Rain gauge idea

Hi All,

I am thinking of building a weather station -

For the rain gauge my idea is to have a container which would capture the rain over a 24 hour period
then measure the amount in inches/cm and record. Once done empty the container and repeat.

Is this idea feasible or am I complicating what is already out there ?


This idea is not only feasible but is a great way to get started with Arduino.

You could start with the level sensor by using a product such as this.

I found a lot of 4cm sensors but that's less than two inches of rain so I prefer this one.

Then add an electronic valve that allows you to empty the rain gauge remotely with the Arduino.

Next add temperature, humidity and barometric pressure sensors for say both indoor and outdoor readings and then whatever else tickles your fancy.

I say go for it.

Hi again,

Can you suggest a way to empty the rain gauge container?

My understanding is if you use a electronic value it needs water pressure to operate.

What I am looking for is a value that will open for a period of time (empty rain gauge)
then close.


There are two ways that I can think of off hand. Each with its Pros and Cons.

1- Plug a hole in the bottom of the tube with a rubber stopper that's connected to a spring loaded solenoid. When you apply power to the solinoid it will push the stopper up releasing the water and when the power is removed the spring will pull it closed.

Pros - Easy to build. Cons - Debris can get caught between the stopper and the tube causing a leak.

2- Make a tipping point about half way up and tip the tube over more than 90° to drain it and then rotate it back up vertically again after a few seconds.

Pros - Debris won't cause leaks. Cons - May be much more difficult to build.

Hi There

My idea was to have a tube/Rain Gauge which had a bracket in the middle. This bracket is attached to a rod which is controlled by a small motor which rotates the rain gauge which empties it.

This would have to run once in a 24 hour period.

Anyone had any experience with an easy way of measuring water level?


Did you have a look at the resistive water level gauge that Sparkfun sells.

The link is a few posts back and there are a bunch on eBay and AliExpress as well as DX.com.

Most professional rain gauges use a tipping-bucket mechanism (see Rain gauge - Wikipedia) so as to avoid having to empty anything. It also simplifies the design of your weather station since all you have to do is count the impulses.


For this project I am trying to keep the cost down of the unit.

I think I will be going with a Tube/Rain Gauge container which will be on a rod which
will turn and empty the container. This will be driving by a servo motor.

To measure the rain level is the challenge. I could use the e Tape but again it's to pricey.

What are the alternatives ?

Ultrasonic sensor

DIY Two electrodes and then calculate the amount of water.

It will be engaged once every 24 hours and then turned off.

Any suggestion?


I like the Servo Motor tipping mechanism, it will just need to be properly sealed from the elements.

Here's a link to a much cheaper water level sensor but it's limited to 4cm or 1.6"

I guess you could stack two but you may need to use two Analog input pins and some math to figure out the actual water level.

There has to be a more affordable option out there that's at least four inches long but for some reason I haven't found any.

How about making it empty whenever it's full (instead of every 24 hours)?

Then you could have a smaller vessel (which would be easier on the tipping motor), and you could use the 4cm level sensor.

Don't know where you are based, but you can order this from the UK. Doesn't nee emptying, and it is cheap.

Just had a look at one of those in the shop.
It appears to be a tipping bucket mechanism as mentioned above.
Cannot complain at the price :slight_smile:

Hi All,

I live in Australia so getting this in the UK is my problem.

I checked on the net and that price seems to good to be true as the unit
is selling for 25 pounds ?

I am going to check if they will mail to Australia.


I like the Servo Motor tipping mechanism, it will just need to be properly sealed from the elements.

Here's a link to a much cheaper water level sensor but it's limited to 4cm or 1.6"

2pcs Water Level Sensor Depth of Detection Water Sensor for Arduino | eBay

I guess you could stack two but you may need to use two Analog input pins and some math to figure out the actual water level.

There has to be a more affordable option out there that's at least four inches long but for some reason I haven't found any.

I am not sure this can sit in water? I think this is for rain detection only.


I'm a card carrying member of the "doing yourself is more fun" club... and have MADE tipping bucket gauges... but have to say that maybe for THIS project the hardware has been done, and done well, and not too expensive, and that still leaves a lot of fun (time) to spend on the software.

Your approach illustrates an interesting dichotomy in all measuring... measure increments continually, or measure what collects in a given time period. With rain, it is really nice to have the greater resolution of "drops per minute". The blue line at...


... is rainfall. (Vertical gray bars: Midnights. 25 Feb, there was a brief but fairly intense rainstorm. If there'd been light drizzle for a while, you could have the same AMOUNT of rain, but the event would have been different... and the difference lost without a tipping bucket "answer".

I've seen the windspeed and wind direction sensors in the Maplin range, and they are very nicely done. If you've done no rainfall measuring, the one mentioned on previous posts makes a good starting point. The size of the opening at the top is a bit small.... USA NWS suggests 8" diameter, I believe. Be sure to mount where you can service regularly.

More on rainfall sensors at... Rainfall Measure electronically

To return to your idea....

Keep the "servo tip"... the "see-saw" is hard to make work.
Put a big funnel above your collector, so a light rain gives you a lot of water to detect.
Use a "captive" float switch to tell the Arduino when your collector has collected a certain amount of water. Tip the collector then; track tippings per hour/ day/ etc.

Hi All,

Ok, I have made up my mind I am going to go with the servo motor for the tipping of the rain container.

For the rain level I am going to try two methods -

  1. WATER / LIQUID SENSOR MODULE - I think this can be submerged in water?
    As it is only 40mm, instead of taking a measurement every 24 hours I will
    be taking a measure every hour and then totaling to get the rain fall for the 24 hour period.

  2. Capacitive liquid level sensor - Will build and test both methods in the water and non contact
    Will be doing the measuring once in 24 hour period.

This is going to be pretty chalanging as I am a real beginner to Arduino and coding.
Will have to do a lot of stealing of sketches and code, then getting the forum to steer me in the right direction. :slight_smile:

Stay tuned

I checked on the net and that price seems to good to be true as the unit
is selling for 25 pounds ?


Online price is 4.99.

In the shop i was quoted 9.99 so i do not know.

They will ship abroad only to BFPO addresses.

I don't think that any National Weather service is using these little units... but for hobbyist fun, they are MORE than adequate. And anyway, always to EVERYTHING (outdoors) connected with weather sensing in a very maintainable way. Only two wires run to the sensor. And it will be the same if you replace it. Make it easy to change the sensor at the top of the pole if you decide to go for a "better" one... be it five days, weeks or months from now. In the meantime, you can start building the rest of your system... if you can find a US supplier! (Or the factory in China). The devices are NOT hard to mass produce. It is just the "one off" that is hard to make. A fancy one has better bearings... more consistent relationship between wind and readings... and stronger arms. (Birds sometimes land on the "windmill".) Sigh. But for $8, if a fat crow wrecks it, it's not the end of the world, is it?

For US source, I don't know if you saw the "ask them nicely" part at...

They'd be no trouble or expense to ship from the UK... very light. You must know someone? Try Facebook!... Or some of the small UK distributors... Hobbyboards.co.uk comes to mind as one that might help, if you ordered some of their Good Stuff.

Another no-moving-parts "is the water THIS high yet" sensor which MIGHT suit is the sort used in some inkjet tanks... it relys on clever use of the way refractive indices depend on the materials at the interface. Littl prism inside tank reflects an LED beam back to a sensor when awash with ink, doesn't when not (or vice versa).



TWO relevant diagrams there.

This may not work but I thought that I would post it anyway.
It's a simple idea that could be used for many things.

Just look up "Bottoms Up Beer Cup" on google.

For some reason I cannot make this post if I have an image attached.