Hey! Was wondering if i could get any schematic feedback:
Uses the atsamd21g18A, mpu9150, bmp280 and a USBC adapter for data transfer. SWD as well.
Do let me know if anything is incorrectly wired.
Hey! Was wondering if i could get any schematic feedback:
Uses the atsamd21g18A, mpu9150, bmp280 and a USBC adapter for data transfer. SWD as well.
Do let me know if anything is incorrectly wired.
Perhaps - if you posted links to the parts, and told us what it is supposed to do.
Other than that - its nicely laid out.
Your leds seem to be quite bright. The reset circuit looks rather heavy weight. Also, you don't appear to be using many MCU pins so maybe something smaller would suffice.
Otherwise, from what I can see at a quick glance it is OK.
Will be adding servo control and pyro channels later, these are just blocked for now. How would i go about adding servos for this? Connect positive to 5v and gnd to GND and then the pwm channel directly to one of the pins?
Its a rocket flight computer, thus the sensors. Will add servo channels and pyrochannels later, just wanted to how itd work now
Datasheets are for th MPU9150, atsamd21g18A, bmp280, standard SWD, ESD protection on the USB. Anything you can point out with this?
yes - you still havent posted links
And the USBC:
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