Save As not working as expected

rc6 and previous rc's. I have noticed that Save As does not function like version 1.8 does. I ran the following test:
Preferences set Autosave Off

Make a comment line like //Rev Orig
Save As Test sketch Rev Orig (enter the name overwriting the suggested name). Location says 'Arduino'.
File is saved
Comment line is lost.

Type in another comment line: //Rev 1
Save as Test sketch Rev 1
Sketch on screen still shows original with no comment line

File: Open recent
Select Test sketch Original
Sketch shows no comment line

File Open recent
Select Test sketch rev 1
Sketch opens and shows no comment line.

If I set Autosave to Yes, the above process works but I don't get to keep an unchanged sketch to revert back to.

Question: Is this a bug waiting to be fixed, or am I supposed to set Autosave to on and do a save as prior to making any changes?

Ensure FILE >> PREFERENCES knows where your sketchbook is, and that you are opening/saving to that sketchbook.

Hi @BenWeinberg. Thanks for giving the Arduino IDE 2.0.0 release candidate a try!


No. It has already been fixed:

That fix was made after the Arduino IDE 2.0.0-rc6 release you are using so you should use the nightly build of the Arduino IDE instead. The download links are listed here:

Downloaded nightly build and tested. Works as it should!
Thank you

I'm glad to hear the save as is working for you now.

Regards, Per

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