RFID Time-Clock

I admit that I haven't done an extensive search on the forums to see if somebody has posted a similar question (with subsequent answers). So if the topic is already a thread somewhere just direct me to the link -- thanks. In the event that this is a new topic read on.

The short of the idea for my project is I want to use the arduino with an RFID shield to act as the the on-site time-clock. Sure there are commercial systems out there, but I am trying to keep both cost low and customization high.

I am no programmer and new to the arduino, but I am eager to learn and we desperately need a more streamlined approach to tracking employees time.

I would like to assign each employee a four digit number that corresponds to a particular trade -- this four digit number would obviously be linked to the RFID card each person was assigned.

I would like the data to be presented in a visually/user friendly data base for archiving. Could I use pachube.com with this?

Much thanks in advance!!!

Hi Micajah;

Sounds like an interesting project. Although I haven't done anything with the arduino and RFID, I had all sorts of ideas about how to do this from an old project. (We used old computer POS hardware and touch-screen LCD's to get ours done, but it cost us $$$, even for old retired machines that were just lying around!)

I have learned that most RFID tags are read-only, and come with a pre-programmed ID on them. So, on your end, you just have to match up an ID and the assigned employee when the swipe events occur (most building security systems do this - only the most advanced actually write anything to the cards...)

What I would imagine doing is either through serial, Bluetooth, Ethernet, or Zigbee, I would have the arduino communicate the rfid ID to a computer which would then process the in/out recordkeeping in XML, a spreadsheet - to a database... whatever you need for your accounting.

Then, I would respond from the computer back to the arduino like "Joe: Clockout for , hours total" for visual display (if I had one at the rfid reader), At the very least, I would count on needing a beep or buzzer to let the user know the process was completed, and even then only after the computer records the event on its side to ensure there wasn't a communication error.

Staff tend to get nasty if they don't get paid - the buzzer or other identification probably is a must.

anyway, have fun with the project!


thanks for the input