Does anyone can recognize the attached picture of a motor ?
Is this type of motor can be controlled and power directly from arduino without the need of external power supply and the use of MOSFET?
Does anyone can recognize the attached picture of a motor ?
Is this type of motor can be controlled and power directly from arduino without the need of external power supply and the use of MOSFET?
I would not risk powering any servo directly from the Arduino and you do not need a MOSFET in order to power it externally
What was it connected to?
From the leads and the output fitting it looks like a servo, and it is not advisable to power it off the Arduino 5V regulator.
They need a separate 5V supply.
So I just need to connect the +5V of the external power supply to the +Vcc terminal of the motor, the GND of the external power supply to the GND of the motor and to the GND of the arduino and the control pin of the motor I can connect directly to a PWM output of the arduino?
Yes. As long as the servo is okay with 5V. You may find that it can do better with a little more.
If you mean an Arduino PWM capable pin, then no, you can use any digital pin if you use the Servo library.
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