Problems with nokia 5110 LCD, made one of the models work but not the other.

Hello, I have been searching for a way to make the nokia LCD 5110 screen work, I got 2 different models, 3 of the blue ones and one of the red ones.

I managed the to make the red one work, but I cant make any of the blue ones work, and they were supossed to be internally the same circuit.

After a lot of time trying to make them work, i realized they are internally a bit different.

While the red one one needs the blacklight pin in the ground to lit, the blue one needs the blacklight pin in the 3.3v to lit. Now Im able to lit them all, but i cant make the blue ones work, only the red one.

They got all the pins in the same places so are they supossed to be internally the same board? (if we dont count the blacklight pin difference of course.)

I have been all day with this so I would like someone to help me, someone who knows a bit more than me about these screens.

This is the tutorial i followed in internet, is the ONLY ONE that i managed to work. (I didnt use the resistors that are required in the tutorial, it worked for the red LCD, shouldnt it work for the blue ones?)

Thank you very much in advance


Thank you for your answer.

In the blue screen it is writen that it is 3v-5v, that is why i consider it can be done without any resistors.

Here are 2 photos of the screens, the product link in aliexpress has expired already, but they are the common ones.

Front side:

Back side:

About the code and the wiring, i used the one of the link i sent first.

The only difference is that i used the 3,3v for the blaglight pin in the blue one, and the GND for the blacklight pin in the red one.

I think i shouldnt have destroyed the screens because they are made for 5v too...


Thank you.

I will try with other kind screen.