Hello. I'm planning on buying 2 NRF24L01+ modules for a diy RC project.
I'm planning on getting the NRF24L01+PA+LNA (Antenna) version as the transmitter, since it has ~1000m range, and the non antenna version as the receiver.
Will the non antenna module as receiver affect the range of the operation? I saw that it has ~100m of range. I'm not sure if the PA+LNA version as receiver will help increase the range or no.
Hola que tal, yo tengo varios mandos a distancia con el nrf24l01, en el emisor se lo pongo con antena y en el receptor sin ella a al revés según el espacio en las cajas donde lo monte, estos mandos los utilizo dentro de casa, lo que no me funciona es si utilizo los dos sin antena, también tengo hecha una prueba con antena en los dos y en una distancia de 500 metros me funciona bien. Sin mas un saludo.
Before you get too far into your project, you need to confirm your communication capability. What happens if a message is missed? How will you know that happens? Do you need the receiver to acknowledge the receipt of a message? What happens if the receipt message is not received?
Are their any obstructions in your path? Are there any metallic things in the vicinity of the NRF devices that will effect the distance of the communication?
My understanding is NO. Check the Stanley Seow website. He actually has the experience using them over 1km in downtown KL. That said, the antenna version is only a few dollars more!
There are a LOT of clone devices out there so beware.
Most of the time I have absolutely no problem with many of the clones, EXCEPT, when it comes to the NRF24 range.
The range of clones can be no more than a few metres.
So the question comes, how does one know which is which.
Most times you don't, well that is if you buy from some of the many elcheapos....and as you quote $1.50 extra, I'd say you are right in the middle of the dodgy bunch.
Most say to buy from a known reputable dealer and I have found this as well, depending on your country as to a list of those.