Rgb leds bulb for nano need help

Hi there any one that can throw some tips my way I currently 3d printed a f1 wheel for sim racing got the board nano and all buttons just not sure how to do the rgb led bulb I know I got to do a lot of soldering can I daisy chain the ground If so how do I sort out the other 3 legs for the colour any help would be amazing thank you

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The simplest way to connect the RGB LED to the Nano is to wire the LED GND leg to Nano GND and each of the LED R, G and B legs to a separate pin on the Nano via a current limiting resistor for each colour. Do not be tempted to use a single current limited resistor in the GND line instead of separate resistors for each colour

Everything you want to know about RGBLEDs in your projects...

There are 2 types of RGB LEDS; Common anode, and Common cathode. Either ones may work, it is usually a matter of preference or design. Note that a Common Anode or Common Cathode type each have 4 pins. The longest pin in either configuration is the Common pin. If you look up "Common Anode RGB LED Diagram", you will see how they are ordered. You will need three pins and a common ground if using Common cathode and 3 pins and a common voltage source when using a Common anode type.

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