Could I get instructions on how to build an Arduino RC transmitter controller but one that can connect to a transmitter module like the ones with different protocols which are attached to commercial transmitter controllers.
Like the one in the video
I've tried to get in touch with the user but of course getting in touch on YouTube is pretty unreliable.
There are plenty of instructional videos on how to make Arduino RC transmitters, but not with an option for accommodating modules.
I am not exactly sure how to make one, but I think that you might need some sort of module that would enable connection, and usage of a drone along with some sensors to control a drone mapping system. You would also need a powerful IR emitter and receiver.
That's crazy, I did too Google. Nonetheless thank you for your effort.
Also I'm a complete beginner... As in, even I have no idea how to connect this to which pins on the Arduino.
But I want to learn, start somewhere
But then I can do any tinkering/project unless I get the instructions/tutorials, help etc. I can do this transmitter project ... Given I have the instructions. Also the help as you had kindly provided earlier
Well, the instructions for other projects are thousands of times more accessible, so I think that would be a more practical place to start. If nothing else, you would gain experience that would help you with this project.
I recommend Starting with some basic circuits like Programing LED's, then learning RGB's. Maybe a photoresistor, a 7-Segment LED or a Temperature sensor. If you would like, then I can send you some circuit diagrams. I am only saying this, because then it will be easier for you to work on a drone like that, but then is your choice.
Thank you, that would be great too
I do need to be pointed/guided to the whichever direction, considering my level in tinkering.
But at the same time with this drone project/attempt, I would like to be pointed to instructions which I can simply replicate. I believe that it may take a considerable amount of time and level of difficulty for me untill I figure out for myself.
Well that page you linked is a place to start, and so would be several many other pages going over the same territory.
So I'm with the others advising you to slow your roll if you aren't at a place in your journey where such a page is what and all you need to proceed apace.
If you must, try really looking at that code, and some others that do the same thing perhaps a bit differently, and use your best common sense to try to understand.
Messing with this stuff on a cut-and-paste basis will be a waste of time at best and is potentially dangerous.
I have been using Arduino for years to the point that I can make some simple led or transistor modules off the top of my head. If you are going to do this, then do it by all means. But if it means that you wont be able to comprehend how you did it, the it is basically all in vain. If you would like some simple circuit diagrams, please contact me. I think that most of us here with lots of experience are saying that you shouldn't do this's not to wear you down, but to help you in the long term. We can make it for you, and code it for you, but there is no fun in that. The fun comes when you solve mysteries, and complete it yourself, and it is okay if you need help along the way: that is what the forums are for. But my point is that you can ask questions in the forums, but not a how to sort of thing where others do everything for you. Again, you can do it if you want, but there are lots of reasons behind what me and some others are saying. there are some Arduino starter kits for about 20 bucks that you can buy for some basic sensors and an Arduino Uno which is the easiest to start with.