Hi, I've just started my first major project today. The design uses a Uno Rev 3 connected to a L298N (DC Motor driver) .
I loosely connected everything where the L298N driver provides 5V power to the Uno and it works.
To save space I would like to use either a nano 33 BLE, nano 33 IoT or any which uses 3.3V and power it seperately, this means I dont rely on the L298N for power and hopefully I can change the code (via the IDE) using either a micro-USB or better still wifi or bluetooth
I have 3 questions, can the nano be powered by a 3.7 V lipo and will I still be able to use the L298N, can the IDE connect to the Arduino via wifi or bluetooth?
I appreciate any help or advice you can give
You can power nano 33 ble vin pin at 5V from driver (if it worked with Uno).
You can't power 3.3V boards with 3.7V lipo. But with two of them in series you can power vin pin of nano 33 ble.
Only battery (in practice) you can use to power 3.3V directly is Lifepo4 3.2V cell.
Hi kmin,
Thank you for your response. This is all confusing for me as I've read that because the L289N is used to power motors, it's 5v will not always be clean, so it can affect the nano
Forgive my confusion - the L298N is not a power supply.
No, but those driver boards often have LM7805 to get 5V out.
You were using it with Uno, it's not different with nano. Anyway, I wouldn't use that as my power source simply because there are better options.
If you explain what is your setup and your goal, it's easier to suggest something.
The project uses the DFRObot Devastator Tank Mobile Chassis with Metal DC Gear Motors.
The LM298N is used to drive the motors and provide power to the Uno Rev 3.
I would really like to use a nano 33 BLE or a nano 33 Iot instead as the Uno Rev 3 takes up more space in the chassis.
Further reasearch suggest pololu, eventually I intend to add Bluetooth
If I continue using the UNo Rev 3 I will need a seperate HM-10 for bluetooth, where if I use the nano I can get one with bluetooth buillt in
I am happy for you to suggest alternative
Use the Uno and the HM-10
To save space use a Classic Nano.
Only thing I really needed to know is still missing...
How is everything powered?
I will use 6 x AA rechargable batteries
Thanks for the suggestion, so I can get a better understanding why do you recommend these?
AA is a size. 1.2V NiMh?
The L298 will not work with 3.3V logic signals, so you will need voltage translators.
You can power both the Classic Nano and the L298 with the 9V.
If you use 6x1.2V NiMh batteries, you have nominal voltage of 7.2V. When completely recharged around 8.4V and when discharged around 6.6V
I recommend classic Nano as well, powered from batteries to Vin pin. (not from motor driver 5V output)
OK Guys,
Just so I understand I will use 6 x AA NiMH batteries, this will supply powe to the LM298N.
Then I use the 5V out from the LN298N to supply 5V to the nano.
For my bluetooth I use the HM-10, is that correct?
Wrong, read my post 14
Sorry, yes I had to read it again, so the batteries will supply power to the nano and to the LM289N at the same time, is that correct?
Thank you both very much
See post #13
Use 6AA not 6 NiMH
You can power the HM-10