Hi all,
I purchased a DC-DC step down (buck) converter using the LM2596S 150 kHz IC.
I studied the application note as per suggested by ti datasheet:
R2 which is the top resistor for a feedback voltage:
Vout = Vref *(1 + R2/R1)
Soldered on the circuit, R2 is a potentiometer range from 0 up to about 10 kOhm which is the blue colour squarish plastic thing with a brass knob part number is Bornus 3296.
It looks like a very simple pot with terminal B - wiper and terminal A, hence 3 pin outputs
I de-soldered the pot and trying to replace it with a MCP41050 digital pot and Arduino Mega2560, so that I can digitally control the output voltage without the need to mechanically alter the voltage everytime.
I figured out that only terminal B and wiper are in use on the board, and there is a connection between terminal A and wiper made on the PCB track. So I basically replicated and replace the mechanical pot with a digital one.
However, the problem is that after replacing the pot, the output of the step down converter does not change no matter whatever resistance I output from the digital pot. Later, I even add in series connected resistors to see if the output can be digitally adjusted. FAIL X.X
So wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions or help, or even want more details of my work.
Thanks for looking.