { //=====================================================================SUB1 STATS===========================================
//exit - move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = ROOT_MENU; return;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU2) { //=====================================================================SUB2 RELAYS===========================================
if (updateDisplay){
//draw selector
myScreen.setCursor(0, 100); printSelectedSmall(1, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(40, 100); printSelectedSmall(2, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(80, 100); printSelectedSmall(3, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(120, 100); printSelectedSmall(4, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(160, 100); printSelectedSmall(5, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(200, 100); printSelectedSmall(6, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(240, 100); printSelectedSmall(7, rel_Pos);
myScreen.setCursor(280, 100); printSelectedSmall(8, rel_Pos);
//draw drawRelaysState(int number, bool state, int xPos, int yPos) 10 pixels to the right of the first rel_Pos
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRelays; i++) drawRelaysState(i, digitalRead(relay[i]), 40, 100);
if (rel_Pos == 1) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("LIGHTS "));}
if (rel_Pos == 2) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("FANS "));}
if (rel_Pos == 3) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("RAIN "));}
if (rel_Pos == 4) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("BACKWALL DRIP "));}
if (rel_Pos == 5) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("FOGGER "));}
if (rel_Pos == 6) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("LAND HEATING "));}
if (rel_Pos == 7) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("WINDOW HEATING"));}
if (rel_Pos == 8) {myScreen.setCursor(10, 150); myScreen.print(F("AIRPUMP "));}
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
//move the pointer right
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
if (rel_Pos == SUB_MENU2_CNT) {rel_Pos = 1;}
else {rel_Pos++;}
updateDisplay = true;
right_was_down = false;
//move the pointer left / back to main menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
if (rel_Pos == 1) { currPage = ROOT_MENU; return; }
else {rel_Pos--;}
updateDisplay = true;
left_was_down = false;
//switch selected relay on
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (digitalRead(relay[rel_Pos-1]) == LOW) { //first position in array in 0, so rel_Pos -1
digitalWrite(relay[rel_Pos-1], HIGH); }
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
//switch selected relay off
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (digitalRead(relay[rel_Pos-1]) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(relay[rel_Pos-1], LOW); }
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU3) { //=====================================================================SUB3 TIMERS===========================================
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, 30);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_3); myScreen.println(F("LIGHTS"));
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_3); myScreen.println(F("RAIN"));
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_3); myScreen.println(F("BACKWALL DRIP"));
printSelected(4, sub_Pos_3); myScreen.println(F("FOGGER"));
printSelected(5, sub_Pos_3); myScreen.println(F("AIR PUMP"));
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
//move the pointer down
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3 == SUB_MENU3_CNT) {sub_Pos_3 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_3++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
//move the pointer Up
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3 == 1) {sub_Pos_3 = SUB_MENU3_CNT;} else {sub_Pos_3--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
//move to the selected page
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
switch (sub_Pos_3) {
case 1: currPage = SUB_MENU3_ITEM1; return;
case 2: currPage = SUB_MENU3_ITEM2; return;
case 3: currPage = SUB_MENU3_ITEM3; return;
case 4: currPage = SUB_MENU3_ITEM4; return;
case 5: currPage = SUB_MENU3_ITEM5; return;
//move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = ROOT_MENU; return;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU3_ITEM1) { //================================SUB3 ITEM 1 MAIN LIGHTS===============================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80, offset1 = 80;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_3_1); printTimer(1, xPos1, yPos1, 0, false); myScreen.print(" START"); //printTimer(int number, int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, bool printDuration)
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_3_1); printTimer(2, xPos1, yPos2, 2, false); myScreen.print(" STOP");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) { //move the pointer down
if (sub_Pos_3_1 == 1) {sub_Pos_3_1 = 2;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) { //move the pointer Up
if (sub_Pos_3_1 == 2) {sub_Pos_3_1 = 1;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_1 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) { // change ON timer
//outputDebugln("startChangeTime ON timer");
startChangeTime(0, 1, xPos1 + offset1, yPos1); // startChangeTime(int eepromHour, int eepromMinutes, int xPos, int yPos)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_1 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) { // change OFF timer
//outputDebugln("startChangeTime OFF timer");
startChangeTime(2, 3, xPos1 + offset1, yPos2);
right_was_down = false;
//move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU3;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU3_ITEM2) { //=================================SUB3 ITEM 2 SPRINKLERS================================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 70, yPos3 = 100, yPos4 = 130, yPos5 = 160, offset1 = 80, offset2 = 260;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_3_2); printTimer(1, xPos1, yPos1, 4, true); //printTimers(int number, int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, bool printDuration)
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_3_2); printTimer(2, xPos1, yPos2, 8, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos3);
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_3_2); printTimer(3, xPos1, yPos3, 12, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos4);
printSelected(4, sub_Pos_3_2); printTimer(4, xPos1, yPos4, 16, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos5);
printSelected(5, sub_Pos_3_2); printTimer(5, xPos1, yPos5, 20, true);
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) { //move the pointer down
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == numberOfTimers) {sub_Pos_3_2 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_3_2++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) { //move the pointer Up
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == 1) {sub_Pos_3_2 = numberOfTimers;} else {sub_Pos_3_2--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) { // change timer 1 start and duration
startChangeTime(4, 5, xPos1 + offset1, yPos1); // startChangeTime(int eepromHour, int eepromMinutes, int xPos, int yPos)
startChangeSeconds(6, xPos1 + offset2, yPos1); // startChangeSeconds(int eepromSeconds, int xPos, int yPos)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(8, 9, xPos1 + offset1, yPos2);
startChangeSeconds(10, xPos1 + offset2, yPos2);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == 3 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(12, 13, xPos1 + offset1, yPos3);
startChangeSeconds(14, xPos1 + offset2, yPos3);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == 4 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(16, 17, xPos1 + offset1, yPos4);
startChangeSeconds(18, xPos1 + offset2, yPos4);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_2 == 5 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(20, 21, xPos1 + offset1, yPos5);
startChangeSeconds(22, xPos1 + offset2, yPos5);
right_was_down = false;
//move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU3;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU3_ITEM3) { //=================================SUB3 ITEM 3 BACKWALL DRIP=============================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80, offset1 = 80, offset2 = 260;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_3_3); printTimer(1, xPos1, yPos1, 24, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_3_3); printTimer(2, xPos1, yPos2, 28, true);
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3_3 == 2) {sub_Pos_3_3 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_3_3++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3_3 == 1) {sub_Pos_3_3 = 2;} else {sub_Pos_3_3--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_3 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(24, 25, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos1);
startChangeSeconds(26, xPos1 + offset2, yPos1);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_3 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(28, 29, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos2);
startChangeSeconds(30, xPos1 + offset2, yPos2);
right_was_down = false;
//move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU3;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU3_ITEM4) { //=================================SUB3 ITEM 4 FOGGER====================================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80, offset1 = 80;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_3_4); printTimer(1, xPos1, yPos1, 32, false); myScreen.print(" START");
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_3_4); printTimer(2, xPos1, yPos2, 34, false); myScreen.print(" STOP");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3_4 == 1) {sub_Pos_3_4 = 2;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3_4 == 2) {sub_Pos_3_4 = 1;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_4 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(32, 33, xPos1 + offset1, yPos1);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_4 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(34, 35, xPos1 + offset1, yPos2);
right_was_down = false;
//move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU3;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU3_ITEM5) { //=================================SUB3 ITEM 5 AIR PUMP==================================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 70, yPos3 = 100, yPos4 = 130, yPos5 = 160, offset1 = 80, offset2 = 260;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_3_5); printTimer(1, xPos1, yPos1, 38, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_3_5); printTimer(2, xPos1, yPos2, 42, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos3);
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_3_5); printTimer(3, xPos1, yPos3, 46, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos4);
printSelected(4, sub_Pos_3_5); printTimer(4, xPos1, yPos4, 50, true);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos5);
printSelected(5, sub_Pos_3_5); printTimer(5, xPos1, yPos5, 54, true);
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == numberOfTimers) {sub_Pos_3_5 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_3_5++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == 1) {sub_Pos_3_5 = numberOfTimers;} else {sub_Pos_3_5--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(38, 39, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos1);
startChangeSeconds(40, xPos1 + offset2, yPos1); //duration of seconds can be turned into minutes in on/off function *60
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(42, 43, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos2);
startChangeSeconds(44, xPos1 + offset2, yPos2);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == 3 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(46, 47, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos3);
startChangeSeconds(48, xPos1 + offset2, yPos3);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == 4 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(50, 51, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos4);
startChangeSeconds(52, xPos1 + offset2, yPos4);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_3_5 == 5 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
startChangeTime(54, 55, xPos1 + offset1 , yPos5);
startChangeSeconds(56, xPos1 + offset2, yPos5);
right_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU3;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU4) { //=====================================================================SUB4=================================================
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, 30);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_4); myScreen.println(F("SET TEMPERATURE"));
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_4); myScreen.println(F("SET HUMIDITY"));
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_4); myScreen.println(F("SET LAND TEMPERATURE"));
printSelected(4, sub_Pos_4); myScreen.println(F("SET RAINSTORM"));
printSelected(5, sub_Pos_4); myScreen.println(F("RESET CRASH COUNTER"));
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
//move the pointer down
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4 == SUB_MENU4_CNT) {sub_Pos_4 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_4++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
//move the pointer Up
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4 == 1) {sub_Pos_4 = SUB_MENU4_CNT;} else {sub_Pos_4--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
//move to the selected page
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
switch (sub_Pos_4) {
case 1: currPage = SUB_MENU4_ITEM1; return;
case 2: currPage = SUB_MENU4_ITEM2; return;
case 3: currPage = SUB_MENU4_ITEM3; return;
case 4: currPage = SUB_MENU4_ITEM4; return;
case 5: currPage = SUB_MENU4_ITEM5; return;
//move back to the root menu
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = ROOT_MENU; return;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU4_ITEM1) { //===================SUB4 ITEM 1 SET TEMPERATURE====================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80, yPos3 = 120;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_4_1); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos1, 60, "MIN TEMPERATURE ", "\367"); //printMinMax(int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, const char* txt, const char* txt2)
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_4_1); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos2, 61, "MAX TEMPERATURE ", "\367");
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos3);
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_4_1); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos3, 70, "IDEAL ", "\367");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_1 == 3) {sub_Pos_4_1 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_4_1++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_1 == 1) {sub_Pos_4_1 = 3;} else {sub_Pos_4_1--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_1 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos1, 10, 20, 60, 190); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_1 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos2, 20, 35, 61, 190);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_1 == 3 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos3, 20, 30, 70, 70);
right_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU4;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU4_ITEM2) { //===================SUB4 ITEM 2 SET HUMIDITY=======================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80, yPos3 = 120;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_4_2); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos1, 62, "MIN HUMIDITY ", "%"); //printMinMax(int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, const char* txt, const char* txt2)
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_4_2); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos2, 63, "MAX HUMIDITY ", "%");
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos3);
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_4_2); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos3, 71, "IDEAL ", "%");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_2 == 3) {sub_Pos_4_2 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_4_2++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_2 == 1) {sub_Pos_4_2 = 3;} else {sub_Pos_4_2--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_2 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos1, 40, 60, 62, 155); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_2 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos2, 60, 90, 63, 155);
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_2 == 3 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos3, 40, 80, 71, 70);
right_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU4;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU4_ITEM3) { //===================SUB4 ITEM 3 SET LAND TEMPERATURE===============================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_4_3); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos1, 64, "DAY TEMPERATURE ", "\367"); //printMinMax(int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, const char* txt, const char* txt2)
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_4_3); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos2, 65, "NIGHT TEMPERATURE ", "\367");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_3 == 1) {sub_Pos_4_3 = 2;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_3 == 2) {sub_Pos_4_3 = 1;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_3 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos1, 10, 25, 64, 190); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_3 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos2, 10, 20, 65, 220); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU4;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU4_ITEM4) { //===================SUB4 ITEM 4 SET RAINSTORM======================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80, yPos3 = 120;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_4_4); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos1, 66, "MAX NUMBER ", ""); //printMinMax(int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, const char* txt, const char* txt2)
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_4_4); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos2, 67, "DURATION ", "");
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos3);
printSelected(3, sub_Pos_4_4); printMinMax(xPos1, yPos3, 68, "VENT PAUSE ", "");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_4 == 3) {sub_Pos_4_4 = 1;} else {sub_Pos_4_4++;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_4 == 1) {sub_Pos_4_4 = 3;} else {sub_Pos_4_4--;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_4 == 1 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos1, 1, 5, 66, 130); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_4 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos2, 10, 60, 67, 110); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_4 == 3 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
setValue(xPos1, yPos3, 10, 120, 68, 130); //setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight)
right_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU4;
if (currPage == SUB_MENU4_ITEM5) { //===================SUB4 ITEM 5 RESET CRASHCOUNTER=================================
int xPos1 = 30, yPos1 = 40, yPos2 = 80;
if (updateDisplay){
// print the items
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos1);
printSelected(1, sub_Pos_4_5); myScreen.print("CRASH COUNTER = "); myScreen.print(EEPROM.readByte(100)); myScreen.print(" ");
myScreen.setCursor(0, yPos2);
printSelected(2, sub_Pos_4_5); myScreen.print("CONFIRM RESET");
// clear the update flag
updateDisplay = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_5 == 1) {sub_Pos_4_5 = 2;}
updateDisplay = true;
down_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
if (sub_Pos_4_5 == 2) {sub_Pos_4_5 = 1;}
updateDisplay = true;
up_was_down = false;
if (sub_Pos_4_5 == 2 && checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
EEPROM.writeByte(100, 0);
updateDisplay = true;
right_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Left && left_was_down == true) {
currPage = SUB_MENU4;
void printSelected(uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2) {
if (p1 == p2) { myScreen.print(F(" > ")); }
else { myScreen.print(F(" ")); }
void printSelectedSmall(uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2) {
if (p1 == p2) { myScreen.print(F(">")); }
else { myScreen.print(F(" ")); }
void autoGoBackToHomePage() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); //call current millis
if (checkJoystick() != 0) { // Reset millis counter if joystick is moved
previousMillis = currentMillis;
if (currPage != SCREEN_SAVER) {
if (currPage != ROOT_MENU && currentMillis - previousMillis > 60 * 1000) { //1 minute
previousMillis = currentMillis; //replace previous millis by current millis as new start point
currPage = ROOT_MENU;
void screenSaver() {
unsigned long currentMillis2 = millis();
if (checkJoystick() != 0) { // Reset millis counter if joystick is moved
previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
if (currPage == ROOT_MENU && currentMillis2 - previousMillis2 > 300 * 1000) { //after 5 minutes of no movement
previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
currPage = SCREEN_SAVER;
outputDebugln("Screensaver activated");
void activateScreen() {
if (currPage == SCREEN_SAVER && checkJoystick() != 0) { //turn back on when joystick is moved
currPage = ROOT_MENU;
outputDebugln("Screen reactivated");
void climateControl() {
//everything times 10 for better resolution
unsigned int minAirTemp = EEPROM.readByte(60) * 10;
unsigned int maxAirTemp = EEPROM.readByte(61) * 10;
unsigned int minHumidity = EEPROM.readByte(62) * 10;
unsigned int maxHumidity = EEPROM.readByte(63) * 10;
unsigned int dayWaterTemp = EEPROM.readByte(dayTemperature) * 10;
unsigned int nightWaterTemp = EEPROM.readByte(nightTemperature) * 10;
unsigned int desiredAirTemp = EEPROM.readByte(desiredTemp) * 10;
unsigned int desiredHumidity = EEPROM.readByte(desiredHumi) * 10;
unsigned int airTemp = airTempAverage * 10; //all average readings have 1 decimal number
unsigned int humidity = humidityAverage * 10;
unsigned int waterTemp = waterTempAverage * 10;
unsigned int hysteresis = 50;
unsigned int airOn = desiredAirTemp + (hysteresis * .5); //tweaking balance
unsigned int airOff = desiredAirTemp - (hysteresis * .25);
unsigned int humidityOn = desiredHumidity + hysteresis;
unsigned int humidityOff = desiredHumidity - (hysteresis * .5);
if (dayTime) { //day schedule
noRain = false;
hold = false;
if (waterTemp - 10 < dayWaterTemp) {
digitalWrite(relay[5], HIGH); //land heat on
if (waterTemp >= dayWaterTemp) {
digitalWrite(relay[5], LOW); //land heat off
if (airTemp <= airOn && airTemp >= airOff && humidity <= humidityOn && humidity >= humidityOff) {
climateState = CASE0;
outputDebugln("CASE 0");
if (humidityMonitoring) {
if (airTemp > airOn && humidity > humidityOn) {
hold = true; // flag to disable singular conditions
noRain = true; //disable sprinklers
outputDebugln("CASE 1 airTemp high & humidity high --- fans on max");
climateState = CASE1;
else if (airTemp < airOff && humidity < humidityOff) {
hold = true;
outputDebugln("CASE 2 airTemp low & humidity low --- heating on & fogger on");
climateState = CASE2;
else if (airTemp > airOn && humidity < humidityOff) {
hold = true; // prevent other singular trigger
outputDebugln("CASE 3 airTemp high & humidity low --- fans off & sprinklers on");
climateState = CASE3;
else if (airTemp < airOff && humidity > humidityOn) {
hold = true;
noRain = true;
outputDebugln("CASE 4 airTemp low && humidity high --- heating on & fans low");
climateState = CASE4;
if (!hold) {
if (humidity > humidityOn && humidityMonitoring) {
noRain = true;
outputDebugln("CASE 5 humidity high --- fans on, no rain");
climateState = CASE5;
else if (airTemp > airOn) {
outputDebugln("CASE 6 airTemp high --- fans on");
climateState = CASE6;
else if (humidity < humidityOff && humidityMonitoring) {
outputDebugln("CASE 7 humidity low --- fogger on");
climateState = CASE7;
else if (airTemp < airOff) {
outputDebugln("CASE 8 airTemp low --- heat on");
climateState = CASE8;
if (!dayTime) { //night schedule
if (waterTemp - 10 < nightWaterTemp) {
digitalWrite(relay[5], HIGH); //land heat on
if (waterTemp >= nightWaterTemp) {
digitalWrite(relay[5], LOW); //land heat off
if (airTemp <= airOn && airTemp >= airOff && humidity <= humidityOn && humidity >= humidityOff) {
climateState = CASE0;
outputDebugln("CASE 0");
else if (airTemp > airOn) {
outputDebugln("CASE 9 airTemp high --- fans on");
climateState = CASE9;
else if (humidity < humidityOff) {
outputDebugln("CASE 10 humidity low --- fogger on");
climateState = CASE10;
else if (airTemp < minAirTemp) {
outputDebugln("CASE 11 airTemp low --- heat on");
climateState = CASE11;
else if (humidity > (990)) {
outputDebugln("CASE 12 humidity max --- fans on");
climateState = CASE12;
void climateChange() { //it's real
//everything times 10 for better resolution
unsigned int minAirTemp = EEPROM.readByte(60) * 10;
unsigned int maxAirTemp = EEPROM.readByte(61) * 10;
unsigned int minHumidity = EEPROM.readByte(62) * 10;
unsigned int maxHumidity = EEPROM.readByte(63) * 10;
unsigned int dayWaterTemp = EEPROM.readByte(dayTemperature) * 10;
unsigned int nightWaterTemp = EEPROM.readByte(nightTemperature) * 10;
unsigned int desiredAirTemp = EEPROM.readByte(desiredTemp) * 10;
unsigned int desiredHumidity = EEPROM.readByte(desiredHumi) * 10;
unsigned int airTemp = airTempAverage * 10;
unsigned int humidity = humidityAverage * 10;
unsigned int waterTemp = waterTempAverage * 10;
unsigned int hysteresis = 50;
unsigned int airOn = desiredAirTemp + (hysteresis * .5);
unsigned int airOff = desiredAirTemp - (hysteresis * .25);
unsigned int heatOn = desiredAirTemp - (hysteresis * .5);
unsigned int heatOff = desiredAirTemp - (hysteresis * .25);
unsigned int humidityOn = desiredHumidity + hysteresis;
unsigned int humidityOff = desiredHumidity - (hysteresis * .5);
if (climateState != previousClimateState) {
switch (climateState) {
case CASE0: //default do nothing
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans off
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(relay[4], LOW); //fogger off
digitalWrite(relay[6], LOW); //window heating off --- ??? maybe not?
case CASE1: //decrease temperature and decrease humidity
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH); //fans on
digitalWrite(relay[6], LOW); //window heating off
digitalWrite(relay[4], LOW); //fogger off
case CASE2: //increase temperature and increase humidity
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans off
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(relay[4], HIGH); //fogger on
digitalWrite(relay[6], HIGH); //window heating on
case CASE3: //decrease temperature and increase humidity
digitalWrite(relay[6], LOW); //window heating off
//running sequence below
case CASE4: //increase temperature and decrease humidity
digitalWrite(relay[6], HIGH); //heating on
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH); //fans low
pwmVal1 = 100;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1); //low state --- needs testing
//single states
case CASE5: //decrease humidity
digitalWrite(relay[4], LOW); //fogger off
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH); //fans on
case CASE6: //decrease temperature
digitalWrite(relay[6], LOW); //window heating off
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH); //fans on
case CASE7: //increase humidity
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans off
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(relay[4], HIGH); //fogger on
case CASE8: //increase temperature
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans off
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(relay[6], HIGH); //window heat on
case CASE9: //decrease temperature
digitalWrite(relay[6], LOW); //window heating off
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH); //fans on
case CASE10: //increase humidity
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans off
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(relay[4], HIGH); //fogger on
case CASE11: //increase temperature
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans off
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(relay[6], HIGH); //window heat on
case CASE12: //decrease humidity
digitalWrite(relay[4], LOW); //fogger off
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH); //fans on
previousClimateState = climateState;
if (climateState == CASE1) { //decrease temperature and decrease humidity
if (airTemp > maxAirTemp) { airTemp = maxAirTemp; }
pwmVal1 = map(airTemp, desiredAirTemp, maxAirTemp, 0, 255);
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
digitalWrite(pwmPin_2, pwmVal1); //to be adjusted for different fans i.e. pwmVal2
else if (climateState == CASE3) { //decrease temperature and increase humidity
//turn on sprinklers and wait a bit for endothermic evaporation, then turn on fans again. This event is unlikely to happen.
static byte state = 4; //at start go to state 0 with ++
if (millis() - previousMillis_2 >= sequenceInterval[state]) {
// go to the next state
state = state % 4;
outputDebug(F("state = "));
// act according to state
switch (state) {
case 0: //fans off and wait 2 seconds
digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW);
pwmVal1 = 0;
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
case 1: //sprinklers for 10 seconds
digitalWrite(relay[2], HIGH);
case 2: //sprinklers off and wait another 30 seconds
digitalWrite(relay[2], LOW);
case 3: //fans back on for (at least) 30 seconds
digitalWrite(relay[1], HIGH);
if (airTemp > maxAirTemp) { airTemp = maxAirTemp; }
pwmVal1 = map(airTemp, desiredAirTemp, maxAirTemp, 0, 255);
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
previousMillis_2 = millis();
else if (climateState == CASE5) { //decrease humidity
if (humidity > maxHumidity) { humidity = maxHumidity; }
pwmVal1 = map(humidity, desiredHumidity, maxHumidity, 0, 255);
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
//pwmVal2 = map(humidity, humidityOff, maxHumidity, 0, 255);
//digitalWrite(pwmPin_2, pwmVal2);
else if (climateState == CASE6) { //decrease temperature
if (airTemp > maxAirTemp) { airTemp = maxAirTemp; }
pwmVal1 = map(airTemp, desiredAirTemp, maxAirTemp, 0, 255);
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
//pwmVal2 = map(airTemp, airOff, maxAirTemp, 0, 255);
//digitalWrite(pwmPin_2, pwmVal2);
else if (climateState == CASE8) { //increase temperature
//digitalWrite(relay[1], LOW); //fans_2 to be made icm with front window ventilation
//pwmVal2 = map(airTemp, minAirTemp, maxAirTemp, 0, 180);
else if (climateState == CASE9) { //decrease temperature
if (airTemp > maxAirTemp) { airTemp = maxAirTemp; }
pwmVal1 = map(airTemp, desiredAirTemp, maxAirTemp, 0, 255);
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
else if (climateState == CASE12) { //decrease humidity
if (humidity > maxHumidity) { humidity = maxHumidity; }
pwmVal1 = map(humidity, maxHumidity, 100, 0, 100); //value between set max and absolute? 100-speed needs to be tweaked
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, pwmVal1);
pwm1Speed = map(pwmVal1, 0, 255, 0, 100);
void startChangeTime(int eepromHour, int eepromMinutes, int xPos, int yPos) { // xPos is starting location for Hour digits. xPos for minutes is shifted right
int hourTime = EEPROM.readByte(eepromHour);
int minuteTime = EEPROM.readByte(eepromMinutes);
bool right_was_down = false;
bool hourHasBeenSaved = false;
bool minuteHasBeenSaved = false;
bool everythingHasBeenSaved = false;
ChangeTimeState state = CHANGING_HOUR;
//if (!everythingHasBeenSaved) {
while (!everythingHasBeenSaved) {
switch (state) {
if (checkJoystick() == Right) { right_was_down = true; delay(100); }
hourTime = changeTime(hourTime, 0, 23, xPos, yPos);
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
EEPROM.writeByte(eepromHour, hourTime);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK); //revert color to normal
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
right_was_down = false;
hourHasBeenSaved = true;
if (hourHasBeenSaved && !minuteHasBeenSaved) {
if (checkJoystick() == Right) { right_was_down = true; delay(100); }
minuteTime = changeTime(minuteTime, 0, 59, xPos +35, yPos); //+35 to shift from hour digits to minute digits
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
EEPROM.writeByte(eepromMinutes, minuteTime);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK); //revert color to normal
myScreen.setCursor(xPos +35, yPos);
right_was_down = false;
minuteHasBeenSaved = true;
if (minuteHasBeenSaved && hourHasBeenSaved) {
everythingHasBeenSaved = true;
//outputDebugln("saving completed");
int changeTime(int &timeValue, int minValue, int maxValue, int xPos, int yPos) {
bool down_was_down = false;
bool up_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down) { down_was_down = true; delay(100); }
if (checkJoystick() == Up) { up_was_down = true; delay(100); }
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_BLACK, ST77XX_WHITE); //invert the selected block
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
if (checkJoystick() == Up && up_was_down == true) {
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
if (timeValue > maxValue) {
timeValue = minValue;
up_was_down = false;
if (checkJoystick() == Down && down_was_down == true) {
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
if (timeValue < minValue) {
timeValue = maxValue;
down_was_down = false;
return timeValue;
void startChangeSeconds(int eepromSeconds, int xPos, int yPos) {
int secondsTime = EEPROM.readByte(eepromSeconds);
bool right_was_down = false;
bool timeHasBeenSaved = false;
bool valueStored = false; //extra delay flag to prevent instant exit and restart
while(!timeHasBeenSaved) {
if (checkJoystick() == Right) { right_was_down = true; delay(100); }
secondsTime = changeTime(secondsTime, 0, 59, xPos, yPos);
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
EEPROM.writeByte(eepromSeconds, secondsTime);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK); //revert color to normal
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
valueStored = true;
//outputDebugln("duration stored");
right_was_down = false;
if (valueStored){
timeHasBeenSaved = true;
void printTimer(int number, int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, bool printDuration) {
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
myScreen.setCursor(xPos + 80, yPos); // 80 only works for the time + duration notation
printDigits(EEPROM.readByte(eepromNumber + 1));
if (printDuration){
myScreen.print(" DURATION");
myScreen.setCursor(xPos + 260, yPos);
printDigits(EEPROM.readByte(eepromNumber + 2));
void printMinMax(int xPos, int yPos, int eepromNumber, const char* txt, const char* txt2) {
myScreen.setCursor(xPos, yPos);
void setValue(int xPos, int yPos, int minValue, int maxValue, int eepromNumber, int shiftToRight) {
int xPos2 = xPos + shiftToRight; //adjusting location after text
int valueToSet = EEPROM.readByte(eepromNumber);
bool right_was_down = false;
bool valueHasBeenStored = false;
bool setValueStored = false; //extra delay flag to prevent instant exit and restart
while (!valueHasBeenStored) {
if (checkJoystick() == Right) { right_was_down = true; delay(100); }
valueToSet = changeTime(valueToSet, minValue, maxValue, xPos2, yPos);
if (checkJoystick() == Right && right_was_down == true) {
EEPROM.writeByte(eepromNumber, valueToSet);
myScreen.setTextColor(ST77XX_WHITE, ST77XX_BLACK);
myScreen.setCursor(xPos2, yPos);
setValueStored = true;
right_was_down = false;
if (setValueStored) {
valueHasBeenStored = true;
void automatedSwitching() {
currentHour = getLocalHour();
currentMinute = getLocalMinutes();
currentTime = getCurrentTime();
int lightOnHour = EEPROM.readByte(0), lightOnMinute = EEPROM.readByte(1), lightOffHour = EEPROM.readByte(2), lightOffMinute = EEPROM.readByte(3);
int onTime = (lightOnHour * 100) + lightOnMinute;
int offTime = (lightOffHour * 100) + lightOffMinute;
switchTimer(0, onTime, offTime); //switchTimer(relay, ON, OFF, countdown, secondsOrNot, timerNumber)
int delayedOn = onTime + 30; //30 minutes after light on
int delayedOff = offTime - 30; //30 minutes before light off
//switchTimer (1, delayedOn, delayedOff, 0, false, 0); // fans should not be on by default
int rain1Hour = EEPROM.readByte(4), rain1Minute = EEPROM.readByte(5), rain1Duration = EEPROM.readByte(6);
int rain2Hour = EEPROM.readByte(8), rain2Minute = EEPROM.readByte(9), rain2Duration = EEPROM.readByte(10);
int rain3Hour = EEPROM.readByte(12), rain3Minute = EEPROM.readByte(13), rain3Duration = EEPROM.readByte(14);
int rain4Hour = EEPROM.readByte(16), rain4Minute = EEPROM.readByte(17), rain4Duration = EEPROM.readByte(18);
int rain5Hour = EEPROM.readByte(20), rain5Minute = EEPROM.readByte(21), rain5Duration = EEPROM.readByte(22);
if (!noRain) {
switchTimer(2, rain1Hour, rain1Minute, rain1Duration, true, 0);
switchTimer(2, rain2Hour, rain2Minute, rain2Duration, true, 1);
switchTimer(2, rain3Hour, rain3Minute, rain3Duration, true, 2);
switchTimer(2, rain4Hour, rain4Minute, rain4Duration, true, 3);
switchTimer(2, rain5Hour, rain5Minute, rain5Duration, true, 4);
//====================================BACKWALL DRIP==============================
int drip1Hour = EEPROM.readByte(24), drip1Minute = EEPROM.readByte(25), drip1Duration = EEPROM.readByte(26);
int drip2Hour = EEPROM.readByte(28), drip2Minute = EEPROM.readByte(29), drip2Duration = EEPROM.readByte(30);
switchTimer(3, drip1Hour, drip1Minute, drip1Duration, true, 0);
switchTimer(3, drip2Hour, drip2Minute, drip2Duration, true, 1);
int fogOnHour = EEPROM.readByte(32), fogOnMinute = EEPROM.readByte(33), fogOffHour = EEPROM.readByte(34), fogOffMinute = EEPROM.readByte(35);
int fogOn = (fogOnHour * 100) + fogOnMinute;
int fogOff = (fogOffHour * 100) + fogOffMinute;
switchTimer(4, fogOn, fogOff);
if (currentTime >= delayedOn && currentTime <= fogOn) {
humidityMonitoring = true;
} else if (currentTime >= fogOn && currentTime <= delayedOn) {
humidityMonitoring = false;
//====================================WINDOW HEAT================================
//switchTimer(6, onTime, offTime, 0, false, 0); //for now linked to temperature controll. Will eventuelly be on permanent and fans over the heat to controll the temp
int airpump1Hour = EEPROM.readByte(38), airpump1Minute = EEPROM.readByte(39), airpump1Duration = EEPROM.readByte(40);
int airpump2Hour = EEPROM.readByte(42), airpump2Minute = EEPROM.readByte(43), airpump2Duration = EEPROM.readByte(44);
int airpump3Hour = EEPROM.readByte(46), airpump3Minute = EEPROM.readByte(47), airpump3Duration = EEPROM.readByte(48);
int airpump4Hour = EEPROM.readByte(50), airpump4Minute = EEPROM.readByte(51), airpump4Duration = EEPROM.readByte(52);
int airpump5Hour = EEPROM.readByte(54), airpump5Minute = EEPROM.readByte(55), airpump5Duration = EEPROM.readByte(56);
switchTimer(7, airpump1Hour, airpump1Minute, airpump1Duration, true, 0);
switchTimer(7, airpump2Hour, airpump2Minute, airpump2Duration, true, 1);
switchTimer(7, airpump3Hour, airpump3Minute, airpump3Duration, true, 2);
switchTimer(7, airpump4Hour, airpump4Minute, airpump4Duration, true, 3);
switchTimer(7, airpump5Hour, airpump5Minute, airpump5Duration, true, 4);
void switchTimer(int relayNumber, int timeOne, int timeTwo, int seconds, bool secondsOrNot, int timerNumber) {
//if secondsOrNot is true then timeOne is hours and timeTwo is minutes. If !secondsOrNot: timeOne is ON time and timeTwo is OFF time
//seconds, secondsOrNot and timerNumber have default values and don't have to be declared
if (!secondsOrNot) {
if (currentTime >= timeOne && currentTime < timeTwo) {
if (digitalRead(relay[relayNumber]) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(relay[relayNumber], HIGH);
outputDebug("Timer ");
outputDebugln(" on");
if (currentTime < timeOne || currentTime >= timeTwo) {
if (digitalRead(relay[relayNumber]) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(relay[relayNumber], LOW);
outputDebug("Timer ");
outputDebugln(" off");
if (secondsOrNot) {
if (currentHour == timeOne && currentMinute == timeTwo && hasNotRunYet == true) {
digitalWrite(relay[relayNumber], HIGH);
countdown[timerNumber] = millis();
hasNotRunYet = false; //flag prevents being activated more than once
timerActive[timerNumber] = true;
outputDebug("relay ");
outputDebug(" on with ");
outputDebugln(" seconds countdown");
if (timerActive[timerNumber] == true && digitalRead(relay[relayNumber]) == HIGH) {
if (millis() - countdown[timerNumber] > (seconds * 1000)) { //seconds to milliseconds
digitalWrite(relay[relayNumber], LOW);
timerActive[timerNumber] = false;
outputDebug("relay ");
outputDebugln(" off");
if (hasNotRunYet == false) {
if (millis() - countdown[timerNumber] > resetDelay) {
hasNotRunYet = true;
outputDebug("hasNotYetRun reset");
void fanPause() {
if (digitalRead(relay[2]) == HIGH && !climateControlPause) {
pauseStart = millis();
digitalWrite(pwmPin_1, 0); //fans off
outputDebugln("ClimateControl paused");
climateControlPause = true;
if (climateControlPause) {
if (millis() - pauseStart > fanPauseTime) {
climateControlPause = false;
outputDebugln("Pause ended");