Reading Nano IoT 33 sensor(s) sketch

Hello, I think this question is appropriate for this forum although it is very basic.

Can someone provide a simple sketch so that I can understand the use of the 6-axis sensors on the Nano IoT 33 Arduino PCB. I know how to print this data to the IDE monitor (Serial.print...).

Thank you very much.


The sensor on the Arduino Nano 33 IoT is called LSM6DS3. There is a library called Arduino_LSM6DS3 which you can install from the Library Manager (Tools -> Manage Libraries).

Once you installed the library go to File -> Examples -> Arduino_LSM6DS3 -> SimpleAccelerometer.

You might need to restart the Arduino IDE once you installed the library to make sure the examples are loaded into the menu.

Please check the pictures to install the Library of Arduino LSM6DS3 or you can follow the guidelines below:

  • IDE-> Sketch-> Include-> Libraries->Manage Libraries-> LSM6DS3

  • Close the IDE

  • Open the IDE again and go to File-> Examples->Arduino LSM&DS3-> Simple Accelerometer


Thanks Godmember, that worked great!