Saving ArduCAM OV562 photos to the computer instead of SD card

I recently came into possession of an ArduCAM OV562 and wanted to use it to capture photos using an Arduino Uno and send these photos via serial to the desktop to display and save. After spending several hours searching the internet to see if the solution was already implemented, I give up and attempted to create my own because I wasn't satisfied with the information I found.
I would therefore like to use this forum to share my results. I modified one of the ArduCAM examples and had is streaming raw jpeg bytes via serial to the desktop computer. On the computer I created a processing sketch which captures the data stream, save it then displays it. The sketch also allows the user to change the picture resolution and provides for stop motion capture as well. I hope someone finds it useful. The github repo link to the example code: GitHub - Vernel/ArduCAM_OV562: Allows you to send photos from ArduCAM OV562 connected to an Arduino to a Processing Sketch on your desktop via serial.

I tried this and the code for the processing doesn't show any images. Any thoughts on it?

Ok. Did you use Processing on Windows, linux or Mac? Each operating system have different naming schemes for their serial ports. Therefore you need to check that the serial port in code matches the serial port your arduino is connected to.

Line 20 - 22 in the processing sketch provided:

  // Change the 0 to the appropriate number of the serial port
  // that your microcontroller is attached to.
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 250000);

Are you able to access the pictures you have taken in the processing sketch data folder?
Location: ArduCAM_OV562_Capture_Test/data/capture/"capture#"+picNum+"_"+day()+month()+year()+".jpg"