I'm having problem converting a string to float. I'm building a prototype where to goal is to control an arduino through labview to adjust the voltage of a light. To do that I have to use the "visa" block in labview, which causes my problem because to use them I have to input a string variable, which in turn i'm supposed to convert into a float to use in my arduino code but everytime i try someting the value is set to 0.00
char labviewSTR;
int pwm = 4; // assigns pin 4 to variable pwm
int t1 = 0; // declares variable t1
int t2 = 0; // declares variable t2
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()>0)
labviewSTR = Serial.read();
float labviewFLT = atof(labviewSTR);
Serial.print(labviewFLT); //this line here only return 0.00
t2= labviewFLT / (5 / 1023); // reads the voltage at pwm and saves in t2
t1= 1000-t2; // subtracts t2 from 1000 ans saves the result in t1
digitalWrite(pwm, HIGH); // sets pin 12 HIGH
delayMicroseconds(t1); // waits for t1 uS (high time)
digitalWrite(pwm, LOW); // sets pin 12 LOW
delayMicroseconds(t2); // waits for t2 uS (low time)
I'd be so grateful if someone was able to explain what I'm doing wrong here
I'm a very new user, please be patient.