PS2 remote code

Hi all,

I have bought a PS2 V3 controller and I am struggling to program it to control two servo motors. I would appreciate any help.


How is the controller connected to the Arduino?
What code are you using?
What is working?
What is not working?

The servos of my robot are connected to a sabertooth motor controller. This is setup in independent mode. I'm using a botboardunio board but the connection is right because the transmitter and the receiver sync together when I turn the robot on. I'm using the arduino language with the imported ps2x library as well as the servo library. None of the controls work when it is turned on but when I do not use the remote and use other sensors the robot works as it should.

The servos of my robot are connected to a sabertooth motor controller.

"What is the weather like where you are?" "I really like ice cream".

Your answer has zero to do with the question.

I'm using the arduino language with the imported ps2x library as well as the servo library.

Well, isn't that lovely. Still can't see your code or where you imported the library from.

None of the controls work when it is turned on
