I am trying to use an Arduino to read a wireless Wii Nunchuck.
I have already used the code at the top of this page....
(As this is my first post I am not allowed embed links so Google “read wireless nunchuck into arduino” and it is the first hit)
..... to read a WIRED Nunchuck, which I am using as a hand-controller for my self-balancing skateboard.
(again, Google “one wheeled self balancing skateboard project” and I am the second hit)
Clearly it would be excellent if I could make this wireless.
Some have used a pair of Arduinos with Xbee transmitters to create the wireless link. This seems clumsy when there is at least one person out there who has interfaced the receiver of a wireless Nunchuck to the Arduino directly.
I have been using the code version of Michael Dreher (see his code halfway down the first webpage I mentioned above) with a wireless Nunchuck and Arduino17 with ATMega328 based board. He seems to be only person on net who has made this work.
When I power up the board I get one set of good readings and then everything stops. If I move the chuck and reset the Arduino board I get another set of different and believable data then it stops again after one line of data.
This is very frustrating as obviously this is very nearly working. I know others have described this problem, has anyone ever figured out how to fix it?
I have even bought a Blazepro wireless Nunchuck from Hong Kong as this was the exact model Michael Dreher got to work (there are several manufacturers – none are made by Nintendo). This has exactly the same problem, one data set in serial view window then it stops. Incidentally it works like this whether you set TWI speed to 100K, 200K or the recommended 400K. I note that MD was using an older Arduino board and older version of software.
Can anyone help?
I would have thought a cheap stylish ergonomic short range wireless hand controller like this would be so great for many Arduino projects apart from mine.