Problem with MPU6050 (gy-521)

I have problem with arduino rev3 and MPU6050 (gy-521).
I upload code from FreeIMU libraries - - ,but when I turn on srial monitor it shows me some kind of symbols instead of few columns of numbers as in this video (at 6:32s) How to connect and test FreeIMU v0.4 with Arduino and the FreeIMU library - YouTube
There is my problem video - - YouTube
Please help me solve this problem. I am very new on this.

No one haven't same problem?

Anwering your question is not easy.

You did not show what the output is.
Are some characters valid, or is it complete symbols and so ?

You did not tell us which specific library you use.

You did not tell which example you use.

Do you use the one for "processing". That sketch outputs digital data for "processing", not something readable.

I don't know if you have communication with the sensor at all.
Did you run the i2c_scanner ?

First check what baudrate the sketch uses.
The serial monitor is default set at 9600. But the examples of the I2Cdevlib use a higher baudrate.

The FreeIMU uses the I2Cdevlib library.
They are adapted to use more usefull data for the FreeIMU library.