Read ECU Using Ardunio Via OBD2


I'm currently working on an automotive project the goals is quite simple,

Reading information like RPM, Coolant Temp and etc from the ECU/ECM.
many people has done that using OBD2 Bluetooth , but few of them do that on a motorcycle.

im planning to do that on ardunio by using OBD2 and the using this library

Problem one:

/--------The case------/

So i have a problem with not knowing if my bike supports the OBD2 protocol or not.

I've searched on the internet but had no luck, but i did find some information that the next-gen of my bike does support OBD2 protocol so that still a chance for me

Okay lets say my bike does support OBD2, since it does not have obd2 port, i have to look for the converter, its looks like this :

This obd2 converter is not specific for my bike type, but the port to the ecu is very identical with bike of mine

and also i find some locals doing hacks by directly connecting obd2 to ECU communication port, its looks like this :
( again this hack not specific for my bike)

The OBD2 im about to use is ELM327 heres the detail about the pin

/--------end of case -----/

The question:

So if my bike does support obd2 i don't know which data pin i should connect to OBD2 pin, anyone can guide me with this? i think i have to know on what protocol is the ecu using right? something like CAN BUS or something?

The second problem

let's say my bike does not support obd2 at all, is there any way to retrieve information from the ECU? since the bike itself has DLC cable for diagnostic purposes

edit : about the bike

this bike is 1 base with R15 V2

Note: no i haven't do any practice yet, i don't want to waste any time and money since im still not sure what my plan is

That makes two of us, I do not want to burn time without all the details for a pseudo bike. Some of what you want is possibly OEM specific. Who is responsible if a communication fault cause the bike to fail? Start by reading the ISO specifications, they are the bible for most.

Right, but still have no idea the correct key to search that,

Like Yamaha Xabre Ecu specification would not work right ? If theres any I'm not sure it will provide the detail like about communication protocol for diagnostic bike.

I have spare ECU for backup, so if something happened and make the bike fail, i just use the backup, and reset the failed ecu

EBay do a lot of made up interface leads to standard OBD2.

Think I’d have a search first to see what PIDs are available for your bike . You can also google info for your “ECU” from its part number. - Just having a probe about might not be so good .

Note that your ECU may well already have a tacho out signal

I just found that my bike possibly doesn't support obd 2 instead it's using obd 1, now I'm little bit confused , what's the difference between these two, why is OBD2 scanner won't work on obd1

Sure it is, related to this post i made before

About reading rpm from ECU pulse

But it takes more work, and i also want to receive other information than RPM

Google should be able to give you that info - I’ve no idea

For example

It has been a while but try reading these ISO standards, ISO 9141: Road vehicles – Diagnostic systems . ISO 11898: Road vehicles – Controller area network (CAN), ISO 14230:

What is the difference between OBD1 and OBD2? OBD1 is typically connected to the console, so that the port can be diagnosed and data can be read. However OBD2 is remotely used to diagnose ports making it easier to diagnose a problem remotely.

Thanks, i definitely will try that

If you can find the service manual and wiring diagram for your motorcycle, that might tell you what each of the pins of the diagnostic connector do.

I use a Freematic ODBCII interface module to talk to my 2021 car.

I think their ODBC modules should read ODBC1. You can ask them.

You could see if Sparkfuns OCBCII is backwards compatible,

It's more than likely that your bike has a CAN connection. The bike to OBD2 cables just pick up power, GND, CAN hi, and CAN low.

@an3728 Did it work Man?

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