Robocup Junior Soccer Help

I want to participate for the first time in RCJ Soccer Open League A, so, as you can imagine, i'm a newbie.
I'm having some trouble with the coding in the following:

How to know where the goal is? (Using ultrasonic sensors+compass)

Thanks everyone in advance.

Can you post what have you done until you asked us ?
Code ? circuit scheamtics ?


The rules, goals are displayed like this.

3.4 Goals The field has two goals, centered on each of the shorter sides of the playing field. The goal inner space is 60 cm width, 10 cm high and 74 mm deep, box shaped. It has a cross­bar on top (to prevent robots from entering the goal and to allow checking if the ball scored). The goal “posts” are positioned over the white line marking the limits of the field. The cross­bar is exactly over the white line. The interior walls and the cross­bar of each goal are painted, one goal yellow, the other goal blue. The exterior (including the goal post and frame) are painted black (see the field diagrams).

Tom.... :slight_smile:

soccer_2016.pdf (1.13 MB)