Thanks for all the feedback.
Just to give some addition info, I am attempting to make an "adapter" for the old Atari2600 Paddles. so I am working off of its existing DB9 pinout.
They are using 1meg pots that are wired as rheostats, so only the PWR and Wiper are connected. I do not want to have to open them and add the missing ground wire.
So on the Nano, I've added a 1meg resistor to GND at the pin for the wiper, so now it is a voltage divider and the ADC can measure the voltage.
When I use a meter and I measure the output, I am getting 2.5v - 5v, and the analogRead gives values from 512-1023 as the knob is turned.
So I cannot use a aref of 2.5v since my output will always be over 2.5v, and I can't get a full range of 0-1023 from the analogRead.
For my project, I need to divide this pot's output into 16 distinct regions, or segments, and I will do something different depending on which area the read falls into.
and I am actually looking for analogRead values between 600-1020. This means each segment of the read's output that i am testing for is only about 25 or 26 wide.
all my code is working good for all that, but the readings from the various Paddle sets that I've tested all appear to be a bit jittery, and I need to try and get more stable readings.
Currently I am doing 4 reads and taking the average, and working off of that average, and it did help a little bit, but not quite enough.
I was going to look into the various oversample codes that are floating around, or i may need to use a 12bit ADC that will give my 4x the resolution, so each of my segments will now be 100 wide and hopefully the jitters will be less.