Project esp32 with multiple displays

Hi, I would like to connect an esp32 camera and output the image on multiple displays. Is all this possible?
Thanks for your help. :smiley:

do you expect a movie quality or just take a picture and display it?

Hi thanks for answer.
I would like the video captured by the camera to be projected onto four displays

it depends on the resolution of your screens but it won't be a video in the sense that you will get more than 24 frames per seconds...

if you get 1 or 2 frames per second that will be already good. It might be less than that.

A RPi is better suited for dealing with vidéo and you could add an HDMI signal splitter which takes 1 HDMI input and replicates it 4 times for your 4 screens (look for 1x4 HDMI splitter)

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