Run code without Arduino board

Hey everyone,
I am new to the Arduino and I looked for the question I have on the forums but it either does not exist or I do not know exactly how to search for it. My question is this:

Can I run an arduino program on a "internet" board so that I can see what kind of output I am getting? I do not own a board right now but I would like to see the output.

Any input is appreciated.


You can make an arduino from a few compoents so you're not using a real one. Google "standalone arduino", there are mnay options. You can connect an arduino to the internet with an ethernet shield, or you can buy various wireless versions of the arduino. It depends exactly what you're after doing, your post is far from clear.

I have an internet visible arduino, using a duemilanove with a standard etherenet shield you can atke a look at it :

I think you are looking for a virtual arduino program which unfortunately does not really exist...

It has been discussed a few times before but I don't think the topic got anywhere.


What about Virtual Bread Board? I haven't tried it, but it looks pretty cool. Someone just posted a thread about it. Here's a link:

Yeah it doesn't interpret the code though which I think is what the OP wants to do.

I have to say though, it would be a spiffy program if there was one around :slight_smile:


OH hmm. Yeah it would be nice to have something like that.

I thought about attempting to write one, then realized I lack the skills to create something nearly that complex ;D!

Yeah well it would be complex!


Thanks for all the input guys! Yes I was looking for a virtual Arduino. I will have to just buy one or check out the pseudo-Arduino. Thanks Again.


I have no idea how good this is, but there is an Open Source AVR simulator at

I keep meaning to have a look at it, but time ... :frowning:

It caims to have a Python & TCL interfaces, so, if someone wants to build a virtual Arduino ... :slight_smile:


Hmm... I might take a look but I think it will be way out of my reach


I know I haven't got anywhere near enough time to look at it, but maybe a few folks could have a dig around, help each other and collaborate on a few threads (or maybe google wave)?

If nothing else, it might attract some "bright-eyed, bushy-tailed" "coding guerilla" (do guerilla's have tails?) who will 'just make it work' :wink:


(My theory: write an idea on a place google searches frequently, and they will direct folks who can solve related problems to the idea in search results. Soon the idea is reality!
Just look at the ad campaign I thought of Windows 7 ... that had to happen somehow ;))