I'm working on a custom PCB design and I'm looking for the best wireless chip that could easily be implemented on a custom PCB, low power and real time. The aim is to make two arduino based PCB to communicate.
I've found things like the NRF8001 BLE chip, but I can't find any exemplar of arduino to arduino communication...
The HC-xx module looks great because of the Serial transmission, but are to big for my pcb.
A lot of factors effect suitable wireless module like TX distance, number of nodes, power usage etc but might be worth looking at http://lowpowerlab.com/moteino/ for ideas and code.
Hi Riva,
I took a look at the moteino. The RF module looks good but it is a little bit big and consume to much power. The power will be provided through a LDO by a 240mah lithium battery. The power consumption is an big factor.
By the way, I'm only looking for a range between 10-50m.
There will be only two nodes. But if the design works with 4 nodes in real time it would be fun. The payload should be quite small. I will need to send 4bytes.
I will do some experiment on IR transmission. But I fear the range won't be great.
Once again, one very important factor is the footprint of the whole wireless circuit, because the pcb form factor is already decided... And quite small..
I took a look at the moteino. The RF module looks good but it is a little bit big and consume to much power. The power will be provided through a LDO by a 240mah lithium battery. The power consumption is an big factor.
By the way, I'm only looking for a range between 10-50m.
There will be only two nodes. But if the design works with 4 nodes in real time it would be fun. The payload should be quite small. I will need to send 4bytes.
I cannot think of an off the shelf transceiver module smaller than the RFM12B used in the moteino.
Bluetooth might do the range you require but probably only line of sight and you can only pair to one other device at a time.also all the BT modules I have seen are twice the size of the RFM12B.